TMB - Project Ultima

Take a rest day if you need it. Quite a few testers are reporting feeling burned out.

Definitely feeling burned out and sick at the moment. Will have a nap and see how I feel tomorrow but it definitely has to be related to the sub as I’ve had slight headaches leading to pounding ones since the 2nd/3rd day.

So last night I only ended up napping for about 15 minutes and it truly showed how tired I was as lately I’ve been sleeping at 4am-6am yet yesterday fell asleep at 1/2am.

I’ve woken up at 8am and still feel super tired however I’m pushing forward with B right now and it feels great. Whilst I’m feeling super tired and just know I’m going to have a nap later, B makes me feel super energised again and like I can physically push forward with whatever I need to do. It’s as if it’s making me take the action I need to get what I want done, I can’t stop thinking about it - great in my book. I definitely prefer the B track out of the two as A pushes me but not as much as B seems to.

Mentally I’m super tired but physically I want to go go go. So may go take advantage and use the energy I have before I need a nap.

Going to see how I feel later on or after a nap to determine whether a rest day is necessary or not. At the moment, seemingly so, however this energy wants to keep pushing forward towards productivity.

Nap time is coming, I’m not feeling the same on B as I was the other day, maybe some down time needed.

Bare in mind there is only one time, maybe twice?, that I’ve played the loop more than twice so for me to get this off one loop each day is incredible. This is clearly something super powerful and I’m feeling as if it won’t be necessary to play this every day, regardless between A and B.

This feels like what Terminus was like but I didn’t feel like this after a couple days, it took about 5/6 days whereas Ultima has made me feel like this after 2/3. I truly think a rest day is necessary. I’ve gone from a huge high to a massive low. Energy flat lines a couple hours after - like caffeine, which I don’t have.

I feel like I could keep going physically but mentally I’m dry of functional energy and cloudy.

My nap was so weird, it felt like my mind was wide awake and I could hear literally every little noise, but my body went to sleep - so now I’m more tired than I was before. I could hear the kids across the road playing, the sound of nature, people talking, and I must have been dreaming at stop time however it’s such a blur because I literally just remember colours.

Guys it feels so weird. No idea what was happening but I’m still tired.

So I ended up having another nap last night as I was exhausted and fell asleep to the B track, I could not wake up properly. It’s literally like my mind just wouldn’t let me up and I had to drag myself out of bed.

Few hours later and here I am at 5:05am wide awake and feeling fucking incredible. I don’t know if it just took time to process and I needed sleep but I feel great. Slight headache but feeling way better and and if the sub is working and doing its magic.

I have to go back to sleep as I’ve got a bunch of work to do tomorrow however it’s good to feel energised again.

So I’ve had a busy day! Been constantly doing something so I haven’t had the chance to update however I was tired today after I woke up this morning. I was up and ready though physically, like my body had energy still. I listened to A whilst watching a TV show with my boyfriend earlier and I found it so much easier for it to process during that time rather than focusing on the subliminal because my mind was preoccupied with something else.

Gonna do it again with A as I’ve decided to up to 2 loops now. I feel like I needed the one loop until this point and I’ve got what I believe to be 2 more days so I wanna see the experience of two loops a day now.

After reading other journals I’m starting to realise that we have a similar thing in common, we are needing less sleep and that it doesn’t feel like we are getting to sleep. My brain is constantly thinking about something and my body is just sleeping - at least for me. Is anyone else feeling like the latter?

So when I wake up I’m just mentally tired and pulling myself around but I’m able to just pull myself to do what I need to do. I feel this mainly on A which is what I used today - and again I needed a nap mid way through the day but I got a lot of what I needed to do today done. I do feel a little less disorganised on B but I prefer the energy B gives me.

Also, during this thinking time I’m definitely more aware of the fact I’m dreaming however my short term memory loss is making me forget them, I just see colours and all that kind of stuff - nothing including myself or anyone else as of yet. I can definitely feel the processing of both subs when I’m using them compared to other subs.

In regards to reconcilation, I feel way less than normal subs - normally I hit reconcilation quite quickly and hard on powerful subs but I don’t feel like I’m hitting anything like that besides just being tired and having to process everything. I feel like everything is quite smooth. Sounds contradicting and I am getting headaches but I’m putting it down to my sleep - it’s workable headaches now too.

So far throughout the week I feel a bunch of energy, a bunch of productivity, action taking, ideas, creativity etc however I also feel a huge crash where I need to sleep but I’m not truly sleeping as my mind is awake, and then I’m up and running again physically.

