Valuable websites!

I find that some of the stuff people post on this forum is getting more and more difficult for me to understand.

Maybe this might be useful.

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I just want to share this tool. I read a lot online but reading can be tiresome, and I usually don’t have the time, especially while at work. So after a nudge and quick search online for text-to-speech tools and this was the top search result - and it’s actually really good.

This one is a subscription service, but if listening is easier than reading it might be worth it if you read a lot of information and posts online.

I tried Text-to-speech some time ago and it was simply awful due to the plain-sounding robotic voices. But the tech has come to a long way and the voices sound way more natural now. While not perfect, it’s damn-near good close!

@Billions Not sure if relevant, but I figure I’d ping you anyway since you like to both listen and read at the same time for that juicy supercharged comprehension and information retention. :v: :blush:


Discord / midjourney . Ai for image creations and much more


Not a website, but rather a forum feature that’s quite useful but often not thought of (I guess?). I didn’t know where to post this but figured this thread was the closest…

Instead of keeping over 9000 forum bookmarks, you can just send a message to yourself with the links to posts or threads, or whatever. This way you can also add comments or written “tags” to whatever stuff you are saving, to make it more search-friendly.

When messaging, just select yourself as the recipient :open_mouth:


And yeah, I just remembered this myself :sweat_smile:


This is genius :brain: . I do the same thing with Whatsapp and Telegram, didn’t know you could do this in this forum though.


Haha yeah I do too, on Telegram and previously on Twitter… I’m a notorious information hoarder researcher - no I don’t have a problem with that cough cough.

Also, the messages you send to yourself on the forum are of course Edit:able, so you can put things that belong together into the “same message” for as long as you can edit it :slight_smile:


This is genius :brain: . I do the same thing with Whatsapp and Telegram, didn’t know you could do this in this forum though.

I sometimes send myself videos on whatsapp, with the dual purpose of bookmarking as well as compressing the size of them.

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