Throne of Darkness

The title of the journal should imply what I plan to run solo for my next cycle, Emperor Black ZP v2 of course. Funny thing is I was planning to use Khan to achieve a similar effect for the rest of the year but I’ve been so busy I forgot EB was even on the way. I plan to only run 2 loops a week starting out to see how I respond to the scripting and the new technology.


Initial results from the first 9 hours:

  • Idk what kind of scripting was put in EB but my mind , body not spirit no longer feel the same. New aspects of them have been awakened and expanded. I feel “upgraded” and updated somehow after running a full loop. I also experienced automatic quantum visualizations of having a good time with others. Yes there was a feeling of something dark being stirred within me but also something enjoyable.

  • my productivity, motivation and confidence are all godlike, even with me being sleep deprived.

  • If GLM is the subliminal essence of masculinity, then emperor black is the subliminal essence of being alpha; to me, even more so than khan.

  • within just the first 20 minutes after playing emperor black I could already feel how much more power was in my gaze

  • The first person I interacted with after playing the first loop, I hardly even acknowledged. I made sure to make the interaction quick, brief and concise without saying a single word more than I had to. I was on my way to earn money anyway so the last thing on my mind was extending or even trying to enjoy the social interaction. Even if I came off as rude, which wasn’t my intention, I don’t care since it added nothing to my day

  • I have to say that the official QV2 is far more energy efficient ,smoother and faster acting than it’s experimental counterpart. I even feel mental and energetic shifts more quickly and seamlessly than sub club formats could instill in the past

  • I’m effortlessly intimidating strangers although my behavior is completely relaxed

  • With ZP v2 I feel the script processing in my mind just like V1 but the new version doesn’t feel as dense while being processed and intergrated

  • Controlling sexual energy and impulses with emperor-black is effortless.

  • I can still be social when I want, I’m just a lot less interested and motivated to do so.

  • From people in general I’m seeing looks of curiosity and intimidation.

  • Somehow my ability to be present is even better than when I ran LBFH. I have to wonder if some of the “quantum focus mode” scripting was put in here.

  • With every hour that passes I’m loving the feeling of solitude more. The internal peace and groundedness I feel is positively divine.

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New updates from today

  • Woke up 2 hours earlier than scheduled and kept feeling a pull to be productive so I got up and did just that. Usually I’d feel a slight internal resistance to doing certain things but with the EB mindset I simply get my ass up and do what has to be done. I notice this mindset also spills over into confronting ppl.

  • Noticing my mindset is even more relentless in terms of productivity. From one loop I’ve already stopped accepting excuses of ALL kinds from myself. It’s revived the old saying for me “ if you have time to make excuses you have time to make moves too”. The push for productivity feels like for me like mogul and the executive combined. EB can turn a man into a machine.

  • My thoughts, speech and speech patterns, emotions, body language, my gaze and actions (and more ) are all being filtered through a profound sense of Raw power, inner strength and authority. Weakness is a foreign concept when you start to intergrate EB within your being. All these things are being expressed in a controlled manner but the difference is noticeable. Ppl I’m familiar with are already starting to look at me different.

  • I’ve been conducting myself like a leader in every situation, plus the leadership I induce is positive, the type that can quickly get you more well respected.

  • My physical and mental strength and stamina are rapidly increasing.

  • I can’t say this enough…my general productivity is MONSTROUS. Once I decide to do a task or even a series of tasks, I WILL NOT STOP and will let nothing or no one stop me from accomplishing said tasks. I’m even finding ways to multitask better in case I do have to handle one than one thing at a time.

  • EB is actually helping me become a more protective, efficient and sharper Father. I can even find ways to get my own personal stuff done while having to tend to my daughter’s needs simultaneously without a feeling of strain in any way. This has never happened while running any other program. I’m also more present when I’m with my daughter which is making her feel more loved. Usually me working 7 days a week tends to make me a bit of a zombie when I see my child but I’m shaking off all the burnout thanks to EB.

