What will be your Quintessance Zero Point Stack (+ Qv2 customs if any)?

Deus Ex

  • Wanted ZP
  • Emperor ZP

I’m not going to give up on Wanted which I’ve been running since the test started because it’s healing my deepest trauma (unwated child trauma) and it helps me grow my hair back since I have a bald spot on my head I want to get rid off. Wanted has helped me deal with it to some point but I still want/need more.

I’ll be running Emperor too since I need a hard reset in almost every area of my life since it’s been devastated by all the things that stemmed from the aforementioned trauma. In short, I want to put my life right and start living “for real”. Nothing better than Emperor to do that.

  1. Alchemist ST2
  2. Sage Immortal
  3. Spartan

My physical health has not been conducive to my spiritual work, so I need Spartan to get me fit. It’ll also help with me nailing down my Qi Gong movements. The spiritual subliminals are supportive of my goals in mastering all aspects of soul travel (lucid dreaming, astral projection and others).

Once I’ve done that, I’ll go with Dragon Reborn since I have a lot of healing that I need to eventually do.


This will be something to try! There is great potential in supercharging the results!

I will also check with the way we can use the programming schedule to see if it’s possible to use some ZP subs as booster. We can run 3 titles at the time, I have my core which is Wanted ZP and my stark custom. Then I’d like to add : Sanguine, Diamond, primal seduction and mayyybe Alpha Leadership as boosters.

Could I run like Sanguine on monday, Diamond on Wednesday and, if I go out on friday, then I run primal seduction or libertine before going out?

That was I have the same volume of subliminal input in my brain each week, but there are some I only run 1 loop per week as booster!

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Heard that the ZPs most likely will be released tomorrow as Saint and Fire are preparing uploads.


Whatt?? Did I miss something?

I know Sunday night is their hard deadline to stop writing scripts, then decide what to put in the preview. I would be super escatic for it to come out tomorrow :heart_eyes: But haven’t heard a guarantee yet


@Pooter heard it from Saint. See previous thread.

Prepare for tomorow.


Nah bro, it’s just a rumor and mr Pooter didn’t say that @blackadder

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Why am I confused? :sweat_smile:

If @TheBoxingScientist says it, then it’s official!

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Tbh I hope so :grinning:


I understand the confusion. :slight_smile:

All the information so far points to Monday.

@DarkPhilosopher my old friend. Whats the latest did you get updates from the founders in your last standup ?

Chaps lets all holdfire till we get confirmation from the DarkPhilosopher…the Oracle the knower of all !!


Limitless ZP
Emperor ZP


Emperor keeps calling my name as well. Never run it before in any format. What better time to try this legendary sub than with the launch of ZP


It’s either Emperor ZP or Stark ZP once that comes out. People suck and yet I really want to somehow potentially help them so they can maybe suck less


Sounds like a job for Picard QZP

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I’m wondering how a stack of Stark’s fame & charisma combined with Picard’s inspirational leadership would look like.


Or Stark’s innovation and Picard’s leadership. That would be fascinating.


StarkQ = Tony Stark in the Iron Man movies where he leads Stark Industries.

StarkQ + Picard = Tony Stark in the Avengers movies where he leads Stark Industries and the Avengers.


@James, @GoldenTiger

Or we can say Picard is like Captain America.

And StarkQ + Picard = Iron Man + Captain America

And StarkQ + Picard + WANTED = Iron Man + Captain America + Thor (the holy trinity of the Avengers)

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