WANTED, chosen and gmx

Yes, i definitely believe that spiritual growth also causes a lot of physical growth and allows you to see a lot more external results.

The physical and the spiritual are ofcourse extremely connected, so the way i see it by combining the two you allow yourself to grow in two completely different ways at the same time.
While im sure i would eventually see similair results as far as physical growth goes if i just stick to my alpha stack for a long time, imo its a lot more beneficial to approach the issues i may face from multible directions rather than keep trying and forcing the same approach.

But this is only a small part, the goal with spiritual subs is more to become more authentic to my true self and let go of everything that doesnt serve me. On the other side, with the alpha subs the goal was more in the direction of confidence, girls, etc. To illustrate what i mean with what i said above, ill say, with spiritual subs ill naturally become more authentic to myself, wich as you can expect also makes me more confident. This in turn allows me to have an easier time with girls. When i than will run WANTED afterwards, itll have a far easier time fully expressing itself.

This is my thought process at least, im still definitely not far as far as spiritual growth goes, but this is what i expect would happen.

I just started with chosen from within and sage. I listened to these while meditating.

About 10 minutes into chosen from within i started noticing a bunch of insecure thoughts coming up, the primairy of wich being “im not good enough”, wich is definitely intype of thinking ive always struggled with. When these type of thoughts came up i started to consciously reject them, and than the good feelings from love bomb started coming up. I started feeling really good and light.
If this experience is an indicator i really think the combination of regen and love bomb is such an extremely good one, and i really think ill be able to get a lot out of it.

As for sage, honestly i started getting distracted in my meditation so i wasnt really able to properly notice what was happening while listening to this one, but my mind does seem to have cleared a bit and i feel very much at ease.

Im being way to eager with the switching subs thing. Now that im currently still in lockdown for a month ill stick to my stack of chosen from within, sage and love bomb. Given that there arent a lot of social opportnitys i dont see a point in switching.

But in a month ill switch to the simple stack of daredevil + ascension. and ill stick to this stack for at the very least 90 days.

There isnt much point to me using these other more complex subs when i have yet to truly get the basics down. When i get what i want out of these subs, my issues will be so far gone that ill be able to run the next subs less out of “lack” and more as an added bonus. Wich is a much healthier way to use them.

I havent mentioned this here before but the dreams have also been insane. Last night ive also had a pretty insane dream:

I suddenly and out of nowhere had this feeling that everyone i know was gonna turn against me and try to kill me. I quickly ran out my house, through my neighbourhood to try and find the best hidingspot to make sure nobody would find me. I just started running really damn fast, stressfully trying to find the best place to hide, untill i reached the edge of my neighbourhood.

Once i stepped out of my own neighbourhood i suddenly felt safe, like nobody was gonna look for me there.
At that point the dream ended and i was woken up.

Loving chosen from within