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I haven’t listened to the sub yet today, going to do it soon however I just wanted to make a note that I’ve been seeing a lot of angel numbers recently. Saw 555, 333, 111 etc. I’ve noticed others have too. Interesting.

Also, I may have to reverse my thoughts on this build slightly, maybe it does need more rest. I feel once the sub has processed you feel fucking amazing on it, whether A or B and there’s been two times I’ve felt so so powerful and really felt the height of the subs powers for both tracks. Every other time I’ve felt great but not as powerful as those two times.

Maybe more rest for Ultima is necessary. I feel like even once/twice a week for this would run you whatever you needed for the week from the build.

Still seeing angel numbers. 888 today in someone’s live stream on that app and it’s making me feel special haha.

I listened to B earlier whilst watching American Horror Story and straight after listening I needed a nap. Bare in mind I had already had a longer one earlier in the day.

This sub is so so powerful, I can feel it hitting straight away but feel like it overloads my body/mind and instead of feeling hit with energy straight away, I crash. I’m assuming this is what’s happening anyway - just going off what’s occuring to me.

Been taking today as a rest day as I’m waiting for Stage 2 to drop.

Been having to sleep a lot recently and still seeing angel numbers, more frequently now but yeah. Other than that, nothing too out of the ordinary.

Technically I had about 22 hours of a rest day so that’s good, right?

Anyway, moving onto Stage 2 now. Listening to it and it feels super good already. Like I’m back in StarkQ mode already and I’m super happy about it. Legit started it about 10 minutes ago but I feel good, energised and already feeling productive.

Will update soon.

UPDATE: Maybe too early and maybe coincidence aha but I’m feeling like I’m so much more focused with this already, I’m realising that I can concentrate better on the things that are going on and I’m much more focused on what I’m doing/saying right now.

Okay so guys, I played Stage 2 for one and a half loops and it cut out the first time however I kid you not that I’m already seeing/feeling results!

Let me place this here that StarkQ has been in every sub stack I’ve had so it’s been my foundation since release and I’ve always had great results with Stark. Whenever I’ve gone to Terminus which gave me terrible reconcilation, and back to StarkQ it took a few days to kick back in. I had StarkQ on for a couple days before Ultima testing as I had issues on Terminus.

I’ve been off StarkQ since Ultima testing began and things have felt stagnant in terms of the way StarkQ ran my life compared to just the Ultima build.

Before I had even finished the full last loop I was on my phone sending and creating messages to people to people regarding work. Bare in mind, it’s 1am right now and all I’m feeling is productivity, creativity and full on Ultima energy mode. I’m messaging people and creating contacts, networks and more that I need right now - hitting people up I never normally would beforehand and actually glad I did as it’s helping me with my career already.

All I want right now is to be social and do what I need to do to be the fun guy that people love, I’m on my way.

Excited for this stage and to keep pushing with this.


Late response today but I listened to Stage 2 this evening so it’s been around 4 hours since I played it and about 24 hours since it was last played. Still getting used to my headphones that are touch sensitive so it’ll go on and off so I had to keep starting it from the beginning. Got a full loop in.

I’ve been super social so far with people and been working on my goals, I hit one of them today but need to hit even bigger goals. Really hoping Stark can help with that this month. Really pushing forward with goals this month, trying to hit the higher tiers for pay so it’s necessary for sure.

In regards to listening, I got a massive headache that I’ve had throughout the day however I’ve barely been drinking water or eating properly. Absolutely not been eating properly as I’m trying to work on a diet that suits me. But yeah, pretty much instant headache and again, super tired. Maybe this is overwhelming? Maybe I’m not processing as quickly? I have been on subs since even before I stopped Ultima as it was the next day, so I haven’t had a rest day yet. Maybe it calls for it?

Ultima Stage 2 is definitely hella powerful again, if not more so with the title as I can feel it. I’ve been feeling some doubt but it is what it is.

Am I burning out? Maybe.

So I haven’t listened to the sub yet. I may do, I haven’t decided but right now it might be a rest day.

I’ve been getting really bad headaches and my eyes have been hurting as I work on my phone a lot. These headaches have been consistent.

Anyhow, I fell asleep at 3/4am last night and woke up at 1pm today, haven’t had that amount of sleep in a while, jesus. I needed it. I then needed another nap at 6 and woke up around 7:45pm.

I really must need the rest. I feel like this sub is really that powerful that it’s pushing me to take the rest I need to make it work more efficiently by knocking me out haha. I’ve even taken a day off work today (even though I work at home).

