Weaponised sex from porn

What is soy music?

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Music that promotes worshipping of women and dancing nude in their videos. It always involves music that always talk about woman sexuality.

I see. Thank you for clarifying.

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You are an ALPHA bro.

Only BETAs watch the ALPHA having sex .

Reframe Porn to something you don’t like

Willfully Nofap for 30 days , better if you can for 90 days .
You will definitely have sharp focus / reduced brain fog / enhanced intution / cockiness . You will feel like you have gained a superpower .
Compare that state to state when you were PMOing .


Masturbating to porn is basically one step away from wearing a ball-gag while watching your partner get f***ed by someone else. I really grew disdain for it when I realized how much of it was a self-cuck.


Your problem of excessively watching porn is not something that you’re going to HEAL from.

It’s something you’re going to have to GROW out of.

Ascension and Regeneration subliminals aren’t just magically going to make you stop watching porn.

As men, we have high sex drives, we get horny and want to see naked women, etc.
This is all completely normal.

Any man can get free and instant access to countless attractive women on porn sites whenever they want, lol it’s like a cheatcode.

One thing every guy can agree on, is that:

sex with a real woman > masturbating/masturbating to porn.

Would you rather watch videos of a women having sex, or would you rather be there having sex with her yourself?

I don’t masturbate or watch porn, because my life is full of real sex.

Anytime I get horny, I can have sex, lol.

If you’re not having real sex daily, then you have to figure out why and work on yourself.

You need to ask yourself “Why aren’t I attracting women and having sex with them?”

Go out and get in the game. Get social, get active, talk to women, go to the gym, learn skills, elevate, grow, make money, develop your ambition.
Become better in everything.

Unless they have a physical disability or something, every single man in this entire forum should be doing physical exercise weekly, no excuses.

Too many people are sitting around waiting for the subs to change their life when what they really need to do is crack down and to start leveling up.
The subliminals are powerful but at the end of the day, they’re just tools.

Porn is the easy way out and it’s your choice.

Stop letting your relapses define you. Let your progression towards your goals and ideal self define you. This is important because, many of those guys doing that NoFap stuff feel like a complete crap and a failure after they masturbate and then this takes a toll on their self-confidence and self-esteem, to the point where they just want to sit at home all day and do nothing. You can’t get anywhere with a low sense of self worth like that, you have to have something else with purpose going for you
and your life.

Keep your eyes on the end goal and start moving towards it. You’ll slowly transition out of porn into real women.

Make a timetable, start moving like a shark.

What are your goals in life? What are you doing daily to improve yourself? How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? What are you doing to get closer to your ideal sex life?

(rhetorical questions lol)

Be consistent, take baby steps and start small if you have to. Consistency is everything


I don’t know if this would work for you, but my PMO addiction kind of faded out during a year long DR run. I didn’t even really intend on it.
I think that the underlying problem that was causing it got taken care of.


There’s a podcast I highly recommend called porn free radio. The most significant piece of info I can give to from what I learned is we use pmo to self soothe. There’s some need we are not getting met in our life and we are using pmo to address it. It’s a negative outlet, we are using it to attend to a need or multiple needs that are not being met in a healthy way.
Now this podcast and a book I highly recommend called atomic habits go hand in hand.
What Matt says in that podcast goes perfect with a atomic habits. In order to drop bad habits and create good ones, we have to have a system. We have to have a plan. In terms of pmo we have to have a plan. We have to have a plan to address our reasons why we pmo. We need to have healthy outlets to channel that sexual energy into a healthy way. Sexual Repression is a massive reason why people have porn addiction etc
If you don’t address the core reason why we pmo and come up with a plan like I said in the past that sexual energy will always find a outlet, even if the outlet is a negative one. Having a system/ plan gives you the most successful chance of overcoming this. It’s not a guarantee though as I’ve fallen off the wagon many times. But having a system gives me a fighting plan to battle pmo.
As for subs AM and Emperor QV2 have some Nofap scripting in it, but I’m not sure if the ZP subs have it.
I’m on my 5 day wash out and I started emperor zp and mogul zp on feb 1, today is 23 days of Nofap for me.
Now I don’t just listen to the subs and hope I don’t pmo. I don’t just not watch porn and hope I never Fap again. I have healthy outlets, listening to music, journaling, dancing in my room, going to recovery group meetings, reading, gym, learning skills, self help etc
I have ways to deal with my demons in a healthy way so when shit does hit the fan and it always does, when I feel sexual urges to pmo I have a system/ plan to deal with my sexual urges in a healthy way.
Also another book I highly recommend is your brain on porn


Bro twerking vids and asmr vids became a replacement when I stopped watching porn for quite a while in the past. I never realized how much crap on YouTube there is to pmo to. I’m super careful on YouTube nowadays, I still fall victim to stuff but god damn you gotta be careful


Thank you Luther 24.That is a big wake up call for me. Subs are powerful but you have to do the work to level up. Wow!

