Which sub for social anxiety?

I have severe social anxiety bordering on agoraphobia. Which sub to beat it and just not give a shit what anyone thinks of me.
I am female so nothing with masculine scripting.
Thank you


True Social will be the obvious choice.

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Thought that was for making friends?
I need something to just be fearless and confident when in public.


Some of the objectives of True Social:

  • Lessen your anxiety and worry, allow yourself to truly shine.
  • Become completely present and comfortable in the moment.
  • Feel good and have fun (even by yourself) in all social situations, be the star of the show wherever you go.
  • Remove the stress of social interaction and let go.
  • Be enchantingly charismatic and develop your own brand of charisma

I know how you feel. True social is what you need. Ascension for women might also interest you.

You could also use limit destroyer or elixir with true social to help you heal emotionally.

If you’re really keen on destroying your social anxiety, then Regeneration or DR would likely do the trick.


Gonna look into true social.
Thank you both


If I was nervous about talking with others, here are the one’s I would consider if I was a woman:

Ascension for Women
True Social
Perhaps even Love Bomb, or Love Bomb for Humanity


Oh man I know this struggle well, especially the borderline agoraphobia.

For what it’s worth I’m not sure if True Social would agree with you if it’s that severe. I could be wrong. But some of the objectives seem to put you in the spotlight, which depending on where that anxiety comes from could be very conflicting.

I think Love Bomb or Love Bomb for Humanity is a a good one. If you’d be willing to share your struggles more in depth that might give a better idea of how to approach it. Severe social anxiety is in my experience very often a symptom of a much larger spider web and it varies A LOT per individual.


Ascension helped me with social anxiety, which is now completely gone


From a description of Limit Destroyer

you can use it to destroy wealth limits, sexual hangups, social problems (such as anxiety), any area that you feel you are limiting yourself or are being limited by others.


Just buy true social its enough. Do not fall into trap of buying multiple products just buy the one for now and see how it goes.


Thanks for all the suggestions.

I’ve been running LBFH for several months now, it hasn’t had any impact on this particular issue thus far.

I would describe my anxiety as feeling fearful. I’m scared people are looking at me, thinking things about me, and wishing I wasn’t there.

I explained it a bit in my journal, I believe it comes from generational trauma. Both sets of grandparents are Eastern European Jews. They are holocaust survivors and I think I carry a lot of that with me.

I just want to be fearless and know I have the right to take up space In the world regardless of my religion or what I look like.


Ascended Mogul is the sub that completely erased my lifelong (social) anxiety. And I wasn’t even running it for that!


I’ve struggled with the same issue. Beyond subs, it’s important to question these thoughts, beliefs and feelings. When these come up, remind yourself, “Why would people be staring at me? And if they are, maybe they find me attractive? “I’m not doing anything wrong; I’m not behaving strangely; I’m not making a fool of myself. So why would anyone laugh at me or judge me negatively?

Doing this over and over again will help you tremendously.

Also, remind yourself of positive things people have said about you. I would even go as far as writing down all the positive compliments you’ve gotten and read them when you feel this way.

Over time, you will notice massive improvements in your social anxiety. And you will start to realize that no one is judging you. Everyone is focused on themselves. So if someone looks at you weirdly, instead of getting insecure, think, “Maybe he recognizes me from somewhere” I was standing in front of the window, the sun was probably in his eyes. Maybe he thinks I’m attractive.

Tell yourself positive narratives. You already tell yourself narratives that are negative and that don’t serve you. So you may as well tell yourself positive ones. Are both delusional? Maybe, but the way you’re thinking that everyone is judging you, and that they’re out to get you… that is delusional and it’s damaging to your psyche. Be your own biggest fan, tell yourself the things you want to hear. Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, you can’t read other people’s thoughts; so tell yourself positive things.

Also, even if someone is being negative towards you. Hate only comes from below. So say some ugly, broke, incel, was making fun of me and laughing at me behind my back. I simply wouldn’t care. He’s a nobody, a loser, so who cares what he thinks?

And if I never knew him, and I saw him at the gym. Dressed like trash, smelling bad, acting weird. I’d look for half a second and then resume living my life as if he never existed. I wouldn’t start focusing on him and secretly judging him… that would be weird. My life is great, why would I purposely lower my vibration by focusing on him? Happy and successful people don’t hate on others, they’re too focused on themselves.

So hopefully this will help you as it did for me.

Cheers :clinking_glasses:


For people who struggle with shyness or issues like that. I always recommend joining a dance class or a martial arts class. Join a dance class for one year, don’t quit, don’t skip lessons. Yes, it will be nerve wracking but that is the goal. At some point you will have no other options than feeling confident and comfortable when you’re in public and people are watching.
Join a dance class for a year and run True Social + Regeneration. I’ll be highly surprised if your social anxiety survives that.


That actually sounds fun, I might just do that :joy:

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And most of the time this stuff is made up scenes in our heads anyway. Also for anyone who has seen someone laughing at them , i can almost guarantee you they dont have much going on in their lives in terms of happiness or success and they feel the need to try to project negativity on others. I guarantee you no successful, well off, happy person would take the time out of their day to even care to judge, or laugh at you, so when you understand that the people doing this are very small ants anyway


This is key and something i always do when im in deep recon !


That sounds heavily centered around internal survival/self preservation behavior. That’s a very specific cause you feel you can pinpoint so Elixir might be good for focusing in on that. I’ll have to catch up on your journal to get a better feel. If LBFH hasn’t hit his yet, part of your subconscious might not want to let it go.

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try your best to see where the anxiety stems from as well if possible. Maybe a childhood trauma or bad social life in school that carried into adulthood ? Physical features that your insecure about? ETC , then build a sub or stack around resolving the issue that way

my issue and what i uncovered running dragon was that my issues stemmed from a horrible social life in middle school and high school back when i had low self worth. So despite financial success , fitness etc those bits from my childhood were holding me back from being social etc

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