What To Use For Copywriting?

hi all,

are there any copywriters here?

I need to write/create a video sales letter

what title should i use?

obviously true sell jumps to mind right away but my understanding is that is best for face to face in person selling.

@Azriel @Vinci @Malkuth @Luther24 @Billions

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It’s not a skill you can learn overnight. But if you need to get into the right mode and flow then go for LE (Limitless Executive) for writing it. Also, for a video with you in it I would go with LBfH or T$ or both.

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I’m not trying to learn it from 0.

i have more then 10 years experience and have written VSLs before though it’s been a long time.

in recent years i ahve preferred to just outsource it and pay someone else to do it as i do not really enjoy it unless im passionate about the subject.

the subject for this is something im passionate about so i want to do it myself.

it has been years since i wrote one myself though so i do need all the help i can find.

interesting suggestion.

are you speaking from your own experience or based on others?

can you please give some details on how it would helpe?

i will not be in the video

im plannning for a simple powerpoint style VSL to start and then will make another version with video clips, etock footage, etc…

Any of the subs that boost creativity should help, imo. And Renaissance Man apparently had a good effect on Fire’s writing of the copy for Renaissance Man…


Limitless Executive: Maximize Your Learning and Productivity, Complete Any Task Subliminal

It would boost your creativity and other cognitive capacities. It will give you the drive to complete the task.

Tell us more about how you approach writing, what it feels like for you and means for you. Is it a pragmatic task, to be organized and systematically completed? Is it an intuitive, rhapsodic process? Is it less about the writing itself and more about a sense of connection to the reader?

What are your writing style and method? What is your general context around the process of writing? (e.g., Boring, traumatic, enjoyable, neutral, inspiration-fueled, etc.)

Reflecting on these will help you to make a personally-tailored choice.

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If it’s more about persuasion, I would use True Sell.

If it’s more about conveying the beauty of a vision, I might want to use Renaissance Man.

I myself have yet to play either of those two programs.

Also, I don’t tend to use subliminals for short-term pinpointed goals or tasks, so I’m not well-experienced with that sort of application.

(One of my long-term customs does include Quantum Limitless and Ultimate Writer. So, there’s that.)

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I’ve become dangerously dependent on that thing… and it’ll only get worse, as I finally got my GPT-4 API access today, so now my whole system has access.


Sorry @TheQuestion, just want to briefly share this with @BLACKICE. If it develops into a more extensive conversation, we’ll take it back to the AI thread.

Here is a prompt that I used with ChatGPT-4 yesterday:

I would like you to create a series of short monologues that would be useful for me in practicing and learning Cantonese. I can already speak Mandarin. Please create the first monologue now. It should be 10 sentences and should include very useful sentence patterns and vocabulary. The topic of the monologue can be that a master wizard and kung fu practitioner is introducing himself to a group of villagers who need help improving their lives to be healthy and happy. He can help them with his special knowledge and background. He emphasizes his own special abilities and then gives them 3 to 5 useful suggestions for being happy, healthy, and successful in life. Please provide the Chinese characters as well as Cantonese Jyutping.

The result was somewhat stilted (understandable given my relatively non-specific parameters) but it was highly useful. And now I know that I have a resource for instantaneously creating individually-tailored learning materials in essentially any language. It’s difficult to put a price-tag on this.

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Specifically copy.ai

I’ve been using that a lot, it’s insane.

Try a prompt like:
Create website copy about [product details].

Follow the following structure:

  • Hero

  • Subheader

  • Call to action

  • Tagline

  • H2

  • paragraph

  • H2

  • paragraph

  • H2

  • paragraph

  • Call to action

Even if you don’t use that copy, it gives you a great direction on structure, etc.

If you want to learn it yourself with subs:
True Sell
True Sell
True Sell


Back to the question of @TheQuestion. I’d write the copy yourself, in order to convey your own ‘soul’, excitement, and vision, and then submit that to the AI. In other words, using the AI as an assistant/collaborator, rather than a primary writer. But that’s my own preference.

Seconding this vote.

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i approach it as if im talking to one person directly.

so its basically as if i was selling them face to face but using the VSL

which i guess means true sell might actually be all i need.

not sure if this answers you properly, please let me know if you need any additional info from me before you can make a title recommendation.

i have not created a full VSL in years but i have to create shorter 1-5 min video ads a lot in recent years and i usually enjoy it and im pretty good at it. i intuitively seem to be able to create these short ads pretty easily. but again full 40+ min VSL it has been a very long time.

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are you speaking from direct experience?

have you written VSL’s that converted on paid traffic using true sell?

Yup, True Sell.

Play True Sell, and

  • Visualize that Reader, Listener, Person

  • Enjoy the process of connecting them to this resource that you believe in and that will benefit them

  • Allow yourself to remember what is so amazing about what you are describing

  • Imagine the questions that any person would have who is less familiar and less of an expert than you with regard to this resource

  • Allow yourself to enjoy anticipating, understanding, and responding to their spoken and unspoken questions

And let the magic happen

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it’s 100% about getting people to buy.

that is literally the only thing that matters.

the objective is they watch the VSL and buy the product.

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@Invictus is a member of the Subliminal Club community who is known for sharing his experiences and insights with others in the forum. He has been a member of the community for several years and has a reputation for providing helpful advice and support to other members. Invictus has shared his experiences with various Subliminal Club products, including Emperor, Ascension, and Limitless, among others. He is also known for his dedication to personal growth and development, and he often shares tips and strategies for achieving success in various areas of life.

@AlexanderGraves is a member of the Subliminal Club community, and also one of the ambassadors of the forum. He is known for his extensive knowledge and experience with subliminals, and often provides valuable insights and advice to other members of the community. AlexSQ is also known for his positive and supportive attitude, and for his willingness to help others achieve their goals.


Stark and RM…

RM moreso

Cause it made me get an intuitive sense of communication super easily

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Oh damn, didn’t know AI is so friendly towards me. Or is this generally my reputation in here?
You love to see it :smiley:

Not on paid traffic. Only organic so far.
True Sell definitely helped writing much better copy that relates better and sells better, yes.


are you speaking from direct experience?

have you used stark/RM to create video sales letters that converted profitably on paid traffic?