What sort of action to take on Regeneration?

I hope everyone is holding strong and staying safe during these difficult times!
Afterall, we among all can’t be weak!
We are different from the average people out there.

Anyway, back to the main point of this post,

I have two questions:

1st: Taking ACTION allows the subs to work faster.
What sort of action do I have to take when on a healing sub like regeneration?

2nd: is a stack of QL, Reg, Am reasonable or too heavy?


Traumas are holding you back from something. Do this. E.g riding the bike because you had an accident in the past. Go to a bike. Sit on a it. Maybe that’s enough for the beginning. Then try to ride it…

Also letting go of things in the past consciously, e.g listening to Elixir.


@mecharc - This is a great question. My guesses are the following actions:

  • Meditation
  • Forgiving (others and ourselves)
  • Healing practices like yoga, Tai Chi
  • A good diet
  • Exercise
  • Semen Retention
  • Journaling

These are some off the top of my head.


Have you ever run Ql?

I would not listen to it as it did overpower Khan and will probably Regeneration then.

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@friday I have been exposed to QL since Jan.
St 1 for a month
ST2 for 2 weeks
ST4 for my exam week which ended on 13th march.

Now I’m back to St1.

AM and Regeneration are completely new to me.

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Thank you!

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Hmm, what is your goal with Ql in that stack?

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Finish Education,
Learn and implement programming (no prior computer science background)
Rewire my neural pathways anchored to Porn.
Have a faster thinking mind


I don’t see any problems with stacking then. Wish you all the best!


My question is ‘Are the results permanent’ or they are like temporary cure for emotional trauma. Is it like “I used Regenration for X months and now it’s all cleared up. I know , because I have stopped listening to it and I am not affected by the past trauma”

Or is it,

“I listened to Renegeration for X number of months, but after I have stopped listening to it, all that past trauma is coming back to me”


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Haven’t used Regeneration but Khan St1 Total Breakdown which is very similar. For what I can tell, the results are permanent. You just forget about your traumas as they do not bother you anymore. Also with enough action taking you integrate the new you even more.


Find a way to address that which you are attempting to heal. This can be done in many ways, journaling about your emotions toward a particular subject for example. Exposure therapy is another. Your goal is to heal/fix a trauma so the actions you take should be in that direction

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Anyone running regeneration or any healing sub can assist in how to take action?
Or should one just run that particular sub?
What will happen if you can’t remember your trauma or incident that affected you?
How will you identify a negative behaviour that started when you were 10years old?

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Inbox pls.

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From my experience with regeneration, the subliminal has done most of the work, I simply realized that I had accepted certain traumas of the past and I had a great desire to think about the present and improve. However, I must say that I am a person who asks many questions and is very careful about how he feels, so I already knew several of my traumas.
I think taking action can be useful depending on the trauma. For example, if you don’t talk with girls anymore, because a girl 5 years ago made you suffer a lot, it might be useful to go out and talk to girls. in this way, you are helping regeneration to fight that trauma.


Great insights!:+1:

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Really appreciate that technique!
Thank you

Consider doing Revision:

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Very good technique …similar to what @btaras mentioned
Thank you @Cosmic_Raver

Regeneration will do its thing.

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