Time for Khan ZP!

Its time to run Khan now.

I had been running Emperor ZP and Ascended Mogul ZP/QV2 in the past.

When running AM ZP and Emperor ZP, I was able to get a job paying well above six figures in my field of study. I still felt a void like I am missing something.

My previous journal:


I have been running Khan ZP Stage 1 for few days now. I feel the reconciliation hard. I have been anxious, depressed, boredom etc. At times, there was also euphoria.

But the worst is the pissed off feeling of the past, I was not focused.

Hello! Cliche tip to save you many headaches! Drink water during recon! It’ll help every time


Awesome dude, I’m planning to run Khan in a couple months, starting with ST1, which is scary. Looking forward to this journal.

You planning to to run ST1 for one month or drive deeper?

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