Why Emperor makes us "Anti Social"

Whilst on emperor i was a powerful speaker I use to present to hundreds of people then later i would join them for drinks. They would crowd around me like i was some celeb it was sick :slight_smile:


I ran Wanted + Emperor for a month and I felt more compelled to go out, specifically to put myself in places like bars or restaurants where I could meet women. I felt open to engaging and completely comfortable around groups of people even though I was alone.

I’m on my 7th week of running Emperor now (without Wanted) and the major difference is my increasing focus on the things that will help me realize my goals. One of them is strengthening my relationships, so I’ve dedicated some time to that. The other is building my business, so a lot of time is spent there.

It’ll make you “feel it” if you’re slacking too hard in my experience so far.

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