Wanted Black: Fate Never Lies -- A STKS Short Read Featuring John Wingliss

I think anyone who trains is probably going to have sense enough not to use those aspects of it in a street fight. I hope so anyway.
Thing is, if you regularly do anything that involves hitting and being hit, and or manhandling and being manhandled, you are probably going to win any fight you get into.

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Just finished it. MF wow. Now I want a Jason Bourne sub. Just without all the headaches.

I have had this wish-like-thoughts ever since wanted black was released to have heartsong black too!


How about Joanna Dark? A feminine counterpart of Chosen. :smiley:

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is the art AI and then repainted over by an artist? Im curious it looks amazing. Also id this original SubClub art?

Ok it obviously has to be HERO now lol

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Chapter 2 was awesome, and I counted 3 new subs on their way.

Yes obviously.

Some Asymetrical/CQC titles/modules would be very interesting.

All this time I was like when is he going to release the story, it’s just a picture.
13 f*** hours!

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What about chosen black?

One thing about the story is that it leads me to assume that if a couple run WANTED Black and Seductress Dark, the end result of their relationship would be an out of this world experience, and they wouldn’t even need to run Heartsong to be monogamous, because even with all the attention, they can’t help but only want each other :eyes:


Okay so now I finished reading it all, and wow
Being high and reading it made me feel so connected and deeply engrossed in it, that I felt like it was a story about a parallel universe version of me :joy:

Anyways, it seems like a new update is coming for Survival Instinct huh :eyes:
@SaintSovereign you gonna teach us martial arts (and other skills) like Neo did in matrix :eyes:?


Rich Black, HoM black or EoG black I’m calling it right now orrr Sultan main title?

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WHAT do we have here a rich sultan ?

From the sales page…

If you do not have the patience to read it thoroughly, this product is NOT for you.

The above cracked me up for some reason.

We’re about to find out. We’re actually hoping it doesn’t work that way as we’re both non monogamous by nature. This could be really interesting.


@AnswerGroup what products stack well with WB please can you answer this asap as i am jetting off in a few hours and wont have internet.

Per Saint


I am running a stark/indexgate custom brother.

I am guessing this should be fine with Wanted Black

Thanks again

The new version of Libertine ZP and ZP2 is garbage it never worked for me so i will give that one a miss.