Tools beside subliminals

Uhm, yes – they are. Passive self-help audios to change the body, mind and life. The technicality of how they work seems irrelevant.

This doesn’t make any sense, but I know who you heard that from.

I mean this is really the crux of it which I perfectly understand. If you express a complaint that subs aren’t working for you and you’re using other products, it’s hard to pinpoint the problem and you have no right really to say the subs are the problem.

I tend to gravitate toward energy work that upgrades me holistically so that more targeted things like subs can work better. And this is why I feel they are complementary.

Eyes wide open.


I’m happy to try to clarify it. I don’t fully appreciate you insinuating that I’m just aping what others have said but that’s fine.

I’ve experimented with making my own that are targeted toward musicianship.

Look I’m not sure the value in arguing it at this point. I’ve got a long overdue Xmas party to attend for my employees at my gym. I wish you well.


Then out the window goes any meditation music then that transmits energetics (which they all do really because sound is energy), or guided meditations…

Don’t forget all the mentions elsewhere around here of Joe Despenza…

I said passive, not active.

That’s a different kind of energy, right? Or are SES’s and others’ energy tools just . . . music?

One gets better results with Morphic energy if one is active in meditation, and with conscious intent, visualizing the energy doing what the audio/ mandala was designed to do.


That’s true. I think the same could be said about subliminals and all other passive growth audio technologies. :slight_smile:

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is it just me or do morphic fields come across as some pseudo-woodoo quackery, like what kind of results are you guys even getting from them lol

Many feel that way. I can’t scientifically prove it and I’m fine if people don’t believe it.


I like to think I’m relentlessly open minded


I’m also very open-minded to morphic fields and other energy tools; I use them daily. I don’t get particularly noticeable results from either subliminals or energy tools but I just keep using it anyway because it doesn’t hurt. It’s a hobby – even though I’m quite a non-responder.

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s’all good lol, I’m just curious but i’m open minded as well

my thing is that I’ve always heard of tremendous results that people get from subliminals but from morphic fields and reiki… I rarely hear about the results lol

How is it a passive self-help audio unless it is silent? I don’t get the point about that.

Yes, some products are silent tracks that transmit energies, and I’m not talking about ultrasonics.

It is obvious that all guided meditation would be audible, so what do you mean by passive self-help audios?

SES and other tools that I’ve mentioned here are not just music, and I personally feel them a lot.

All sound contains energies. That’s how music itself is able to shift mood and change mental states.

you dont even get recon?

You listen, it needs no action. A guided meditation requires listening and following an instruction – it’s active. Energy stuff and subliminals just require putting it on and you can do anything without paying attention to it – it’s passive.

I find this to be a strange sentiment. The universe is energy. Light is energy. What does that have to do with paid energy tools that are “not just music” and “not just light”? If energy is just sounds and lights, then what’s the point of paying for “energy tools”? Obviously you’re talking about something else than “sound waves” (sound energy) and “photons” (light energy). So I just don’t see the relevance.

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Nope, never have. I have some friends who use subliminals too, they don’t get it either. Not sure why. We follow the instructions.


It’s a life long journey. And it is possible to develop the skills of receptivity and energy sensitivity.

And you may have some psychological blocks. We all do. Have a look at Satori Method or Ivana’s Highway to Nirvana. Or Alchemy of Gris. Or Lester Levinson.


lol wow thats really interesting

maybe SubClub will make a new tech to help non-responders like yourself


That would be cool

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