Keep reading and rereading the easy peasy method.
Keep yourself busy outside of home.
after going through the easy peasy method once or twice (your fapping should have been reduced) join nofap
Get an accountability partner if you have someone you trust
And don’t be so tough on yourself you are trying that counts, if you fail don’t worry about it. Just think you are better off that if you hadn’t tried, so it doesn’t become an escuse to let yourself go.

trying and failing 3 times a week still is 4 days you didn’t fap, if you hadn’t tried you would have done it 7 so you are better off even if you “failed”

BTW Emperor worked for me, too much focus, waking up early and doing a lot just got home and wanted to sleep.

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@Grimm1390 and in these videos, Youtube or elsewhere, they have audio subliminal messages to amplify your addiction etc.

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I definitely don’t doubt that

The good thing about Regen is that it can bring out a lot of feelings (which you probably would want to happen alone). The good thing about that is that you are going into a more natural state as opposed to one where feelings have been locked up. This is not to say that the feelings will persist when you are in social situations and that you will seem like some weak, emotional guy. On the contrary, if you have allotted a enough time for letting the feelings be felt fully when they come up, going back into the world after such release one can find more comfort with their self, sense of connection to others, less concern with needing to appear a certain way with others, less needing to seduce (keyword need not want), etc. Interestingly, this process with feelings is also what happens without subliminals when one is able to achieve a prolonged NoFap/pornfree streak.

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Thanks man. This the best advice I have gotten so far, most self gurus out there always talk about staying away from porn and focusing on your purpose. I agree to that notion but that not what I only need. I have to learn game develop my skill with the opposite sex and get real sex. I actually noticed that I barely or make female friends, I noticed am afraid. I have this negative notion about them (that are energy consumers).

Because over and over I have stayed a long time try to stay away from porn ,yes I did so far but it actually doesn’t solve my real issue.

That’s what I watched first before I tried open a porn website. My brain what giving me that rationality that watching tweaking is nothing but it spiked up my reasons to watch porn

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Actually am actually confused, why ?

I am always feed in WhatsApp and telegram (let me say my mentors) mostly all talk about redpilled men.

The case been well built (making money) and in status before involving your self with feminine drama . That case had made me not to put so much interest into relationships with the Feminine.

As one of your “gurus” I need to chime in here.

Because I know you always take things TOO literal.

See, on Twitter and wherever people post DEFINITE STATEMENTS all the time because this gives the most engagement → more growth → more money.
But less solutions to the people reading it. Which is why I dropped Twitter.

It’s bs.

Life is nuanced.

Yes, the idea is “correct” that you should spend your 20s building your business and then LIVE life in your 30s on a yacht with 20 supermodels.
Yeah, sure.
However, you really think you’re gonna spend your horny 20s not railing some girl(s)? Come on.

The answer - IMO - is as always in the middle. Don’t let building your empire be interfered by women. Yes, learn why they won’t sleep with you, and have real sex. But always put your own life first.

When in doubt, choose purpose.

I know other people think differently.


Yeah actually I take things literally. Mostly due to society upbringing and how the school is structured, garbage in garbage out!!

I now get what you saying, having a balance between both sides is beneficial. Not lacking in one side completely in the name of getting your self better.

At some point I noticed I actually don’t live in the moment, I always surround my self with all this self help stuff, to the extent that I see fun as waste of time (unless I have made a billion dollars).

I no more live in the moment!!. At one point I told my self am ain’t having anything to do with the Feminine or marry if I don’t make huge sums of money. I no more watch movies,comedies or any fun activities. But that’s actually a sad way to see life.

Thanks for your Input.LESSON LEARNT.

I have this character of always taking things too seriously, no sense of humor, barely laugh, so structured like a robot programmed a certain way, which I don’t find pleasing.

I need to adjust this lifestyle before it gets too late. Getting old and not enjoying my youthful days.