What to run if you have fear of women?

At the moment Khan would be long and heavy for me to execute, I would like to start from the basics and create solid ground for myself, so Primal now seems like a good choice to me after which over time I will come to run Khan because it has always been my desire to do so. I’ll get there slowly.

I’ll also read your Khan journal.


Stay away from Khan for now.

I had similar issues in the past and Emperor was the sub that cleared my fear of talking to hot women the most.

I would stack Emperor and Primal in your case.


How long did you run Emperor?

I’ll consider it.

How about running Ascension or Primal for a minimum of 21 days?


Yes, I was absolutely considering Primal as I said in the earlier posts.


Do not run anything else apart from the one sub for now as you have already decided you will use primal. After two cycles of primal if i was you only then i would then consider adding in a second product.


Listen to what Friday said. Emperor and Khan would do wonders.


Emperor and Primal sound like the immediate best solutions for you. @friday is a prophet when it comes to choosing subs.

Khan would be too high level for your current state of affairs with women. You need to eliminate the fear first before considering Khan.

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