Tristan Tate Junior (Limitless + Empfit ST3 custom + Emperor)

What is the deal with testosterone, what benefit do you hope to gain from increasing it? Curious

Btw glad your back!

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Other benefits include:

Increase of drive and motivation
Increase metabolism which leads to increase fat loss (As long as you donā€™t have a bad diet of course)
More facial growth
High testosterone levels tended to have stronger immune systems which leads to having faces that were more attractive to women
Higher Dominance
Deeper voices however this is more genetics and not because of high T


What is your dosage for boron? 3mg a day?

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6mg in the morning

I tried DIM for a bit but I didnā€™t like the effects of it. I think my estrogen was already good and when I took it I felt symptoms of low estrogen so I stopped it right away and my estrogen got back to good according my blood test.

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Didnt realize! I recognize three of those points, fatigue, fat and ā€˜depressionā€™ (feeling unmotivated to do anything or to socialize)! Also feeling stupid but thought that was always because i felt average or below average, i would like a sharper mimd.

Did you see things like that in yourself or did you approach a doctor? I think that my doc would tell me to lose more weight (which i have thanks to wanted)

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After Emperor Fitness ST3 and Limitless yeah pretty much no other subs have helped with my T as much as those two. I mean doctors in Canada are super protective so I got lucky that I was even able to get a full hormone panel (Obviously not going to be able to get TRT with that type of T and my age which is fine).

But like yeah agree with some doctors for example some people have low T but then look at their bad lifestyle (Eating junk food, drinking alcohol, smoking weed/cigarettes, not enough sleep, etc.) and then you realize that they need to fix that before anything else. Even thought I always had a pretty good lifestyle I optimized it even more these past few months which is why my T is getting well right now (My lowest was 438 ng/L back when I was fat and had bad sleep and partied a bit too much).

Also yeah I saw them in myself, doctors will tell you if your healthy or not and other stuffs but thatā€™s about it.


Limitless increased your T? That is interesting! But yeah my lifestyle is pretty bad. At times i have apathy towards it, there is something safe and comforting about just binge watching and comfort eating things

I had a period where i felt broken but everyone was like no your fine. But i am like Why the f am i still single, always tired, unmotivated(no passion), not really progressing, no friends i really like, staying in comfort. Sometimes i just dislike most people and i am like meh i dont care, but at the same time i want them to like me and invite me to shitt i will say no to. Just that ideal small group of friends you eventually can call family.

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It has a general hormone improvement that + Empfit ST3 makes it a good combination.

Yeah thatā€™s not good for your health or lifestyle and you know me I will give you the unfiltered truth. If you keep doing that you would have some kind of health issues or youā€™d be fat.

Well yeah thatā€™s the problem with some people they think saying your fine when your not really fine will help them when it wonā€™t do anything lol. For me, if I have a friend whoā€™s got issues, I tell them look you got issues and hereā€™s how you can fix them. Most accept it and do the fixes and welp some get offended and donā€™t grown.

i think i have around 950 ng/dl last time i checked which was a month ago. I gave up TRT and decided to go natural.

When you have high test levels girls can smell it. I noticed this 2 nights back.

These girls were making conversation or trying to in dutch. Told them to piss off i dont speak dutch they started babbling away in english. I was not in the mood so i walked away.

have this one at home, gonna try it from now on.

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It is weird but boron makes me sleepy.
I took it after lunch and afterward I have been feeling more lethargic and sleepy. Same another day.
First time just 3mg, and today 6mg.

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I think itā€™s because you took with lunch however I canā€™t confirm that.

Try taking it on a empty stomach first thing in morning with all your other supplements and see if that changes something. I also fasting for 4 - 5 hours upon waking up but I donā€™t think thatā€™s the reason Boron works well for me.

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I am doing IF, I skip breakfast and my first meal is lunch at 12:00.
But I am following instructions and there is taking it with lunch. But will try it on empty stomach.

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Oh really well in that case Iā€™ve been skipping instructions all this time :joy:

Technically I do take Boron with calories and itā€™s considered IF (Fish Oil) since Iā€™m still in ketosis when I do but I wouldnā€™t consider that lunch.

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Interesting :slight_smile:
Just next weekend I started low carb and see you are running something similar since you mentioned ketosis.
My abs are definitely there and quite visible.

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Iā€™m definitely not doing low carb lol. I have around 180g of carbs a day. What I mean is when you donā€™t eat for 16 hours your in ketosis (Or some kind of it). I tried keto once not for me for now.

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Low carb is not keto. Just fewer carbs.

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Ah okok

So with the new custom Iā€™ve redefined my supplement stack to optimize 3 things general health + testosterone + cognitive health so my current stack looks like this:

Four Sigmatic Coffee (Every rest day)
Random Pre-workout (Every rest day)
Fat Burner (Every training day)
Gorilla Mode Pre-workout (For Pumps - Saturday)
5000ug of Vitamin D (Every day)
1 multivitamin (Every day)
3 pills of Kino Mojo or 3 pills of Snap Testosterone Booster (Every day)
2 pills of Kino Brain or 2 pills of Snap Brain Food (Every day)
2 pills of Royal Jelly (Every day)

So far so good with this stack. Results have been good as well starting weight was 195lbs, current weight is 193.5lbs with what seems to be increased muscle mass which is interesting on a calorie deficit.