Traveling the Paths of Wealth, Imbuing Vital Physicality (Custom Q Journal)

The NAISSANCE custom is about consolidating, reinforcing, establishing, strengthening my inner nature, my my inner resources and vision, my inner kingdom.

Its central core is The Alchemist. This is supported by Quantum Limitless. Enriched by Mind’s Eye.

One of the really important, non-negotiable modules for Naissance is Harmonic Singularity. That’s important enough that I’d almost rank it up with the cores.

This custom is conceptualized around what I believe to be my core strengths—my Soul’s code. That’s what it’s meant to feed and facilitate.

I’m also planning to include Astral Projection X and Remote Viewing X. Although those two are officially major cores, I was advised—back in July 2020 when I was first planning this—that they are light enough to be treated as modules.

So that’s six.


The Soul Feeder.

I have a list of 20 or so other modules that are under consideration. But I’m not building it until May 2021 and I hope to see one more module pack released by then.

My current task is to rank, in order of priority, the modules I’m currently considering.

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13 pull-ups this morning. Felt good.

Today was my first day without waking at 4:45 to meditate and then attend a 6 AM training for 4 hours. hahha. Felt good; although that intense, stimulating, learning experience of the past 5 days imparted a feeling of fullness to the time. The immersion of that experience made it feel, subjectively, as though it had been longer than 5 days.

This morning I ‘slept in’ until 6:15 AM, when my son needed to get up and get ready for school. He’s a trooper.

Then I meditated (with PATHS Terminus) from 6:55 to 7:55 or so. When that was completed, I made an impromptu-ish decision to do my walk in the morning instead of in the evening. Originally, I’d been thinking to just do a short 1-hr walk while playing a loop of Quantum Focus. But as I was getting ready, I felt more and more like doing the whole 6.5 miles. So I switched to my usual routine: play IMBUE Terminus and Jet Stream Ultima. Since the whole walk takes about 1hr30m, I like to start playing the first subliminal 15-20 minutes before I go. Then when I come back home, I only need to wait 10 minutes or so before I get in the shower.

Saw a roaming boar this morning on the walk. They’re generally more concerned with eating than anything else. I still crossed to the other side of the street. hahaha.

On the way home, decided to listen to some of that online Versus battle between Raekwon and Ghostface. That got me kind of hyped. And when I passed the pull-up bar in the park, I did 13 fairly comfortably. That’s encouraging. I was reflecting with appreciation on the fact that my abdominal muscles have just quietly re-adapted to pull-ups. ‘Just give us a minimum of nutrition and rest, and we’ll take care of you.

25 minutes of Rae and Ghost were more than enough. They are fly. But the moment had flown.

And now here I am post-yogurt and getting into my workday. I want to add another post about the evolving Naissance custom.


Okay. These are the modules that I’m currently thinking of for NAISSANCE. There are a number of points that require further consideration. These are basically in order of priority.

I’m hoping for another module release next month. That would also likely affect what is included.

NAISSANCE Custom - Modules Under Consideration

Alchemist ST4 Core

the true Central core of Naissance. One theme in designing this custom is my sense of the many potential expressions of both Alchemist and Quantum Limitless. I suspect that with continued use and with intentional focus, these titles might by themselves be sufficient to produce the effects of a number of the modules below. So that’s a source of some uncertainty. But meh. Life has uncertainty. Still have to do something.

Quantum Limitless ST4 Q Core

The Secondary core of Naissance

Mind’s Eye Q Core

the ‘focal’ core of Naissance

Harmonic Singularity

definitely included - directly addresses a long-standing issue in my personal/spiritual functioning - highly relevant

Spiritual Reality Alignment

speaks directly to one of the central purposes of this custom

Pride Unbroken

as an INFP, HSP, whatever category of ‘other’, man - this seems like a deeply healing module to include


as with so many, I have my inner blocks and fixations. Addressing them is another important focus of this custom.

Faith Unyielding

this fits well with the former two modules and creates a kind of Inner Strength triad. Was not originally on my radar, but is now. particularly after reading @lrw’s reasoning.


is this redundant with Alchemist? I’ve spent 3 months with each stage of Alchemist, and plan to spend a much longer time with NAISSANCE. How will this module play out and contribute?


same. Redundant with Alchemist? At first I wasn’t including this or Metamorphosis for that reason. But I think they may be kind of similar to how Polyglot is with Quantum Limitless. Under the umbrella of that larger program, but with a more specific and defined focus.

Immortal’s Blade

Seems relevant.


on my original list of NAISSANCE modules from June 2020. Relevant to all skill-oriented learning/modeling-based learning.


seems good. still wondering a bit about including this one. With all of the intuition-strengthening, alignment, and enhancement of this stack, do I need this?

Khronos Key

the capacity to modulate subjective time. highly useful and fits well with Internal Strength and Ease.


again. not sure if I need this. I think I tend to be pretty well grounded. Then again, I do have my moments. And just because I think I may be grounded, doesn’t mean I can’t use some more help. Especially if my spiritual life and spiritual practices intensify.

The Merger of Worlds

from the original Naissance list. At that time it was a no-brainer. Now I wonder how much I need it. It’s a beautiful module. At the same time, will daily meditation and long-term work with Alchemist and Quantum Limitless accomplish the same end? Well, it can’t hurt to include this. But I might also take it out if something else seems more necessary or compelling.

Astral Projection Q Core

from my original NAISSANCE list.


was not going to include this originally. But it seems to fit well. Also, was thinking that it may synergize with Astral Projection and Remote Viewing. And I need all the help I can get in those areas.

