Whats does your listening schedule look like?

Just want to see what see what works for other people

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Regular schedule, only with 4 subs.

1: A+B
3: C+D

Sometimes I switch it around a bit, sometimes I add a rest day.


Day 1: A+B+C
Day 2: A+B+C
Day 3: A+B+C
Day 4: A+B+C
Day 5: A+B+C

and so on. 10 mins each

Day 1: A+B

3 rest days -----

Day 5: C

3 rest days -----

// Repeat


No Rest Days in between?

For how long until a washout?

Not usually. Not lately.

A what? :wink:

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About a month ago I stopped mental control around my sub use and listen almost every day to 2-3 subs for short loops, from 30sec to 5min.

I take a rest day when it feels right, I’m aware how the sub affects me and changes the general direction of my thought/feelings processes.

Shorter loops is a completely different load than full loops and overexposure is non existent as long as the subs are sort of aligned like the heartsong series, I’m talking for myself, I’ve seen people here listening to a sub for 2sec and talking about results and overwhelm, to each their own.

I’ve been mostly running LB, LBFH, Heartsong, AHJ, Paragon and KB.

Damn so no one is following the official guidelines huh lol

Lichtenaur listening to 4 subliminals,palpatine and soulfire listening everyday

Yeah but if you think about it, in my case, with official guidelines you’d listen within 3 days to 4 loops of 15min, which is 60min exposure.

Within 3 days I never get more than 20 to 40min exposure.

I receive the equivalent of 2 full loops over 3 days.

That gives more room to play around.

Find your own sweet spot is the thing.

What works for me might not work for you and vice versa.

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Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape. William S. Burroughs

You’ll know when you got there because you’ll experienced it. You will not be needing to listen a lot but enjoy what your into. Listening too much (overexposure) means you doubt it - and likely you will be chasing your future forever.

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Billions’ MWF + an extra week

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I do 3 weeks on, 1 week off. How many loops per week changes, sometimes twice a week and sometimes once a week if full loops but never more than mwf schedule only that or less. But generally 1 cycle = 1 month including washout.


I thought the max stack was 3 subs?

I mean we’re all here to experiment, but what’s the reason for skirting the official recommendation?

On topic:
Here’s mine:

Monday: Sub A
Thursday: Sub B
Next Mondy: Sub C
Next Thursday: Sub A

Rinse Repeat.
All 7min

Unfortunately, I find 2 subs drastically more effective than 3 subs, barring that you have specific goals. If overall life enhancement/enjoyment is the goal, there is room for more. For the most part though, I’m finding sticking to two subs on a M/W/F listening schedule has been optimal. Typically 5 min loops, sometimes longer on Friday when I have more space to deal with the recon. That’s the core schedule, but will occasionally throw in a 3rd title for specific occasions; big night out, snowboarding, learning a specific skill fast, and will run a 3 min loop or shorter just as a booster.

I’ve tried a lot of different patterns but this is what seems to get me the deepest long lasting results.


Thanks for sharing this,i plan on using the 8 loops a cycle one,i wish i saw this sooner lol it looks perfect mwf

  1. Listen/
  2. Rest/
  3. Listen/
  4. Rest/
  5. Listen/
  6. Rest/
  7. Rest/
  8. Listen/
  9. Rest/
  10. Listen/
  11. Rest/
  12. Listen/
  13. Rest/
  14. Rest/
  15. Listen/
  16. Rest/
  17. Listen/
  18. Rest/
  19. Rest/
  20. Rest/
  21. Rest/
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Regular schedule, only with four.


Regular schedule with only four

It’s purely experimental. For science, so to say.

And the fourth sub, Minds Eyes in my case, I use only in microloops of 2 minutes most of the time.

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Sub#1 full + Sub#2 full

1 to 3 rest days

Sub#3 5min + Sub#4 5min + Sub#5 5min (one of these is a heavy recon title)

1 to 3 rest days

Sub#6 7.5min + Sub#7 5min

1 to 3 rest days

:repeat: REPEAT

In total, 7 Subs, combined 57.5 minutes of script input spread over 1 to 2 weeks.

(sometimes also a Sub#8, Sub#9, Sub10, 3-15min here and there added to the mix, and then also with extra rest days)

Right now mine is:
Day 1- Hero, art of happiness
Day 2- rest
Day 3- Hero, art of happiness

And goes on like this.

Right now:

Day 1: SB + GHJ
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: HoT
Day 4: Rest

And repeat until 21 days

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Never really stuck to the standard approach, always end up doing all three titles on one day, then taking more rest days.

Do you find that you notice more results in the titles that have more exposure (in this case I believe SB and GHJ end up getting more loops), or is it pretty similar across the board?