This is a great point. I’ll see about adding it again today when I retook over the modules which will be soon.

Yeah, I want the best outcomes possible and you raise a very valid point again. It’s definitely one of the modules that I’m considering to put in I’m just trying to make sure there’s modules I’m not lacking that I feel I can’t find in the modules that might be more important since they aren’t in the main subs in either customs if that makes sense?

At the moment the ones I’m missing from my custom or I’m considering are:

Blue Skies
Chosen of Venus
Transcendental Connection
Mastermind - Currently in there but not sure about it due to HoM. I don’t want to do too much planning.
The Architect

I haven’t decided on all of them yet.

We need planning in every aspect of our lives be it business or relationships. You’re undertaking a specific enterprise which is focused on both. We plan all the time and so much depends on it, even building your custom right now requires it of you, too bad you cannot use it (Mastermind) now.

Why are you thinking about the Architect?

This is very true. I think ultimately it’ll be in there regardless in case I drop the other custom anyway. I like what you said about it depending on it, even building the custom right now requires me to do it.

Technically I am using Mastermind though, I’m already listening to my EoG/HoM custom :wink:

Due to speaking with RV, he suggested it last night.

I have trouble with my energy levels to the point I’m needing a nap during the day. I don’t mind having naps but I’d love to have a stable energy where I don’t have to rely on it.

I’m sure coconut flakes (or oil which is in the flakes anyway) would be much potent than The Architect, on top of that you’re going to use Limitless-Executive in Ultima so it would be a great combo to deal with that.

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I see, I don’t use any kinds of stuff like that at the moment so I’ll check them out.

Definitely will be using Limitless Executive once this sub is created.

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I don’t know if you were referring to LE Ultima or your own custom but here it is:

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Yeah this is what I was talking about, just meant I’d be buying it once this Stark custom is created since it’ll stick in nicely.

Thanks dude!

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I couldn’t upload a video from my camera roll and I’m hoping it’s not too blurry when I upload this but here’s the shirts. It’ll only show a couple due to the gif.


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Loving the logo, @Brandon :ok_hand:

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Thanks man! Got someone to make it for me, I think it’s super sweet.

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I realise that my focus has been mainly making this custom and that I haven’t really updated my journal.

Maybe that’s Mastermind from HoM taking place as I’ve been planning every move carefully and researching as well as making new connections to aid me in what I want done so that I can move on. I’m making sure everything is perfect.

@Sub.Zero you’ve made me notice the above through observation.

I’ve also noticed since being on HoM and EoG that I’m being aware of my finances massively. I’m realising that I’m allowing my finances to fall but not replacing it - that needs to change. I’m trying to figure out ways - other than Tiktok/Insta and other social media avenues, that I can change that.

I’ve decided that I want to make more t shirts like the above with new logos and sell them. Maybe make an Etsy page and get some incredible stuff created. I’ll make stuff for my students as well that they can buy if they like them.

That’s something I just thought of. I actually really enjoyed making the shirts, I could make tracksuits, possibly different things too. I want the Coven logo to stay exclusive to my company.

I’m going to end up requesting that anyone who joins my company buys a top but it’ll be specially crafted by me. The current tops were Christmas gifts but anyone else who joins will be needing to buy one.

I feel like possibly Emperor is kicking in as I’m feeling more of a drive to keep myself and people on track. Not sure if that’s even part of HoM but for some reason I get the sense it is.

It’s really time to work and get my finances up and find ways to do so - especially since we can’t have open dance classes, which are my main source of income, due to the lockdown. Need to adapt and quickly.

I was thinking about making an online company but feel like Tiktok would be useful for that.

Also in the future I want to add stuff that I’ve missed out of both customs to my wealth custom, like Secret Source, Debt Annihilatior and Unrelenting Wealth and Energy Motivation to my current custom (not Stark but my Wealrh custom).

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Here you go @Niles, thanks man :pray:t4: My list is also the updated version below that wasn’t in the original block quote.

Appreciate any input.

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Jesus, I actually got 8 hours sleep for once.
Feeling good!

Just finishing up my last loop of TMB Wealth.
Last night I x3 of all my loops.

I keep seeing people use the old set and forget (I don’t think I’d do that) and/or using a bunch of loops so I wanted to go back up for experimentation.

I did x3 of Stark, x3 of DR and x3 TMB Wealth.
I feel good. I’ve just literally had pressure in my head but it’s nothing to complain about.

I used Ultrasonic last night too as masked seemed to be keeping me awake.

Still focused on making my custom today and doing more research making sure everything is perfect. Looking for presents today as I need a few left for Christmas but also making sure everything is sorted.

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Oh I keep forgetting to mention - which is actually a big thing for me.

I finished phase 1 of my workout program…
I created a hybrid of programs from Beachbody which was 21 Day Fix for strength days and Transform 20 for cardio days.

That was my first phase, which I’ve now completed. I didn’t want to complete it some days, especially the last day, but I did it.

Normally I give up or get bored but it got done, something has changed with me to make that happen - I was super determined to get it done even when I didn’t want to. I feel something like DR has made it work.

Nutrition is still terrible but more consciously aware of what I’m doing. I’ve got work to do with that but I hate restriction.

Moving onto phase 2 which is a different program - Muscle Burns Fat which is three weeks long. Still the same thing for strength days and cardio days tho using Transform 20.

Phase 3 and 4 will be the more advanced versions of both programs so 3 is 21 Day Fix Extreme and 4 is Muscle Burns Fat Advanced.

I’m super proud that I finished Phase 1 as technically it’s a program all by itself.


How many loops have you been running recently?

19 loops on Friday/Saturday, 13 loops Saturday/Sunday, 15 loops Sunday/Today. I feel the power, man! :heart_eyes:

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Jesus man, I wasn’t expecting 19 haha.
Are you doing set and forget? Ultrasonic or masked?

I’m considering experimenting and trying out more loops since I’ve adjusted to less loops but intutition wise it feels like I can go up.

No, I have one long session at night (10 hours) and two-three sessions during the day depending on the number of loops I want to play. Set and forget could be too much for me. I have to control the flow.

Only masked.

Sure, you can do it steadily and see when it leads you. Like now there are at least three users playing a lot of loops per day. @Hoppa @Fusion and me.

I see, what are you currently running program wise? Sorry for all the questions I’m just trying to make sense of it as I’m currently running DR, Stark and my custom so I want all three to get good exposure.

I’ll ensure it’s not necessarily set and forget then. I’m on my 4th loop of DR at the moment.

Any particular reason why? I think I need ultrasonic for convience.

I think I’m gonna stick with only a few more loops than normal and see where we are at after that.

Yeah, I ended up messaging @Hoppa about it last night.

When I first started with Stark I don’t think there were official instructions posted just yet of loop amounts and when I messaged AMASH he suggested set and forget so I followed that.

I had some great results on Stark at that point but admittedly I was mainly only using Stark or stacked with one other sub.

That’s okay. I play DR St2 and Mogul in the proportion 1:1 and one loop of Elixir a day.

Yes, I’m using a pair of headphones.

Do you mean the Q version?