Way of the Lion

Good job, man!



Day 16
EMPEROR (3 minutes)

Day 17, 18
Rest Days

  1. Started One Meal a Day early. Thought I would start it in June but what the heck. Why postpone it, I thought. Today is the day!
  2. Along with that, I had stopped taking caffeine in the form of milk tea with sugar. After doing so, I realized how addicting caffeine is and am almost decided on giving it up for good. Caffeine, sugar, and to a certain extent milk, all are unecessary, with the first two being incredibly addictive and poisonous to the body.
  3. So doing No Social Media, OMAD, No Caffeine, No Sugar, and NoPMO and you have a Lion going bonkers on his full on detox lol. Last 3 days were crazy with fatigue, drowsinss and hunger but a pinch of salt with water staved off most of the headaches and the cramps so yay there.
  4. Also will be giving up on my weekly cheat day (I have burgers and fries every Sunday evening) along with refusing people offering me chips or any packaged food. An EMPEROR needs to take care of his body.
  5. Eventually I might end up being on the Carnivore diet or even the Lion diet but for now am focusing on getting rid of any processed food. That by itself will help my body and mind to perform at their best compared to the food addict that I was.


Day 19
EMPEROR (3 minutes)

Day 20, 21
Rest Days

  1. Have been feeling that am finally coming back to my normal self in terms of enthusiasm and cognition. The past couple of months were a brain fog thanks to running 3 titles per cycle, stack rotation and customs. But running EMPEROR solo and that too for 7 and then eventually 3 minutes has me back on track.
  2. Feel more engaged being a Forum Ambassador and more empathic. I lost that empathy somewhere along the way even though I tried my best to be so and refrained from writing or talking when I was at my most irritable although there might have been times when I slipped up. Woops!
  3. Washout time now and the next cycle will have me running Emperor and Emperor: Will To Power according to plan. This journey is going great and am glad to be here.
  4. My ANTI-HERO customs looking at me asking me when I will get back to them and I say I am not ready for that power yet, my fellows. But this journey, this “Way of the Lion”, is the path I have to take to be prepared.


@RVconsultant - please change the journal title to:

Way of the Lion

Thank you :pray:

The NEW Emperor’s Groove journal has ended.




Emperor, 7 minutes, Cycle 2
Emperor: The Will to Power, 3 minutes

  1. I was almost going to explain my decisions in two or three instances today but immediately thought, why do I need to take permission for my life? And then decided not to talk about it and just go ahead. Will to Power is kicking in alright.
  2. There was some reconciliation today but not too distressing. Good thing I reduced the time of the loops.
  3. This journal will be my permanent Major Programs thread. No need to make different journals when changing main store titles anymore or running a different stack of main store audios.


Day 2
Rest Day

  1. No recon today so that’s a good thing.
  2. More relaxed body language.
  3. More accepting of things as they are. Use situations to your advantage instead of wishing for ideal situations.
  4. Worked on an issue I was putting off for a long time.
  5. Not interested at all in conflicts that my folks have between them. Previously I used to play the peacemaker between them. Now I just mind my business and keep out of it. I don’t want to be dragged into their drama.