  • My focus is sharpening at astounding speed and EB has this effect where everything is being achieved by me, with much less mental and physical effort. My baseline strength has also increased already. Even if I experience a setback I mentally and emotionally get over it quicker and refocus my internal resources towards my desired accomplishment.

  • I handled a situation with my ex wife and her husband quite diplomatically. It wasn’t Anything where their approach or responses annoyed me but whether what I notice is how I controlled the interaction like I was mediating a political debate and ultimately had them end up agree to see things my way without having to do much as even raise my voice. My ability to dominate in a smooth manner is being polished.

  • I’m craving more loops although today is a rest day but since I feel much more processing going on with ZPv2 my ZP craving isn’t as strong as it was with v1,which should make it easier to stick to a more casual listening pattern.

  • During a meditation, my subconscious revealed to me that LBFH and EB are playing well together while being processed in the background. I didn’t even have to ask why this was. I quickly realized that my “light” and “dark” sides are one and the same but they express themselves differently. In fact there are no separate selves, just different ways for the same being (me) to express itself. This realization brought me a grand sense of enlightenment and strongly energized my heart chakra. I now feel wiser and more empowered than ever due to this awareness. It also feels like an internal war I’ve been fighting since I was 14 is now over, because I’m coming to truly love, accept, understand and embrace all aspects of self. I’m experiencing the rapid physical, mental and spiritual development from EB full force.

  • Also noticing I’m concentrating almost obsessively on things I want to manifest. Not in a state of desperation but more like I see the materialization of these desires into my life as tasks that must be completed ASAP.


Yo I was going to make a comment here a few hours ago about light and dark and EB and LBFH but I forgot. I guess that wasn’t necessary since you took the words out of my mouth :joy: so I completely agree with this statement


Great feedback so early on , I,m gonna try this next month …looking forward to see hiw powerful this really is

  • Tried 2 loops upon waking out of curiosity. My mood lifted considerably but within a couple hours I was highly impatient. The fire in my spirit that for a time, I thought was lost has been restored and is steadily increasing. Emperor black is the subliminal that I didn’t know I needed, similar to what Love bomb for humanity was also. My self-drive is what it was 10 years ago already and I’m sure it can only go up from here.

  • The ability to plan, plot, strategize and execute with this sub exceeds even Stark. Even the confidence boost from this exceeds both Stark and LBFH combined. I’m also KILLING it with my close rate in sales. The unflinching confidence I conduct myself with makes ppl just wanna follow my lead even while selling and persuading. I can also express my thoughts and ideas much more smoothly and coherently. Also what’s unexpected is that my social skills are reaching a new level with the help of EB.

  • Almost forgot to mention that time flies cause it’s like I stay “in the zone” with pretty much everything I’m doing. It’s like the ability to feel good all the time which I experienced with LBFH, has been morphed into being in a flow state all the time with EB. Also instead of my willpower weakening throughout the day…it gets stronger, especially when I’m tired and need to push through.


Lol this is easily one of the most interesting and refreshing subs I’ve ever run. Ima having a lot of fun feeling and experiencing all the rapid changes and developments.

@xanderson83 EB is pretty damn powerful…it’s like it IS raw power in a subliminal format…but of course there’s so much more to it.


I can’t wait to try it out myself! I found out this custom I made also cranked the healing from LBFH up by a lot lol so I am also experiencing deep changes. Can’t wait for what EB does for me

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While Emperor Black is absolutely not an aura or social subliminal, such intense focus, exploration of the self and dominance scripting inevitably creates an intense, incredibly attractive air and aura, with a hint of danger tinging the edges. A beautiful dark cocktail that naturally creates a push and pull sensation within others, for they will unmistakably feel the excitement of standing before an explorer of the deeper self, the one diving into the mysteries of the Twilight of the Gods.

Straight from the EB sales page, I had to confirm this which is why I hadn’t reported it yet but yes, I can tell I’m stirring up curiosity and attraction from women. It’s like the “darkness” I’m emanating is alluring to them, doesn’t matter if they appear to be a good girl or not. The mix of attraction and intimidation I’m seeing from women is higher than on any other sub I’ve used. Woman freeze when they see me like they’re shocked and pulled in by my presence automatically.

