What manifestation methods did you try and how did they work?

I’m curious, what kind of manifestation methods do you have experience with. I know about meditations, visualization, focused intent, affirmations etc.

What did you specifically try and what’s your experience?


Good old fashioned Neville STAS works for me, kinda, sometimes.

My abs look today like I imagined I wanted them to a year ago and I haven’t worked out once.

R.I.c.h. Has worked for me. Personally I think it’s energetic but I wasn’t there when they made it and if I was them I wouldn’t tell me either.

The most effective process that you could label as a manifestation technique, IMO is image cycling. Image cycling works.

Live your dreams.


What is image cycling?

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If I am not mistaken… it’s a technique used by William Bengtson in his energy healing method… that also has the added benefit of working as a manifestation technique :slight_smile:

I’ve found it similar to the use of Slides from Transsurfing and Tufti, actually. Now that I think about it :open_mouth:

But yes, it works :slight_smile:


I like doing meditations by Robert Zink and by Aaron Doughty. They work.

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Yeah, image cycling is amazing. Transsurfing though. I loved reading it because it made me feel smart. But practical value was nearly zero for me. Apparently in Russian, there are 12 total transsurfing books, with just 5 in English. :slightly_smiling_face:

As for other methods I like one from Fred Dodson, where you imagine your current situation on a screen before you with a blue frame. You take responsibility for creating it and let the blue color wipe it. Then you change the frame to bright white and imagine a desired situation on it. You enjoy it for a bit and then enter it, and live it. And then because you have it, you let go of it, of the screen and everything and just rest for a moment. I think it’s on youtube somewhere too as a guided audio.


Several years ago I came across Damon Brand and the Gallery of Magick
I have never invested the required time or energy into his work but I have read accounts that it does work when done even remotely correctly
I think the people that don’t get the desired results aren’t putting in the work or aren’t progressively building upon what or where their starting point is
By that I mean that no one is going to go from poverty to wealth in a month or even a year. It’s a gradual process and progression that builds


It did for me.

Gallery of Magick workings were what manifested Subliminal Club for me in the first place.


Yes I believe this is true for me as well :raised_hands:t5:


Feel so depressed reading this line…

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I don’t know this method but i can relate to your experience