What to do with recon pattern, what has worked for you?

If I am using minimal loops and have been trying the pattern of 1 day on, 1 day off AND 1 day on with 2 days off and still experiencing heavy recon on the rest days, should I then move to 1 day on and 3 days off? Seeing as I can’t lower loops from the minimum of 1.

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Maybe try 1 loop per week or better do washout .

Which sub are you running ?
What are you experiencing as recon ?


Apart from listening to your subs are you keeping yourself busy during the day ?.

Write up a list of outstanding tasks on daily basis. Tick rhem off one by one. Examples

  1. Clean my room
  2. Fix the shelves
  3. Clean the toilet
  4. Begin learniing a language
  5. Read a chapter ftom a novel.

Get the picture ? keep your mind occupied. Start accomplishing tasks.


I’d experiment with different rest pattern, for me 1 loop every two days is usually fine, but I need to sometime do two days break to breathe. I feel better if I do more days break. (keep in mind that I have been using subclub since 2019)

Also, like @TheBoxingScientist mentionned, keeping your concious mind busy usually reduce the discomforts because your focus is not on “your feelings” all the time.


The only thing resembling recon I get anymore is a combination of my head feeling tired, and just a general blah/icky feeling. The only thing that makes that go away is unplugging… headphones off, staying away from any screens for the rest of the day, and getting some decent exercise and fresh air. Usually, I go for a long walk with my daughter, 90 mins round trip, at a fairly brisk pace the whole time. Also, a big glass of water. That helps reset my head.
My listening pattern is Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, with the other days as rest days. I do listen to R.I.C.H. as a booster on the off days. This pattern seems to work well for me.

It depends on what you’re experiencing as recon, however. Headaches? Irritation? Anger/Frustration? Likely different solutions depending on what you’re feeling. Maybe meditation might be a better answer, or something nutritional, if you’re getting headaches, for example.

I recommend Emily Fletcher’s Z-Technique for meditation, and my daily anti-headache stack is:

  • 840mg phosphatidylcholine
  • 3000mg omega-3 fish oil
  • 2000mg magnesium (as a blend of l-threonate, glycinate, and taurate) - this one also helps me get better sleep

What’s that? How is it different from “regular” meditation?

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It’s just one specific technique, but one that I’ve found to be so much easier than other kinds that it was almost effortless. The first time I did it, I got into a deep meditation easily. Within a month I was able to meditate deeply for 45+ mins at a stretch without any issue. I described it to my wife as though my brain were in a hot tub… very very relaxing, bordering on blissful.


Also could try listening at different times. Listening in bed vs listening right before bed vs listening over lunch etc


I go by feel a lot. Also I note down how different subs affect me with recon, and those on the higher end of this observation I play less frequently and more solo.


I’m experimenting with once every 2 weeks now. That’s kind of on the extreme end but it’s been working well for me so far.


Is that 90 mins of Loaded Carry or light Prowler? :baby:t2: :muscle:t2:

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I recall somewhere someone mentioned eating sugary stuff like cheese or chocolate cake not something i would want to do.

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Yes. It is the official recommendation.

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I put her in the jogger stroller if it’s rainy or I’m tired, otherwise she goes in the wagon I built for her. It’s solid wood with a steel undercarriage, so it weighs about twice what she does. Good workout hauling that load up a hill. lol.

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3 days of rest in-between is not helping either. Feeling depressed.

Thinking of spreading my 2 customs out over the week. so they are not on the same day. For example, custom 1, 2 days rest, then custom 2, 2 days rest, repeat. See how that is.

Might take 1 week off before I tempt that though.