What in the hell are angel numbers?

back when I tried to record all the angel numbers I was seeing each day.


A lot of 1:11, 11:11, 2:22s for me in the last few weeks.


Heaven help us

Good question, I have somewhat of a theory lol

What is an “Angel Number”?

usually it’s a sequence of 3 or 4 numbers that you see repeatedly.

They are mesmerizing in a sense because when you see them, your mind kind of stops and lingers for a second.

Search “license plate” on the forum and you’ll find that a common manifestation of synchronicity for some people has to do with license plates.

Synchronicity and Angel Numbers have a very similar mechanism. The difference is, that synchronicity has context whereas Angel Numbers are seemingly just random numbers.

For example: Someone who is running Khan might see a license plate with the word Khan on it.

It makes sense for the individual because “well I’m running Khan and so I’m seeing Khan”’,

Often when people see Angel Numbers, they go “what does it mean?” and start googling lol.

Obviously like anything weird and unexplainable, it creates the opportunity for a bunch of spiritual “experts” to come out of nowhere and slather it in metaphysical woo woo. Write books about it and pretty much pull things from out of their ass. Why do you think we’re referring to them as “Angel” numbers, lol

That doesn’t mean to say that there is no metaphysical explanation, but I don’t subscribe to the current one, as there is no logical basis for it and it’s purely derived from “experts”.

All the answers are within you.
When you see a synchronicity, only YOU can see and understand what that means, through your own intuition. It’s for your eyes and your eyes only and so the meaning is whatever you interpret it as.

Everyone who sees it knows what it is deep down but they don’t trust it so they look around desperately begging for someone to enlighten them, as most people are programmed to do.

Next time you see an Angel Number, go within and feel in that moment and you’ll get the answer.
There is no guidance from higher beings, you are creating everything yourself.

Sometimes there is no context and it can be a reminder. Based on the reaction that most people have, it can serve as a deviation from the mundane cycle of everyday life, in a way that reminds them that… perhaps everything is not what it seems


Today, I see 2/2/22 everywhere.


Seriously, I haven’t seen them much since starting Zero Point tech.



I agree. Not as much as when running earlier builds.


A sequence of numbers that you see repeatedly for a period of time. The interpretations online ar every generalized me personally think that the messages and numbers are individual. Start to be aware of your thoughts whenever you see the number and if they are the same everytime you see the number that will help you decode what the angels or divine are trying to tell you.for example there was a whole week where I saw the number 444 any time me and my husband were having a conversation especially while texting. Or everytime I saw 1122 my cousin would txt me now whenever we see 1122 it’s a reminder we need to stay in touch and check up on each other. I also notice whenever I start a new goal I start seeing 111 when I’m in action of accomplishing the goal I start seeing 222. Just my experience.

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Since that post, I see a couple of them everyday.

It’s like the Mind is saying:
“We can show you all these silly numbers if you want. Do you really care?”




111 and 1111 are back :innocent: