WANTED and Emperor Fitness Hungry af?

endocrinology is way more complex then a few sentences we have written here in this topic, neither is neurology. And complex biology. :slight_smile:

Letā€™s us not assume we are experts, or we know all the ā€˜anglesā€™ you can change this from (sorry, but I know I donā€™t know enough about it), especially after AAS use.

Your mind is powerful, but if the ā€˜structureā€™ is broken a mind canā€™t repair that (you canā€™t think a broken leg straight, it needs external influence).

:stuck_out_tongue: itā€™s best if he goes to an endocrinologist who is familiar with AAS useage :slight_smile:

(I donā€™t want any newcomer, or newbie or beginner or someone inclined to want to use to see this topic and get the wrong idea, without proper pretrainingā€¦ this stuff is NO JOKE![I have seen several up close times how wrong it went, from kidney failure to hearth attacks because people were taking too much, not enough, the wrong things, didnā€™t get checked, etc etc some people think itā€™s candyā€¦)


What is AAS, please?


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Actually, I have tried to google AAS but could not get any relevant results, maybe I had to try harder :slight_smile:


Agree with LiquidFireā€¦

Even doctors know very little about endocrinology. The doctor i visited said that my blood test indicated healthy testosterone levels.

When i got the same blood test checked by an endocrinologist. He said that my testosterone levels were below average and then put me on trt.

Dont assume anything until.you get your blood results checked by a qualified person.


yeah even the numbers of what is standard is changing on our hormonal health as a species, aint no man today going to taste the same doses of test as their grandfathers unless they go to extreme lengths to avoid a lot of societally ā€œnormalā€ behaviours that are all fucking with our hormonal profile.

we do our best but even with high test levels, our minds arent as masculinized as they used to be so weā€™re finding it hard to even contain the power of the increased test.

matter of fact, estrogren apparently is responsible for masculinizing the brain, unsure if this is true but it was said on a joe rogan podcast apparently by a man who knows what hes talking about. Either way, with healthier test production and levels usually comes better estrogen levels

its really a goldmine for people in the self improvement market to dive into endocrinology red pills to really boost up their purpose.


Yeah, I have read that different levels for different peoples will produce different effect.

Ex. Someone at 400 will have symptoms of low T, while someone at 300 will not have any problems!

Itā€™s hard to tell and there is a lot of subjectivity in the well being of the person :slight_smile:

Currently, I have all the symptoms of low T, I had to take my antidepressant the whole summer, which is a first for me.

I feel like itā€™s affecting my results I could get running subliminals! My mind is not running at full power!

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I think the best judge which you have already said is does it impact your life style in a negative way. Poor erectionsā€¦yes mood swingsā€¦yes. Mine was poor erections now i wake up each morning with wood that could break a concrete block :slight_smile:


Yeah :muscle: I expect some changes in my mood too!

Might even coincide with QZPā€™s public test, it would be very very cool. :grin:

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No need for any of these other pills and hacks, let the subs optimize your body and take action accordingly.

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Of course itā€™s more complex, not assuming anything and not claiming to be giving the full picture.

100% see specialist and qualified physicians for any concerns/ endevours in this domain
and itā€™s

There is much evidence to suggest our mental disposition and stress levels effect our biology that doesnā€™t mean to not address structural causes as needed. Its just something to factor in addition.

Iā€™m the first to promote seeing relevant medical professionals as needed, and personally I look to address things from a western medicine cause when needed and other holistic elements as well.

Iā€™ve had doctors resolve things quickly and have had months of doctors unable to resolve things that Iā€™ve resolved with alternative methods.

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Whitetiger i do believe Saint is undergoing TRT.

If i remember correctly he resides in your neck of the woods.Perhaps pm him and ask him. He might beable to point you in the right direction.

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Best to submit a support ticket.

Sorry youā€™re having such a time with feeling off and out of sorts.

In addition to going to a health care provider, would you please submit a support ticket regarding what they would recommend with your subliminal schedule.

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I will, although it is important for me to take my responsability regarding my previous reckless anabolic steroid usage and do not have any problems with subliminal not magically restoring my hormones or anything.

I believe it is my responsability to take care of my mistakes and in no way am I holding subliminals responsible for any of this.


Iā€™ll be clear: I didnā€™t think you were holding the subliminal responsible.

My guess is that if you knew you were making a reckless decision with AAS, you might have decided otherwise.

As for the subliminals, any input customer service could give you might be helpful. Even if itā€™s recommendation to change up your playlist.


Yeah, that might be a good idea for future amelioration! :slight_smile:

How are things going for you in terms of body fat?
I jave the same hunger and while I gain some muscle, the body fat goes up as well.

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These QV2s make you want to eat all kinds of sugary stuff like chocolate, fudge and cans of coke.

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Even while running a fat loss sub, the hunger is a little bit counterproductive :sweat_smile:

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