Which stack should I go for?

I was thinking something lighter like Genesis Mogul

SB is heavy duty af

But if the objectives for it speak to you, then yeah maybe that’s the move.

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Maybe consider running only 2 titles first to get faster results?
Primal got break all chains type of healing & Heartsong has past romance traumas healing. So you will have alot to process already.
Once your intuition tells you it’s ok to add more than consider adding more.
Primal Nights could be your easy third since than if you have some action :grin:


I think this is a good plan since Primal Nights is primarily for the act of sex itself, so better to save it for when you actually get a girl. Also reading your goals again, I think Khan might help with all of that as well, just something to consider.


@Prioritas Primal + Heartsong + Sanguine it is.

Read the entirety of Sanguine script, yeah, sounds like it would have terrific synergy honestly!

Primal nights will come in play whenever I actually have sex, with tiny microloops beforehand. Thanks!!

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Glad I could help brother

If you start a journal, tag me in the first post so I can follow along :pray:

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primal x hs x sanguine would work great for finding “the one” while also having so much fun along the way


WOW!!! you guys already decided :slight_smile: I’m happy for you all!


I may start one. Maybe.

Yesterday ran 3 miniloops, one of each, 5 minutes, today I’m feeling pretty good :slight_smile: even though I only had about 5 hours of sleep, pretty rare for me!

Would cut down to 3 minutes of each if I knew that 3 minutes included the full script. But alas.

Gonna sleep like a king when I finish my shift :slight_smile:

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Since you love nature, I would recommend Chosen: The Way of Nature.

Just one title.

It has lots of effects similar to Love Bomb and Sanguine in it. Had run it a few times and am sure you will love it.

Since you have already chosen a stack right now, you can consider Chosen: The Way of Nature when it is updated to NSE. Maybe do it solo for a while.


I’ll stick to sanguine, read both titles and I think sanguine fits more, plus I already bought it haha


Nice haha, I’ve ran stacks like that plenty of times. The FOMO of not getting as much exposure as possible :rofl:

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I was guilty of 3 subs in a day too. Sometimes the FOMO can really get to you :rofl:

Ended up doing quite a big switch to primal + stark black + wanted black… I’ll focus right now more on personal growth, in terms of personality, physical (WB has physical shifting), and ofcourse financial.

Once I’m in a more comfortable spot and have everything mainly settled I’ll switch to the “ultimate lover” stack: Love bomb, Heartsong, Primal nights.

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That’s a heavy fucking stack ahahaha

All the power to you my brother, good luck!

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Why not primal sanguine and inner circle

Because for the goal of finding a romantic life partner, Heartsong is more targeted and thus more effective than Inner Circle

Oh I was thinking in terms of rapidly manifesting as many potential partners as possible

If you want to manifest as many partners as possible as quickly as possible, go for Wanted Black.

That’s basically what the harem scripting does.

It works really well lol, or at least it did for me :slight_smile:

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Well I was responding to op😅 but that was one of my goals but using WB would be against me right now, I still gotta see about actually taking action on my current stack, and I still gotta do a beginner romance sub, at least I think I have to.

What’s your stack right now?

Wanted is a good starting point for a romance sub. It’s got everything a man could want in my opinion haha, and Fire said it’s the perfect stepping stone to Wanted Black (paraphrasing here)