Ultima Journal placement?

Listening to one loop of Beyond Limitless Ultima tonight. Working on getting my head and mind together to see things more clearly. I haven’t listened to anything since Thursday afternoon and it’s currently Saturday night here. Obviously my mind is entirely on my wife and her health and recovery.

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I am a mess tonight.Today was one of the most difficult days I have ever had if not ever. For that reason I chose to run one loop of Beyond Limitless Ultima tonight before bed. I very much need to get my head together and be able to make the best decisions for my Wife and I.What we are going through changes everything. I will never be able to look at anything the same ever again. I already feel my perspective changing on a lot of things. One thing is for sure is that I will never take the time her and I have together for granted ever again.


Seems like Sanguine might be the one to go for right now.

From an endocrinal perspective, Sanguine seems to be about serotonin. Smooths you out.

Beyond Limitless seems to be about dopamine and adrenaline.

Amps you up and gets you focused and motivated.

Seems like you’ve gotten a whole lot of adrenaline in the last couple of days. Playing nothing and/or playing Sanguine might be a good idea.


@Malkuth Not sure what I’m going to do today as far as listening. In a couple of hours I am going to the hospital to spend the day with My Wife. I just called and checked on her. The nurse said she is doing better. Yeah Sanguine Ultima may be the best way to go for a bit. Hopefully stop my anxiety from getting the best of me.
I’m still doing things around our house as usual so I am not losing my mind. I just feel really helpless which is probably very normal. I keep getting asked if I’m taking care of myself and as much as I know intellectually how important that is its difficult not to want to snap at someone and tell them I have to focus on her and her recovery.
I think I will take a couple of days off from the audios. Give my brain a break as I am feeling overwhelmed as it is

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Yeah. Probably doesn’t feel like time for a freaking spa weekend.

Just start from not f**king yourself up, and then work your way up from there. You’re doing great. Holding it down like the gentle warrior.


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I didn’t run anything yesterday. I just wasn’t in the frame of mind. Lame excuse I know. I do feel ok though. Not fantastic obviously. Sitting with my wife at the hospital has given me a lot of time for introspection and to see where I need to become more mature mentally and emotionally. That is at this point my continuing focus. Eliminate whatever unnecessary attachments and any immature or narcissistic behavior and feelings.

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Brother, there is more than one way to grow. It’s likely that the last few days will have done as much or more to impact your mind as any subliminal.

This is the true forge. And it’s interacting with everything you listened to before.


Actually, this happens to me periodically. Either I keep getting too distracted to listen or I really don’t feel like it. I consider it a message from my subconscious that I need a break. And as such, a good thing.

All the best to you and your wife.

By the way, I figured Beyond Ultima would be so much fun I should start listening to it as well.


@DarkPhilosopher Thank you and good choice. Beyond Limitless Ultima is a lot of fun
Any idea if Limitless is in the Regeneration Q Core or is that something @SaintSovereign would have to answer?

Once again I didn’t listen to anything yesterday. I will probably run Beyond Limitless Ultima tonight after I get home and then not run much or anything until Saturday or Sunday. I feel the more time I take away from the audios as in not running endless loops , the more my perspective changes. I know action is critical for progress for me that I feel that is applicable to working on changing your thinking and seeing where you can grow mentally and emotionally.
I definitely try to be more realistic and honest with myself and others and not let the absurdities and endless unnecessary distractions of life cloud my growth or vision.

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As you are probably aware, the natural movement of change in nature is like this.


There’s no way to avoid it. The best thing is to roll with it and make use of it. The way sailors are skilled in using the roll of ocean waves and winds to get to where they are going.

I know you probably already know that, but I mention it because you should be on the look out for a kind of compensatory drop of energy after the tense crisis you’ve just successfully navigated. The natural response would be a kind of depression (not clinical depression) that would hit in this week. A kind of confused directionless physical sensation would be pretty normal. If it comes, it’s natural and kind of gives your body a chance to release the tension. Eventually things balance and normalize.

I don’t know how familiar any of this is to you, but even if it is, it can still be useful to hear it from someone else sometimes.


@Malkuth I am very carefully watching my mental and emotional state and wellbeing. I was thinking earlier how for me it’s important that I have modules such as Attachment Destroyer and Rogue in my customs as I am very much learning to release and let go of that which simply does not matter even more rapidly. Even as my Wife and I have folks around us that want to impose their outdated and quite possibly very toxic beliefs on us. I don’t think a lot of people realize that very often the best way to be supportive of anything is just be there and shut the fuck up unless requested otherwise.
I really want to learn to let go and not be attached to not just what has kept me stuck but also of any outcome or expectations. Selective apathy.

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That’s very real.

One of the very first and most important skills practiced by students of Wisdom and Healing throughout the ages has been Shutting the Fuck Up. That and Getting the Fuck Over Yourself are two major prerequisites for learning almost anything useful.

And yeah, a third important skill is learning how to manage the many people who have not made much progress with those first two skills.

Those modules you mentioned will be useful and I look forward to when I’m running them myself.

Keep doing it. :muscle:t6:

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Not sure if it’s because of my ongoing use of Beyond Limitless Ultima or because I added in EOGQ Stage 1 yesterday but I did have two interesting dreams last night. One was me attempting to get employed at a job I had previously only to be told that for whatever reason I had to take a psych exam to prove I don’t have down syndrome. Obviously I don’t but I know that being told that was from growing up always having my intelligence questioned and at one point being told constantly I must be " partially retarded ". There words not mine. I was told that because I was more than a bit of a non conformist and wasn’t a fan of being told how to live my life or plan my future.
In the other dream my biological mother moved to a different state. Not very far aware but enough. I’m not sure what that means other than to continue the distance I have between myself and my biological , half , and step families.
Honestly I am having a lot of fun running both Beyond Limitless Ultima and EOGQ Stage 1. I have always been super stressed about money or often the lack of it . I have spent the last several years feeling like being broke or close to poverty level obviously isn’t doing myself or my wife any favors but also very unsure what to do about it. I have never understood the total contempt for people who have achieved financial independence. As if being broke and poor is some noble form of suffering.

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No idea why but I am far more motivated today than I have been in a while. I was able to get quite a few things done that honestly I didn’t want to do more out of feeling they would take far longer than they did. Now I feel like I should be doing something I just have no idea what. Obviously I am making sure my Wife is ok and has what she needs.

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Currently running a loop of my Alpha and Wealth focused custom. Really pushing myself to find better options for me and my family. Listening to this yesterday as well as running a couple of loops of Ecstasy of Gold Stage 1 just really got me thinking about where I want my focus to be. That it’s quite possible that the reason I have felt so overwhelmed and stressed out is because of my finances or lack thereof. Obviously it’s far easier to get shit done if you aren’t worried about a lack of resources. I have for a long time felt a burning desire to be able to tell people to just go away and not have to deal with their bullshit drama , criticism, insecurity, and narcissism.

I think for me right now is just this feeling of wanting to walk away from a lot of crap and people. My Wife having a heart attack , having triple bypass surgery, and spending entire days afterwards with her in the hospital just made me really aware of who in our lives are there while its convenient for them and how quickly their focus goes back to themselves.


Yes, important to be there for your wife at this point of time. Other stuff can wait.

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