Forgot to add that I was having dreams about my dogs - no idea what the heck it was about but that’s all I can remember but at least I’m starting to remember more of the things I’m dreaming about.

I definitely used yesterday/today as a rest day so we shall see how I feel in the morning. I have a feeling I’m going to be super tired. I have a lot of things to do but it’ll be good knowing I’ve had some rest. We shall go off how my body feels when I wake up whether I should listen tomorrow or not.

Decided to allow myself another rest day as I really want to ensure the sub had processed. I haven’t listened to it today and guess what? I feel fucking fantastic.

My day has been so good. I’m so freaking grateful. I didn’t have that much sleep and was up late but woke up early. I fell asleep at 5am last night, maybe nearly 6 and woke up at 9/10 because my boyfriend had his alarm on 3 different times.

Today has been such a productive but super busy day too. It’s been a great day.

I feel like it just needed it’s time to process for sure. I feel like I’m feeling what people were feeling on A in the first place. I kid you not, regardless of any slight headaches I have, any tiredness I feel, I feel amazing.

I’m not even tired, I could keep going - and I’m someone who needs their sleep. I could sleep anywhere.

A rest day was definitely necessary. I had so much energy today, had a great time on my live, I truly allowed myself to come out of my shell in terms of personality during my live stream and everything felt amazing.

Will play Stage 2 again tomorrow.

Followed through with playing Stage 2 today. Felt great, good energy, one nap, having a good time. Life has been good the past two days with me achieving certain goals. I want to continue this streak of feeling great and StarkQ to push me to do what I want to do in the first place.

I bought Khan the day before the test took place as I wanted to become an alpha social king aha and I’ve been getting a strong urge to use Khan however I’m sticking with the test. I’m super excited to possibly stack these two when the tests are over, I wonder what that would achieve? Super excited for that.

Anyhow, I’ve been super social with StarkU. Just a list of things that has been happening with StarkU that wouldn’t happen before:

  • Talking - A LOT - and making great conversation with people. I’m super insecure and shy as person but this has truly bought me out of my comfort zone and into talking with people. Talking has always scared me but I feel no fear with it now.

  • Celebrity and fame - I’m gaining so much love and support recently that I’m like what the heck is happening. I’m starting to overlook this as I’m constantly craving more but this keeps giving.

  • Action - Pushing me towards achieving my goals, constantly getting new ideas and how to achieve what I want and I’m getting more vivid ideas for them.

  • Creativity - As a dancer and choreographer this has truly been helping more and more with coming up with fresh ideas for choreo that I wouldn’t have before.

I’m going to do a second loop soon, the first loop was done during my walk into town about 10 hours ago, so I’m feeling the energy on a good timing.

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Took another rest day, I’ve been getting headaches again but I can fully feel the effects on Ultima. Pretty much the same to report from yesterday.

Have to echo my thoughts, the sub is super powerful. Whatever is in this is a fire cracker.

So to kind of conclude as the test finishes, Ultima is great however it’s something I personally have to use once every couple of days. I feel the effects but it also exhausts me if I listen too much so one loop is great right now.

I’ve literally listened to Stage 2 before getting into the bath tonight and straight away I’m feeling productive, doing work, going crazy talking to people and getting stuff done. I’m wanting to mix StarkU with Khan Stage 1 and possibly 3 since I have a lot of action that I want to take. I’m excited for the results of this. Truly hoping this could be the perfect stack for me until I set out what I want my custom to be. Super super excited.

I feel like I’m going to be up for a while, I’m tired but have the energy to do what I need to do from Stage 2 which is great. I bought the Airpod Pros today to listen to Ultima today (as I saw someone mentioned about Airpods in the main thread) and it made the listening experience more enjoyable and as it seems…I’m still getting results in the day which is amazing.

Super super excited for a possible Beyond Limitless Ultima too which I could use for dance and coming up with creativity and possibly no more sitting to listen to them either? Thank you to the Gods that are Saint and Fire.

Want to say a massive thank you to Saint and Fire for having me as part of the tests, its been a great ride and I’m hella grateful to be able to document the experience. I hope I helped for sure and that it gave some benefit.

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Started my new stack today and placed it into my main journal. Stark (of some kind) and Khan.

Used StarkU and felt the good rush but again…tired aha. I really feel like StarkQ may have to be used instead - it’s consistent even though I like the rush of U.

Anyway, Ultima has been fun and is an exciting product line and I’m excited for Sub Club users to use it for sure! Can’t wait to read the journals.