Wife wants to be hornier

Seems so. I haven’t run it myself; but it’s not like a sleeping pill. It doesn’t ‘knock you out’. It optimizes the sleep quality when you do go to sleep.

The biggest change now is that you only need to play a title ONCE. And they’re only 15 minutes long.

Yes. You read that correctly.

Playing Emperor for several hours every day has now become playing Emperor for 15 minutes, every other day.

It takes some getting used to. And you’ve got to make sure to read the instructions.


Holy…15 minutes??



And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

They actually work more effectively now too.

You basically took the ideal amount of time away.

Since you left, the products went through about 2.5 iterations. And they’ve stabilized here.

They work faster, better, more smoothly, with less recon. It’s frankly weird. But give yourself some time to get familiar with it.

As @Lion said, you already have free access to the upgraded versions of the programs you bought in the past. So just figure out which ones you want to run. Then go for it.

But, as @Geoff said, it’s way more important now to not over-expose because the programs are so potent. That’s why there’s a limit of 3 programs to your stack during a given period of time. It’s not a problem because they work so efficiently.


3 per stack, meaning listen to 1-2-3 (45 minutes) and you’re done?

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There’s actually a standard listening schedule.

There are a couple of different variations. But generally, you’ll play Titles 1 and 2 (30 minutes) on say, Monday. Then you’ll play Title 3 (15 minutes) on Wednesday. Friday back to Titles 1 and 2 again. And so on.


Here’s one place to start:

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So, which 3 should I start with in your recommendation?

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In addition to what @Malkuth said, here’s a link to the Zero Point Listening Instructions. The Support Hub website also answers a lot of questions so make sure to read through it. Will help you understand things and you won’t need to ask as many questions on the forum:

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I’d start with Paragon (for health and healing for you and wife), Ascended Mogul (for getting working, career, and overall confidence and money to a good place), and Lineage for raising your beautiful family. (Big congratulations by the way.)

[Those are just my opinions, based on the situation you’ve described.

There are a lot of other goodies. But it’s good to stabilize and improve the foundations first (in my opinion).]


My wife has been on a Seductress, Libertine custom since the beginning of the year. Her sex drive is off the charts and her responsiveness even more so. It’s amazing.


Right. That’s another thing. The options for custom subliminals have kind of exploded onto a new level.

There are two stores: The standard program store and then there’s the Q-store where you can handpick your own modules (in line with your vision, needs, and goals) and create your own custom programs.

I’d say, maybe go for a custom a bit later. They’re more expensive, and once you’ve been running either AM, Emperor, or RICH you’ll likely have more money to spend on one. It also takes more time to work out the exact custom that you want right now. In contrast, the standard programs are ready to roll.

one other thing:
Although I recommend Ascended Mogul; if you’re truly desperate for money immediately, I find that R.I.C.H. has a good track record (with me) for rapid manifestation. It’s more of a ‘give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day’ kind of program, I think. Ascended Mogul and Emperor are more on the ‘teach him how to fish and he’ll eat forever’ side of things.

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I have not read every single post in response to your question. However you might want to encourage your lady to hit the gym as an intense workout will help up her libido.

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Sex mastery and diamond will do it for sure


(post deleted by author)

Man you are adults now, you are parents so yeah the first year is going to be difficult.

I guess you are from a western country to have such high pressure and/or expectation on yourself to be able to perform 100% while having twins plus a 2 yo kid with no job and zero support.

Obviously you must have massive reconciliation running 5 subs with the kids, the wife, the no job situation. Maybe you could reassess and just go for for these 3 :

  • Ascension to ground yourself and just that
  • the new Lineage subliminal for being the best for your wife AND kids
  • something easy such Mogul to slowly get back on your feet job wise.

Try this for 3 month and reassess.

And final point You could bring reinsurance to your wife that it is ok for her to be a mother like a few month after she got twins. That she is a great mother and that you love her and support her. Do you know about post post natal depression also called post partum?

Good luck man :slight_smile:



This is your official warning. If I see you post something like that again, it’ll be a ban. Our Forum Ambassadors are volunteers who are here to help – respect them as you’d respect us, or you’ll have to leave.


Y’all make this way too complicated.

His wife wants to be hornier, so this:

Is what she needs. Both of you should listen to those.

Also, sorry but reading this:

Is clearly coming from guys who are not married or have kids. No offense here, but this makes no sense.

He clearly said they are super stressed, dont even find the time to deal with the kids and everything and your guys solution is “hit the gym” which is at least 1-2 hours extra???

Be careful with applying the “Red Pill solutions” as a broad stroke on everything. In this case, it’ll make it all worse if you read the Rational Male. Trust me, I’ve been there. TRP is for hookups. It does NOT work in monogamy. Period.

Again, no offense to you guys, if it works for you, be my guest, but in this case, think a bit about the scenario the man is in.
I’ve seen many wives that said (especially after pregnancy and a kid constantly on their boobs) they don’t feel sexy or horny but they WANT to WANT their husbands. They might even be anxious because of losing attraction to him or him losing attraction to her. So Diamond and/or Sex Mastery is really all you need. Remove the anxieties around sex and just go with it.


I have 3 daughters and my opinion is legitimate since I was in the same situation.
And yes training will clearly make a difference, for kids there is always a family member to take care of them and take the load off the parents from time to time.
And a pregnant woman and even afterwards still wants sex even if she has gained 20kg and there will always be a guy interested no matter what.
I’ve been with my wife for 11 years now and it’s going great, just the fact that she knows I have options makes her more eager to keep me.


@AlexanderGraves, @WolfGhost and others have given valid points. Lets apply all of them.

For example:

  • Run Sex Mastery + DIAMOND
  • Go to the gym
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My bad for not knowing about your kids.
Didn’t mean to judge you, just wanted to help the OP not make a potential mistake because I’ve seen it a lot in my practice, yet, I was judging, so sorry.

Either way my point still stands about the subs and TRP in general.

All the best to you :ok_hand::ok_hand: Glad it works out.