Traveling the Paths of Wealth, Imbuing Vital Physicality (Custom Q Journal)

Pretty powerful, slightly grandiose energy arising.



I can actually feel that it’s not done yet. It’s partway there, but I think it’s going to change a little more in the next 6 weeks.

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In situations such as these, I find nonaction to be the best form of action.

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So far, today’s stack has been:

Mind’s Eye Terminus2 - 1 loop (morning meditation)

did other things for a bit

Alchemist Awakening (st 3) - 3 loops
Quantum Focus (st 3) - 1 loop

coming up next/later

The Alchemist (st 4) - 1 loop
IMBUE Terminus - 1 loop
Jet Stream B - 1 or 2 loops

My soul’s path does not require me to tell stories;

No doctrines to believe or to disbelieve.

Moment after moment

Of experience

Of witness

Of presence

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Well that definitely got pulled off alright.

For the current version of the planned NAISSANCE custom, I’ve put the modules into groups based on how they feel related.


Got 4.5 hours of sleep last night.

Meditated from 7:45 to 8:45 AM. The hour passed extremely quickly. Felt kind of like 20 minutes. Had to check the clock to double check that an hour had really passed.

15-ish pull-ups last night at end of hike.

The last two were more conceptual than actual :rofl:

the idea of a pull-up

In the Platonic realm, I’m in excellent physical condition

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There was a brief period of time back about 7(?) years ago, when I was doing 20 pull-ups and benching 265 for 8 reps on the first set. I don’t know about benching that much but I do want to get back to that number of pull-ups.

Seems doable. But I am being very polite to my body at this stage. Definitely don’t want to piss it off. We’ll dialogue and see what’s possible.

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Subliminal rest day.

Decided to start the day with a talk with my sis. That was good.

Now, I’m doing a late meditation hour.

Herzegovina… (‘here we go’)

Did this morning’s PATHS Terminus meditation a bit early, from 5:15 AM to 6:15 AM.

Then I decided to lay down a bit more and played a loop of Paragon Ultima v2.

Brain and body got kind of chemically zonked-out.

But as I was waking I realized that I’d been having dreams about navigating through some kind of conceptual New York like around the Bronx region at some point. There was some kind of safety zone, a very clean (partially subterranean) library that I somehow descended into.

Took me a few hours after getting up to click back into the day.


so is everyone :laughing::joy::hugs:

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Specifically, from 2:07 to 3:03 and then 5:44 to 6:40.


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oh, duh! This wasn’t the main point, but I did not realize that Watchmen was also a Zack Snyder movie. Now those subtle aesthetic resonances make more sense to me.

Haha. This guy really does not like Marvel superhero movies. haha. But apart from that, I was just making the same point to someone about the ‘Gods on Earth’/Mythic aspect of DC movies. I really agree with that. Now that I think of it, Marvel aims to humanize the gods. DC kind of leaves them as gods. I think there’s enough room for both of them. But this Ben Shapiro guy definitely prefers the heightened reality, GODS kind of atmosphere.

I think that his critiques of Whedon’s Justice League are very much spot-on.

But I don’t think they represent failings per se. Whedon was not well-matched with the mythos of Justice League. In Firefly/Serenity, he is excellent. There it’s all about limited, flawed humanity finding its way in the face of a vast, often dispassionate, Universe. The Whedon sensibility works much better in that context. The irony, the gallows-humor, etc., are ennobled by the fact that they are (self-consciously) occurring against the backdrop of that great Existential Void. The VOID (the vastness of the Universe) is the real power and context in Firefly.

But this approach does not work in Justice League or Avengers because the main characters ARE the power. So, when they’re flippant and ironic it seems to speak to the triviality of life rather than to the defiant moxie and spirit of human beings. In those super-powered movies, it works better if the powerful superheroes are aware of how powerful they are, if they embody that power, and if they struggle with the moral and ethical burden of it.

hmmm…that might not be true. I’m just expressing the idea.

Anyway. Thanks for the video. I’ve only watched the first half (up to 6:40) and will watch the second part afterwards.

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step by step

The only person whose life is really about you, is you.


The ultimate grounds of human contention is Narrative and Perception; the prizes at stake, Attention and Mind.

Never let anyone pimp or con you into believing this is about anything else. That’d just be the wool over your own eyes.

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I don’t care if you like me.

I like me.


Attention is Worship.

make no mistake.

MIND the Doors of attention.

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