What To Use For Copywriting?

what do you mean by organic?

i only do paid traffic so not sure what you mean.

where exactly are the people who land on your VSL coming from?

and is the VSL profitable?

what have been the before and after improvements as far as metrics before and after true sell?

Search traffic or direct referral/word of mouth

Nah, but helped me write product description copy when I had zero clue, helped me learn editing, etc.

thanks for the details.

i do not think any of your use cases can be used as good comparison for what to expect for writing a videos sales letter.

so for now i will wait for other people to chime in before deciding if stark/RM are worth considering at all.

so far based on feedback, true sell seems like my best option.

stark is for charisma, RM for creativity, authenticity and pure communication. goes really well

good VSL is simply good charisma, confidence + strategic placements of arguments, clear communication, objection handling, call to action

not what you say, but how you say it

Organic traffic is people that come from social media or search engines to your offers.

Social media and Google.

Yes, because organic traffic costs $0, so it’s profitable as soon as you make money :smiley:

Depends on your product, tho.
I do info products, they work much better with organic traffic.
If you have a shopsystem, paid traffic is prolly the way to go.

Well… If you are using your own time to generate the traffic, it could be extremely expensive. You might be able to use your time in more productive ways.

Just saying…


Of course. Depends on what you want and what your business is.

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I’ve never used these two :rofl:

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