Wealth Building with Your MBTI Profile

Has anyone read this book? It looks interesting and it’s about how one can build his wealth with methods based on his MBTI profile.

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Hmm. Havent read this. Seems interesting if not perhaps a little shallow of a topic. It’ll probably be a book that promotes stereotypical personality trait careers. Extroverts in sales. Introverts in tech and science etc. Feelers supporting people. But maybe not!

Did you read it and have any major takeaways?

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I don’t think it would be a good book honestly I would focus more on MBA type and leadership type books if you’d want to build wealth the skills taught in those books are the same skills people use to make wealth a reality (P.S yes even I use them because there really good advice when you work as a leader)

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MBTI is certainly very effective for understanding yourself at a fundamental level, understanding people in your life at a fundamental level, it’s probably very effective in building teams. I believe Saint mentioned something about that.

But there is no way your MBTI plays a role in your ability to generate wealth. Building a business and taking relentless action is the only way.