This is my first day so I’m listening to part A, I got one loop in. I put the listening volume to around 5%, the rain sound is still very clear though, even at those levels.
Full disclosure: I saw a few journals previously, so I spoiled a bit on what to expect. However, I don’t know what B does yet and I’ll stay away from the journals now, just so it has less bias for my results.
Before listening, I was feeling excited for obvious reasons. I had some bad days on Friday and Saturday, so I’ll be keeping track on changes in my feelings there.
During listening:
(notes were taken in order of experiencing)
Just 5 mins in, was feeling some tingles at the back of my head where the skull meets the neck, which disappeared around a half hour in.
The tingling feeling strangely went to the bottom front teeth later too which stayed there the whole time listening. I realized after listening that I normally have this feeling in my teeth, but it was like I wasn’t aware of it. I’m not sure if the subliminal brought out awareness or it was me looking for things. Sort of like when someone mentions that you always see your nose in your vision.
I first was sitting around to try to pay attention to feelings, but then really had the urge to do something 10 mins in.
Started to feel calm, like at peace around a half hour in. Just here.
Wasn’t getting any negative thoughts. As an experiment, I purposefully brought up a memory from the past that has been trolling me today and it bothered me much less. Before, I would get a feeling of being a fool along with the memory.
45 mins in was getting some pressure around the temple, this didn’t last too long though.
Near the end, I was getting some pressure around the 3rd eye area.
I was able to get through the full hour uninterrupted.
After listening:
About a half hour later, I wanted to get out and do something with anyone really. While usually around this time of night, I feel like watching netflix or something instead.
Was feeling really good, in the moment, felt like laughing a lot. I also don’t have much worry about what tomorrow brings.
If I were to guess what module is in this, it would be something like EGO ADSUM because of the “now” presence.
There’s just this inner peace and happiness, a chill kind of feeling. Reminds me of the calm, social feeling I would get when I got drunk at parties, but without the negatives. This would be a great pre-party subliminal.
I felt like I had a presence when I was around my family. Not like a “I’m the shit” or anything. This one is hard to explain, but because I had this feeling I also desired a connection and to converse, like that was the important thing at that moment. Not the worries of the future or what happened in the past. I feel like this would help me listen to people better, to take in what they have to say and understand.
Now my night wasn’t eventful at all since I had nothing planned, but if someone suddenly called and said “lets go out.” I would have gone instantly without any worry about oh I need to do this and that maybe, maybe not etc. Usually I’m the type that prefers things planned ahead but I do appreciate spontaneous things as they happen in the moment. I feel that this brings out the spontaneous, free spirit desires in me.
These effects were present within 2 hours after listening, most were immediate after listening and seemed to calm down a bit after 3-4 hours.
All in all a very nice experience, looking forward to what B will bring. I plan to listen to that one early morning before I hit the gym. Thank you SaintSoverign and Fire for having me take part in this!