Venusian Seductress [UA/SED]

12/23/2021 started zp mogul today
1 loop
New listening schedule
Day 1 mogul zp 1x
Day 2 Rest
Day 3 1x UA 1x Seductress
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 Mogul Zp 1x
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 1xUA 1x Seductress
Day 8 Rest


I know I’m a bit late but how are you making those ?
What type of paint is it ?

I love these !

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Thank you,better late than never :relaxed: I use acrylic paints and mix with silicone and floetrol to get certain effects.
I will be experimenting with mica powders, alcohol ink and epoxy resin next. I’m doing some artwork on my brother’s barn doors and I think those will be the best for this project keep your fingers crossed for me. The pressure is on :exploding_head:


12/24/2021 Ran 1 loop of mogul zp yesterday I was very tempted to run one more loop but didn’t give in :sweat_smile:
Had some pretty vivid awkward dreams last night. When I woke up I was thinking about Tai Chi and told myself I will give it a try I know it will be good for my energy and chakras I have been dealing with a lot of lower back pain especially when I first wake up it takes me at least 15-20 minutes to build up the courage to fight through the pain and and get myself going. I’m probably dealing with a fibromyalgia flare up stress and the cold weather aret triggers.

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Just found this video and watched yup I need some Tai Chi in my life

1 loop of mogul and now I’m watching Self Mastery and Tai Chi videos did my 1st session btw.This is not what I was expecting from mogul but I’m sure building a long term foundation for wealth has a lot to do with self mastery. If i was running the alchemist program I would not be shocked by this but hmm :thinking: trying to figure out what this all means I have some dots to connect. I guess it does make some sense since my business is spiritual and healing based.


Thought I commented about these already. They’re mesmerizing.

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Same here. Internal shifting happening And my business/vocation is also internal and healing based.

I’m wondering if it’s also due to Zero Point and the way it works.


01/02/2022 I just realized I’ve been posting all my journal entries on my introduction page :woman_facepalming:t4::scream:

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If it’s an issue maybe you can copy them into your journal and then delete them from the introduction thread.


I was curious why I didn’t saw any update lol
Now I know ahahaah

You can do as @Seeker says, it’ll be just fine

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Thanks guys @Seeker @Melior yes I will copy over that’s what I get for not paying attention to detail :sweat_smile:

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Ok I’m copying everything over I hope I’m not making a mess fingers🤞

12/27/2021 Christmas was nice felt a little anxious I couldn’t sit still. My girls had lots of presents :gift: to open everytime they opened a gift and tossed a box or wrapping paper in the floor I would feel claustrophobic I had to pick it up immediately. I did this for hours lol. Yesterday was a chill day but not completely everytime I wanted to relax something told me no you need to work on the supply list for the barn door project. So I researched different techniques and mediums to use narrowed it down completed my list and forwarded it over to my brother :heavy_check_mark: I’m so glad I got that list done I felt such relief I was a bit overwhelmed in the beginning but I have my vision and know exactly how I’m going to tackle this project. I listened to 2 loops of mogul early this morning went to sleep had some vivid dreams about my old job i was logging into the computer i had received an invite to join a meeting i remember thinking in the dream i cant login my credentials wont work because im no longer employed here but i logged in successfully and joined the meeting , then I was in a class with a bunch of women I remember taking notes and trying to organize my notebook by subject. I’m a bit tired right now my sleep schedule has been completely off.

12/28/2021 12:22am up doing a job search money is tight and I need to go back to a 9-5 to stack up my money. Something I’ve learned over the years is that when I’m stressed I struggle with creativity because I’m in survival mode :thinking: I had an interview at the end of November still waiting on the decision, another position I applied is still in under consideration status, another position I applied for with the same company I resigned from but different position which was actually my dream job within the company but when I was employed there they never had openings so when I saw the posting for the position I was very optimistic and thinking to myself this is mine it’s for me but the status has been in pre-qualification status since 11/29/2021 idk what to do I need some manifestation energy for real :sleepy::sneezing_face::cold_sweat: well I always say in my prayer for wealth, prosperity and career bring opportunities to me that serve my purpose and passion so what am I supposed to do :woman_facepalming:t4: continue to focus on building my business and artwork even tho as of right now finances are in crisis mode :woman_shrugging:t5:I have to make things work somehow I just don’t know what direction to go in.

