Top 3 Subliminal Club Products Of 2021

I get curious as to how one person can get crazy awesome results on a sub while others not so much
Is it the persons mindset or beliefs? Would someone else get similar results if they ran a sub like Regeneration ZP or Dragon Reborn for a while first?


well there are obvious things like age and looks for the sexual products.

for example, i knew libertine would work for me because i already get a lot of female attention from having won the genetic lottery for looks.

but your question is good when it comes to products for creativity,problem solving,etc…the results for those products i would expect to be more consistent then sexual products.

but not sure i would need to think on this a lot more.

its a very good question.


Waaaaay too many factors to take into consideration, few of them being;

  • age.
  • base personality.
  • IQ and brain health.
  • lifestyle.
  • diet.
  • supplements.
  • environment.
  • cultural background.
  • job/profession.

those are just some of the factors that I believe could determine how “crazy awesome” of results you can get.


in addition to this, i also wonder if, given enough time, everyone would have those incredibly insane results ones all the barriers preventing that from happening have been destroyed. Or perhaps some subs really just dont fit with someones core and theyll never be able to get those insane results without a shitton of recon alongside it.


Don’t feel bad . I struggle with manifestations myself. Part of the question I asked a bit ago. Obviously as pointed out there are so many variables that come into play that a definitive answer is almost impossible


Adding to this is something I just learned about


i do hope this will change in the future for both of us. Dont wanna sound ungratefull for the inner changes, since these are some of the best changes iver ever had, but i do wish for some of those ‘‘holy shit’’ manifestations that others are reporting.


Man I kid you not, I learned about that word just last night because of an Instagram video :exploding_head:

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I completely agree. I don’t ever want to sound ungrateful or entitled.
That’s why I ask questions as weird as they may be at times.
That just adds to why comparing your life to some else’s is unhealthy
I used to drive my wife nuts because I would hear people at the job I had at the time talk about vacations they took or purchases they made and not understand how they could afford it
There situation was and probably very different then my Wife’s and mine.
Prior to running Dragon Reborn I would go on about things like that to my wife endlessly
I didn’t realize how unfair that was to my wife

I came across the term today reading an article on Bored Panda but it’s something I have thought about especially running errands

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I feel like I sabotage myself a lot with whatever unresolved issues I have as well as trying to be as realistic as possible

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1. WANTED Qv2 - literally changed everything in my dating life since running this. No doubt it’s 1 for me

2. RICH - this sub is almost magical in its motivation and endless optimism and drive. But what’s most magical is the amount of money I make running this sub. Was a tough 2nd man

3. House of Medici - this sub was like Chosen ZP before chosen ZP was a thing. It’s like Chosen ZP met Mogul and had a baby and that is the masterful House of Medici sub. My closing rate of 30% skyrocketed to like 60-70%. This sub is way way too good. Like the financial discipline, the powerful focus on relationship building, the long term financial planning… 20/10. This is by far the best sub to run lifelong and for those looking to truly create wealth.


It’s more close to congruence with the sub and the goal you have.

See for myself I started running subliminals because I was fairly successful but I noticed when I made a certain amount of money my subconscious mind would creep in and limit myself due to how I grew up as poor…

So the subliminals helped me by shattering those limitations I had and by making my subconscious in true alignment with my conscious mind.

I think the reason why people don’t get results is simply due to this incongruence. For example you can’t be running Wanted Qv2 as a guy that’s overweight and suddenly expect girls to fawn over you and have a crazy result that a guy like me who is a male model and 21 years old. There is just deep incongruence with that…

So based on my experience of things I feel like running Subs ultimately help and support your action taking by making sure your subconscious mind this in alignment… now the missing part is making sure your conscious mind is in alignment and your actions are in alignment.

Running subs work ONLY WHEN YOU WORK. You must put in the work.


i disagree,

that is an overly simplistic way to look at things,

Jcast asked a very good question that will require serious thought and analysis to answer.’’

and there is a good chance the answer is overly complex for us to ever really understand.

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Or maybe over complexity is a limiting belief and the truth really is simple…

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This is exactly what I was thinking about. How is it easy for some others but not for me?

Maybe our limiting beliefs limit us so in this case, we have to maybe run first DR or regeneration or something like this.

Or maybe our energy frequency is just low and we can not get those fancy manifestations hence we have to run maybe alchemist, sage, chosen, or love bomb first to increase our vibrations.

Just my thoughts, I do not know.

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Beyond Limitless Ultima v2 makes me work more than 4 hours easily. It’s one of my best subs from subclub.

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I do think you’re onto something regarding running healing titles first. I’ve remembered reading members have very different experiences running titles before and after running Dragon Reborn. That’s what I plan on doing in the near future, just waiting for Elixir to come out.


So I wonder what help is there if any person happens to have all the above factors going against him?

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This is why is regeneration in my current stack.