What are "best" booster subliminals to add?

Currently running a Emperor + Stark + WANTED stack with a 15 minute loop listening pattern.

About to start testing a 7 minute listening pattern so I wanted to add a booster (4th sub as a test)

Wanted community feedback on adding a booster sub like “RICH” or other options, would love to hear what you guys have to suggest.



Pretty sure there’s only one booster available now and it’s Ascension Chamber. R.I.C.H is now a major title and counts as part of the three major titles. There will probably be more boosters coming out in the future though.


Appreciate the response, I am viewing boosters as a title that isn’t fully encompassing like Emperor, Khan, Dragon Reborn, Stark, Ascended Mogul, etc.

I am not sure what “major titles” could be used as a booster rather than a major listening title.

Currently there are no titles like that since ZP has made all titles (except Ascension Chamber) almost equal in their function.

There is a plan for making a booster out of Beyond Limitless but it has been delayed. But once that comes out, am sure there will be a couple of old and new titles that will have a booster version of them.


Maybe there is confusion with Qv2 Ultima boosters.

The only booster as of now is Ascension Chamber for Zero Point (ZP) format. This can be used as a 4th.


There is no confusion in my question. I understand that Zero Point doesn’t have booster titles like Qv2 Ultima.

You’re all obviously missing the point in which I wanted to test a fourth title as a “booster” rather than ran as a main title.

Following a listening pattern like this may give you guys a better understanding.

Monday: Emperor (7 min) + Stark (7 min)
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: WANTED (7 min)
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Emperor (7 min) + Stark (7 min)
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: WANTED (7 min) + RICH / 4th Title (7 min)

We don’t have that yet with ZP. We used to have that with Ultima v2.

When ZP Boosters come out, we will be able to have a stack of 3 ZP titles and then have 1 extra title as Booster.

If you currently choose a 4th title to run as booster, it will be as if you are running 4 titles in your stack even if you are only running it once a week.

This will lead to reconciliation and your stack not working.

There is no 7 minute listening pattern. People follow the same official listening pattern with reduced listening time – when they find their stack overwhelming.

They do not do it so as to add a 4th sub.


Then you also understand that the ZP stack limit is 3 … so no one is going to suggest you a 4th sub.

Feel free to test … even report your results if you must … but don’t ask.


I suggest you try Ascension Chamber, Mind’s Eye, or Commander to help decide which 1 or 2 of those you should remove from your stack.

These three contain different/conflicting goals & approaches in each area of life – physical, social, and business.
It is better to send a clear signal to your Subconscious Mind as to what kind of Man you really aspire to be … at least, in the short term.



These three contain different/conflicting goals & approaches in each area of life – physical, social, and business.

@SaintSovereign has stated on several different threads that Emperor + Stark work beautifully together

There is no 7 minute listening pattern. People follow the same official listening pattern with reduced listening time – when they find their stack overwhelming.

@SaintSovereign has stated on several different threads that 7 minute and even potentially 5 minute listening patterns net more positive results than the current recommendations of 15 minutes.

So @Simon I’m a little confused on your overall comments so far, everything you said has basically contradicted what the Founder and Creator has said? I’m not merely going against the grain and the sarcasm isn’t really valuable to my thread.


By “listening pattern” do you mean just stopping the audio at the 5 or 7-minute mark?

As far as I understand it, ZP titles are 15 minutes long, and are intended to be listened to in their entirety. Since I don’t know what format they’re in (ie reps in the scripting, if any), I personally wouldn’t just listen to half of it, or even less…

Speaking to that point specifically… if there are 2 reps, then 7 minutes makes some sense, if we knew that to be the case. However, there can’t be a complete loop finishing at both 5 minutes and 7 minutes, so one of those numbers is wrong.

Or perhaps the answer is behind secret door number 3, and t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶s̶p̶o̶o̶n̶ there are no reps, and the scripting works totally differently than I’ve ever imagined.

In any case… is that what you meant? :upside_down_face:

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That’s all speculation, we dunno what’s going on. And you saw what The Man in Black did trying to find the maze :wink: If you’ve seen Westworld anyway.

Without knowing the underlying principles of how the subs are generated (which I won’t be probing into haha. I like being able to stick around here), it’s hard to say how often the sub content is repeated in any given amount of time.

I’ve personally not done anything less than a full loop. I like the sound of them, and I can handle most symptoms of reconciliation when they show up.

Were you aware when you asked this that there is a hard 3-subliminal cap?

That seems like where the misunderstanding may have been.

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True but the stack limit is still 3 titles per stack. Including if you are using any title as booster, it should be one of the 3 titles in your stack. At least with the ZP technology we have now.

@Simon is correct. He usually is.

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We will have a booster in the next week or so called Beyond Limitless you will according to SC be able to play this alongside your other 3 zp products once a week for a boost.


Right now I’m running Mind’s Eye for 3 minutes at the end of my stack. That’s what I’m using as my booster besides AC. I got the idea from Saint. I don’t do it every other day though. I’ve only tried it twice in one week, I’m really happy with the results I’m seeing.

I focus on results I want to get while l listen to it for those 3 minutes. Maybe give that a try and see how you like it.

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In Saint’s own thread, a few posts speculated that the first minute of each sub is the primer which played once, then the script lasts the next two minutes and got repeated. Hence the 5 mins, 7 mins listening time.

Saint liked the above post and also mentioned that we could try run the sub for 3 mins (which himself did).

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Afterwards Saint commented it’s not true :grin::grin:

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I’ll have to go back and look at it again but I thought Saint was referring to the theory of how many words per minute and/or how many layers of voice in the sub?

Edit: yea I looked up you’re right Saint said the theory of one minute primer and two minute script wasn’t accurate.


I don’t think he would have said that either if it was true. trade secret. :slightly_smiling_face:


This did cross my mind :shushing_face:

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