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Your on point once again Malkuth I have them all in my kindle Ive read most of magickal riches and wealth magick but stopped and jumped to archangels of magick by Damond Brand, I completed the crisis magick ritual last week and I have to say I received some blessings immediately. I actually started reading magickal riches the same day I started using sub club which was last June. Since you have sent me these I’m going to take it as a sign to go back and do some workings from the book. Thanks for the reminder :blush:

Woke up to a negative bank account yea I’m in a little bit of a funk but I know this is temporary. Understanding Universal Law keeps me sane when times get hard I know the pendulum will swing the other way eventually gratitude, patience and preserverance is key . There is a lesson in everything. This song always shifts my energy it takes me from a state of lack to a state of peace and thankfulness immediately.

Ok I feel like my mind is everywhere right about now but not only have I been thinking about my career but also my marriage. I’ve been stuck in a marriage for 8 years with someone who is emotionally unavailable is very stubborn when it comes to evolving in life. I have received many warnings and messages throughout the years that I will not be able to reach my full potential until I let go if this relationship it’s been dead weight and holding me back causing me much pain, disappointment, low self worth and discouragement. Well I’m ready to fly and let go no more denial no more hoping for things to change no more helping someone that doesn’t want to help themselves. I have to confront this be done with this and move on. This is tough but it needs to happen I have to do this for me and my daughters I’m the example there is no way I would want them to be treated the way my husband treats me.

12/29/2021 3:33pm Sooooo idk there are alot of shifts going on planetary wise alot of readings for my sign have the same theme move on from a karmic toxic relationship in order to start my new beginnings of blessings, I did a archangel ritual last week asking for help and guidance, I started listening to mogul zp last week as well and things are moving but man idk what to think of all this so yesterday after meditating and calling on the Angels literally a few minutes later my husband texted me while he was at work and said he got called to the office and they told him to call H.R today. Long story short he’s on probation for a minimum of 30 days no pay. I just don’t know what to make of this whatever it is something is trying to rearrange my life in a it gets worst before it gets better type of way. What do I need to do?what move do I need to make? what should I be focusing on? Is Mogul Zp breaking me down to build me up? In the past I have really had some monumental moments under lots of pressure well I guess it’s diamond time :gem:

12/29/2021 ran my loops of seductress and UA today I’m getting lots of ideas for my business that will open up more doors of opportunity. Thanks to the barn door project lol which has forced me to challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone . When I started mogul zp I started researching different techniques and mediums to use for my artwork I would have never pushed myself into this arena without a nudge. Before listening to mogul zp I was so overwhelmed with the thought of creating art on a barn door i was definitely in Procrastination mode the thought of using resin, mica powders and alcohol inks were so draining i was resistant to learning something new but those feelings have been transmuted into excitment,motivation and joy. Now I’m all in I can create my work on tables, doors,countertops and so much more. I really think my stack is flowing together beautifully.

9-ish Living in Balance and harmony that is the goal.
When I had my vedic Natal chart reading done last year the astrologer told me I had just entered my Venus mahadasha he told me yes venus is the planet of love, beauty, luxury and creativity but most importantly venus also brings us balance and harmony. Don’t work against the energy work with it. lately i am seeing many synchronicities regarding this. I’m so used to living my life in chaos highs and lows feeling uncomfortable in stability never appreciating the present moment. I’m thinking of all this today after listening to seductress and UA all these feelings thoughts and emotions are flooding out. I need to be present I need to be grounded I need to be balanced. Does UA or seductress have manifestation scripting in it?because I definitely received some messages that I needed. At 11:11 am today while listening to Ultimate Artist my brother sends me a reel on Instagram saying "don’t give up on your dreams don’t you dare! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the money, the friends the support don’t you dare give up on your dreams! " then later I saw a thread it touched me I really wanted to give some helpful advice not knowing that I would learn something from trying to help someone else lol but I did and on top of that saint sovereign dropped some wisdom and knowledge and I was blown away (Balance). He also mentioned something along the lines of stop looking for those that you want to fix and find someone who you can love that was deep now that message right there is what I’m talking about when I ask does seductress have manifestation scripting because I believe a true seductress knows her worth and what she deserves I needed that. I’m noticing seductress has given me the courage to speak up more, in the past I would have never been as involved as I am now on the forum I just felt like my opinion didn’t really matter or afraid of what people would think of me and having ADD doesn’t help sometimes its hard to organize my sentences without it sounding all over the place because I have a thousand thoughts coming in all at once. Sometimes it literally takes me 20 mintutes to reply to somthing that should only take 2 minutes.Well things are changing progress is being made :pray:t4: