Wealth custom questions

Hi Community
After 15 days of DR, it hit me heavy today, I want to make money for the first time in my life.

Now I want to make a custom with EoG st1 and 4.
my question is: for better results should i include st2 and 3 also?
or has somebody a better option to build a custom sub thats sole purpose is only for money ?

this i did choose until now,and i will lisen to what other people have to say

Ecstasy of Gold ST1 Q Core
Ecstasy of Gold ST4 Q Core

Secrets of Akasha – Wealth
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Instant Business Tactician
Positive Being Attractor – Wealth
Wealth Limit Destroyer
Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
Productivity Unleashed
Current Invoker
Natural Winner
Submodel Alpha
Dragon Tongue
Gratitude Embodiment

You are all very welcome to give me your opinion on this subject

I Thank You

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Excited to read about your stack.

I currently have a wealth custom and it has EoG Stage 1 and Stage 4 in it. I also have Emperor: House of Medici in it too.

Excited to see your version and our differences.
I’m planning on using my custom eventually as I haven’t used it long at all so can’t talk about results.

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Makes sense to me. I’m working on this as well.

Can’t comment that much because I don’t know your situation, your background, what subliminals you’ve worked with in the past, or what your particular plans and aspirations may be.

One thing I can say: working with Dragon Reborn now is a good move. It will bring more clarity and effectiveness to the wealth moves you make as you go forward.

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Also: consider starting from Mogul and working your way to Ecstasy of Gold. Could allow a smoother journey.

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my stand is this, i have done very much in all different directions but never Money.
i am like a little child if it comes to money

i have a couple of custom subs that sure help along the way

1 ascension,daredevile,inner circle
2 HoM and kahn st4

but i want a pure money magnet generator without going to emperor,i avoid any sub that makes me cold

Just playing devil’s advocate, so please don’t get me wrong here. But could this be another form of reconciliation? And if so, wouldn’t it be better to try finishing DR before going to the wealth route?


i am planing in advance
i dont ditch DR
it struck me like lightning that i need to handel this situation so i follow that and prepare myself

Before going on with recommendations I’d like to know more about what you’d like to do going forward. How exactly are you planning to make money? I assume you want to build a business instead of get a job (correct me if I’m wrong about that because it definitely matters). What kind of business do you want to have? What is your previous experience with entrepreneurship? What is your previous experience within the field you’re going into?

Understand that EoG is a dense sub. Putting st1 with st4 means you’re putting all the healing work + the reprogramming of the other 2 stages together and THEN some. This will be a lot for your subconscious to work with. That said, since you are currently running DR - I don’t see any reason why st 1 should be necessary at all

I never thought about that.
Thank you.
I think I can sell pretty good when I like a product
Let me think about that a couple of days, now I have to figure out what you have said

I am a school dropper, that means I have no paper that I learned something, and never had papers or work certificates. It never interested me I devoted my time in: living, laughing, pleasure, socialize,adventure, Inner work, energy reading… Fun stuff
like I say in a previous post if it comes to money I am a child.
I make easy money when people ar fuckt up and need my services instead of a psychiatrist

Happy to help, the answer to that could easily affect the kind of cores you use. Mogul/AM, Emperor, & Emperor:HOM might be worth looking into as they are also highly wealth focused and could give you a better foundation than jumping into EoG.

I consider these things luxuries in the professional world. There’s lots of ways to learn skills & information on your own. If you can demonstrate competency, that is far more important for most people.

Could you elaborate more on this? Sounds like you do energy work and hypnosis (possibly with some NLP mixed in). If that’s the case, it might be a good starting point for a business.

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Emperor is toooo harsh for me it turns me into a leading Monster, cold and calculatet so this is not a choice for me. AM I maybe try out.
I have HOM and Kahn ST4 in one of my customs.
I like HOM.

Why not EoG?

I already did that :grin:

I suggest you first do EOG major program 4 months then you get to st4 just have eog st4 in there

could then combine that with starkq eg and if you like something like QL or alchemist if you do those programs too if those are aligned with your goals

Either way that’s how I’d do it personally. Rest of it looks good!

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I basicly lead the people to the point where the real problem is trough a couple of questions and then actions.
Then show them how they can pull this energy out of they’re body and burn it, then replace old states with healthy energy in a way that the old state is rejected by they’re cells.

Hypnosis i don’t use much but I invented a easy state change hypnosis that catapults you into your desired state and is completely accepted by your sub/conscious

Best way to describe what I doo is a story:
Let’s say there is a guy that complains about women and always end up with shitt Women and reject God ones. This guy I brought to a long street full of prostitutes and drug people and let him walk next to me trough this street. I spottet a good looking but on the inside a black hole, borderline women 50 meters away from us and tell him that this is the women he is magneticly drawn to. So we walk in her direction and 10 meter before her he stops and Pulls me back and say: you are right, I get horny, I realy want to fuck her…
So we stand next to her for 5 min just talking about what exactly he feels in his body and the guy wants to leave since min 1 but I didn’t let him until he was in such pain he Coud cry instantly.
That’s the point, I needed to show him his fuckt up side so he can attract healthy women once the shit is gone.
So we turn away from her and walk 5 min to a place where nobody distract him.
Then I let him do the work I prepared him to do
20 min later we go and test it out.
Going back to here, he stands next to her for 5 min and tells me: I don’t feel any attraction for here, she is so ugly from the inside, I don’t like her
I feel sorry for her… And so on. He completely erased the root cause.

From the inside I was bursting from laughing how efficient it was and still I am Proud of him and myself.
For 10 years when everyone was partying and drunk themself into an abyss I did exactly that kind of work myself.
EVERY Day and still continue

Unfortunately this was to hard for him (and he is a 1.90 beast of a mma fighter) so he was not ready for round 2 and flee into Informationen trough books and online teachers since then. But he joind me 2 times in our Center in Peru wich catapulted him into a Maschine of a Man.

That’s how I work

What are your results so far?

That’s a very general question, rephrase it

What have changed for you since you used this pattern

Again very general… if you look at my journal you’ll see some of it

When running essentially 7 programs it’s gonna take a while to say in what areas I’ve changed. Probably a whole essay.

And a lot more is in gestation.

I’d happily answer more specific questions regarding a certain aspect of it or a certain program but the question is very general. A lot has changed.

OK now I have to read your journal
Do you have a link?