WANTED/stark custom (feat. CWON, PS and others)

Im kind of addicted to stark/wanted lol. I think ive said on like 4 seperate occasions at this point that i was gonna quit that sub… but i never did. My custom just keeps sneaking into every single one of my stacks lol. 8 months in now, slowly approaching the year mark.

Aside from this im right now running spartan and chosen. From spartan i found what i wrote above about fitness. Very consistant with it rn.

CHOSEN has always been great. Its honestly the most confidence ive ever gotten from a sub. It kind of has a GLM effect for me. i assume because the archetype just fits me quite well. And aside from this the social effects and effects on your morals is just amazing.

My one sad thing is that i cant make room for something like true sell in my stack. Im very eager to try that sub out but theres just no way right now. My spartan and chosen goals are to important atm.


I have a hard time thinking of things to even write in this journal at this point. The subs are doing there thing. My life going pretty smoothly. I guess i havent been super consistant with the gym lately, but i made the promise to myself to at the very least go twice a week and i have never broken that promise.

I should do more for school than i am currenly, just been kinda preoccupied with social stuff. This week after valentine i should have a lot more time though so imma spend that on school and going to the gym daily again.


What goes up must come down. Been feeling a bit more under the weather lately. It tends to go like that for me, where for a bit of time i feel like everythings going great, and than after some time my perception shifts and i start to think more about what im missing.

Im continuously plagued by fomo and just a general sense that im not getting out of life what i could be. My new room still doesnt feel much like home and it feels unconfortable to suddenly live with roommates after spending my entire live untill than living with my parents. There are some big changes happening in my life and i feel like i have trouble adapting to it.

This said, i do definitely see myself becoming more selfreliant. I like the independance i have now.

Some next steps for me are to get a new job in my new city, and get more acquinted in the new neighbourhood.

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More to add to this, i think it was already somewhat noticable in the tone i wrote this review in but as much as i love everything WANTED has lead to. I kinda dislike the negative effects it can lead to for the other one.

Not saying it cant be used for good ofcourse, just think it goes a bit against my natural personality.

Ive noticed that a sub like CHOSEN just fits my far more.
Although i have no prove just yet as ive yet to run this, i also expect true sell to have some nice effects to take out the rough edges.

For this reason im swapping out my custom for true sell. Ive spend a total of about 8 months on my custom and probably around 10 cycles. It has been a wild ride but it was an amazing experience. I still fucking love the custom i made and think it has had some incredibly beneficial effects.