[Unofficial Query] What do you want in Renaissance Man?

While occasionally checking the forums for any update regarding the Renaissance Man title, I was thinking up a wishlist of what I wanted it to have other than the obvious (Quantum) Limitless type of skill building

This is just an unoffical hype thread for RM and the suggestions may or may not be taken up by SubClub.

So what would you want in this title?

  • Obvious skill building like writing, drawing, dancing, coding etc

  • Optimum physical health

  • Wealth generation

  • Language acquisition

  • Remote working and Nomad Lifestyle

  • Alpha traits

  • Happiness


I think the Emperor + Stark would do for me :slight_smile:


That’s nice but if you made RM, what else would you want?

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what do you think of stacking Emperor and Stark ?


desire for learning but efficiency in it’s practical application
creative pull to see projects materialize-Stark Style
as well as drive to complete projects -Emperor style
monetizing skills and creation in addition to wealth generation
mastery training-like from Robert Greene’s mastery book
tying diverse skill sets into larger purpose
Alpha lone wolf strength when necessary
inner circle for subs goals and social draw and persuasion online and off for branding, word of mouth, and influence
lifeblood fable like effect for reputation design

I could keep going lol


@Sub.Zero, @Azriel - could we do that on another thread please. Else it will derail this one

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I rather meant I would put the best features of both into one and maybe add a bit of Ultimate Artist and True Social.

I think stacking both could be too much to handle and it would be like driving a chariot with both horses pulling it in opposite directions. It would be nice if both subs were combined and synergized.


Haha! Love it

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That’s actually a cool concept for RM


Inner circle for networking, being the ace in each skill you develop.
Maybe some of Executive scripting inside it, endless creativity, enhanced coordination.
When you engage in art, you enter in a flow state where nothing bothers you.
Spotlight scripting, like Gloryseeker inside of it, presence and followers, scripting for wealth as always, high income and all that jive. Evoke the expected emotions on each art piece,

Some ideas, not sure about adding the alpha scripting. Probably based off Stark.


All excellent ideas here

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That DaVincian polymath vision.

To accommodate and integrate many concepts and skills without getting overwhelmed.

Often people with wildly creative imaginations get paralyzed or dissipated by having too many possible directions.

People who are highly effective and executive often are limited in creativity and soft, flexibly rich imagination.

Those being balanced and built on a foundation of optimistic knowledge of your own potential and the general potential of humankind and living things would be good.

Equal ease with thinking and taking action. The barrier between them disappears. You think through doing and do through thinking. The Renaissance Experimenter.

An Elan Vital and enthusiasm for diverse life-expanding experiences. Pushing the envelope along multiple lines of development (emotional, interpersonal, mystical, intellectual, and so on).

Ditching narcissistic fixation; BORING egocentrism. The capacity to enjoy vicariously is expanded. To live, learn, and enjoy not just through one body’s experiences, but increasing capacity to experience through the network of all living things. Supercharged empathic networking, while also maintaining Frame and Structural Strength.


Love all of them, @Malkuth especially the ideas to overcome analysis paralysis and the overwhelm a polymath feels in pursuing his varied callings and how to integrate them all into his lifestyle


Sounds great to me too! :slight_smile:


The foundations of the best futures of this planet may lie in the innovation of solutions, tools, and lifestyles that are equally appealing to both highly selfish and highly altruistic people, to both the ascetic and the sensualist. We need to find a way to chemically combine Greed and Altruism. This is possible, but just doesn’t yet exist.

Imagine being able to be part of the generations that turn things around so that the world becomes MORE livable.

(uhh…I’m 2 minutes from finishing today’s third loop of Alchemist Awakening and the Ecological Imagination is going on all cylinders right now.)


That’s a very good idea, @Malkuth. Especially since I see Selfishness and Selflessness as parts of the same coin. Be selfish enough to be able to be selfless. Have enough to give

I try not to get to political, and advocacy/environmentalism in general presses the buttons of who I wound up being, especially when aggressive, but the truth is it’s on those alive now to make sure there a habitable planet for the future.

I personally ascribe to the concept of were organisms within an organism and even something as cleaning up our mental garbage contributes to less ‘psychic free radicals’ in the collective, but obviously innovation and sustainable practices that are financially sexy are important too lol Having this selfish/selfless concept integrated into that-like our creations and contributions would be game changers for the positive is very appealing.


bunch of problems in how i expressed those thoughts, but sometimes you just need to get the idea out. (For one thing, it’s less accurate to talk about altruistic vs. selfish people, and more accurate to think in terms of altruistic and selfish aspects that exist inside of each person.)

Anyway. Moving on.

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Perhaps you would be the first to create it.