Remote Viewing XQ Core

the Yi Jing (易經) confirmed that it is definitely a good move to include this.


At first, couldn’t fit this one in, but I moved a couple of others below it. I’m 47, 48 in two months. My time to truly contribute to my children in a focused way is limited. Family is important to me. This is last not because of its importance but because of its slightly more tenuous relationship to the core focus of this custom. It’s more relational and outwardly expressed, whereas the core of this title is about Inner Strength. But I think that this quality of the stack and the significance of this module may evolve as time goes on.

Also, if I include everything listed here, Dynasty is the 20th and final module in NAISSANCE

Honorable Mention

I.Q. and Cognitive Booster

with a year of Quantum Limitless under my belt, will this be necessary. Is it redundant?


I’m considering IQ and Cognitive Booster and Polyglot for a future Learning/Teaching Ultima Booster


I was originally definitely going to include this one. But some of the others above seemed more compelling. I think that I could include Mystery in a future Creativity, Expression, Art custom with Renaissance Man, Ultimate Writer, Ultimate Music Producer, and others. Maybe when I get things in my life to a place where I’m engaged with more creative projects and personal unfolding.

Transcendental Connection

Might save this for a more Emotional Wellbeing Social custom

Spiritual Abundance

Same. Might save this for a more emotional/social custom in the future


I’d encourage you to consider putting Mosaic in there. There is also something else to keep in mind. By the time you build this, perhaps Q+ will be out and maybe the limit will be greater than 20.


Thanks for commenting, @RVconsultant .

I have thought about including Mosaic (and DEUS too for that matter). But I’ve been playing Mosaic for so long already. It’s in my second custom IMBUE and also in my other custom DUAT. By May 2021, I’ll have heard it for 11 months in one and 8 months in the other. I feel like my mind may have already absorbed the ability to integrate my chosen programs. I could be wrong about that, but I still hesitate to give up valuable real estate to Mosaic.

I know nothing about Q+. I’ve avoided theorizing about it. I’ll wait for Saint and Fire to reveal what they’re working on. Would love to see a higher module limit, but on the other hand, 20 is a lot.

I’ll keep thinking on it. I’ve got 7 weeks before it’s time to submit my order for Naissance.

This is a centrally important title for me. Maybe the most important one.

Another part of my plan for the next phase is that I plan to have Terminus and Standard build versions of my two customs. I’ll alternate them both in my playlist. (For example, Terminus for morning meditation sessions. Followed by multiple loops of Standard Q build.). If and when I feel that the results have plateaued/maxed out on Standard, I can start to introduce more Terminus loops. Something like that.

Thank you for elaborating. Once again, your reasoning and self-discipline seems thorough to me.

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Any additional ideas or reactions to the custom are welcome, if any come to you.

major time dilation in today’s Mind’s Eye Terminus2 meditation.

It occurred to me that Quantum Limitless is likely also influencing my meditation experiences.

At the same time, this meditation did not feel subjectively ‘smooth’ or ‘deep’. That happens to people. The subjective feel of a meditation does not necessarily reflect the impact it’s having.

In any case, when the hour finished, it felt somewhat like it had only just started. This tends to happen much more with Mind’s Eye Terminus2.

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You have been so thorough I think I have nothing at this time.

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My custom Ultima Jet Stream B arrived today!


As mentioned above, it’s somewhat experimental, but

if it’s working well, then we’ll be traveling together for a while.

This is intended to be my main booster (evolving into a major) over this year and into the next.

I haven’t played a loop yet. I’m going through my planned loops of the day first. But I’ll probably take it out for a test drive as I take my hike. hmmm… and maybe I’ll do another loop afterwards at home with the better headphones since it’s an Ultima.

Jet Stream B Ultima

Ascended Mogul core
RICH Ultima core
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Secret Source
Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
Current Invoker
Secret Source



Well, I think I’m going to go ahead and say that Jet Stream B Ultima is working.

I’m just about finishing up my first loop. Just got back home from evening walk. About 20-25 minutes into this first loop, I started getting this gust of positive, optimistic energy that has continued until now.

I’m experiencing a pleasant sensation of listening.

Of course, we know about the laws of Polarity and Vibration.

So we don’t get overly reactive to ups or downs. Instead, we gratefully engage the entire cycle of up and down;

Knowing that every blessed revolution of the wheel carries us that much farther.

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Haha. I’ve essentially run my IMBUE custom as a kind of deep, slow-motion Terminus-build booster. :joy: That thought just hit me.

Pretty powerful, slightly grandiose energy arising.



I can actually feel that it’s not done yet. It’s partway there, but I think it’s going to change a little more in the next 6 weeks.

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In situations such as these, I find nonaction to be the best form of action.

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So far, today’s stack has been:

Mind’s Eye Terminus2 - 1 loop (morning meditation)

did other things for a bit

Alchemist Awakening (st 3) - 3 loops
Quantum Focus (st 3) - 1 loop

coming up next/later

The Alchemist (st 4) - 1 loop
IMBUE Terminus - 1 loop
Jet Stream B - 1 or 2 loops

My soul’s path does not require me to tell stories;

No doctrines to believe or to disbelieve.

Moment after moment

Of experience

Of witness

Of presence

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Well that definitely got pulled off alright.

For the current version of the planned NAISSANCE custom, I’ve put the modules into groups based on how they feel related.


Got 4.5 hours of sleep last night.

Meditated from 7:45 to 8:45 AM. The hour passed extremely quickly. Felt kind of like 20 minutes. Had to check the clock to double check that an hour had really passed.