They’re not approaching or openly flirting with me…but have a look on their face like they want me to “take” them…and waiting for me to give them permission to run away with me.

The attraction this generates is unique…but alluring and mesmerizing nonetheless.

  • To be a “monk mode” sub EB makes me surprisingly magnetic, charming and makes socializing mentally easier on me. Maybe it’s the mental enhancements but I establish rapport and flow through conversations way easier. I also notice that ppl with sunny dispositions are the most drawn to me and keep extending conversations when we interact.

  • I’m also noticing my emotional control and fluidity are increasing. I seamlessly switch emotions easier than ever, perhaps all apart of any scripting in EB that improves self control and self discipline.


How long was your washout? Wondering if bloom from other stuff is getting mingled in. Fascinating in any case.

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Last washout was a good 4 days. I have no doubt that some results I’m getting are partly because of bloom from other subs but even then I’ve seen an uptick in certain areas compared to when I ran other subs once I started EB. Of course I’ll keep journaling consistently to see how things evolve.

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I’m eager to get EB when I can to see what it does for my Uber Eats work. As in if it will help me do better with that whilst I’m doing it.

Ah the gig economy, sometimes I dearly miss the freedom it provides when you do it full time.

In any case if EB effects your productivity the way it’s effecting mine, you’re probably gonna push yourself to make as much money from Uber eats as quick as you can. You’ll probably also end up revamping your strategy to maximize earnings and take advantage of any bonuses you reasonably can too.


Awesome, today marks my third year with subclub and it feels like yesterday that I stumbled upon the emperor v3 sales page, via a simple google search. Before I post today’s results (was a rest day) I’d like to thank @SaintSovereign @Fire …the entire subclub team and various members of this forum who have helped and/or inspired me up to this point in my self development journey.

These subs got me through some of the toughest times of my life, and even around this time last year, when I was as so stressed, depressed, miserable and depleted on all levels…so much so that for the first time in 13 years; I considered ending my own life, somehow whatever was in the original ZP primer ( the one first released to the public) helped me see light in all the darkness, and with consistent use and action taking my life has improved steadily over the past year. But these subs of course helped get me through tough times the previous years too. Right now even though life isn’t perfect:

  • My income is the highest it’s been in 10 years.

  • I’m the slimmest I’ve been in 10 years.

  • I’m the most internally joyful, confident, powerful, wise, mature and productive ive ever been.

  • I LOVE myself dearly now and easily overcome the same type of negativity that almost influenced me to end myself.

  • According to people’s recent reactions to me I’m more charismatic, charming, cunning, attractive and magnetic than ever too.

If I looked back in my journals especially over the past year I’m certain there’s a multitude of other ways I’ve changed and improved too, I get the feeling that all this and more will reach new heights I’m the coming year as well.

Today’s EB results:

  • EB allowed me to hit a certain realization about how I’ve been wasting my time playing a losing game at my sales job because of how the compensation structure is built. All the agents are on the losing end when it comes to that. I started to ponder if this BS is set up the way that it is…it’s no wonder most ppl don’t make the money they should be. It’s not that the agent is underperforming, it’s the loophole built into the compensation plan that causes the biggest challenge in an agent making they money they truly deserve here. It’s for that reason, I’ve decided to start making an exit strategy from this job and look for pursuits more worthy of my time and energy. Funny enough; after this realization, I came in late as hell with pretty much a “f**k this job” attitude, and still somehow sold my ass off…effortlessly, for almost a full 8 hours , without even really being or sounding as positive as I usually do on the phone. They’re just gonna have to miss me when I’m gone. At least now I finally proved to myself that Im an amazing salesman and I can be very persuasive when need be.

  • No idea why but I kept craving and indulging into spiritual practices to boost my life force energy today. After awhile of doing this I felt myself processing the script faster and my spiritual fire raise up in a sense, in tandem with the execution of the sub.

  • Snuck a loop of khan in 6 hours after running EB. Khan linked to what was still processing from EB which gave me a massive surge in testosterone, and the feeling of dominance and invincibility. This combo also influences me to be tirelessly dominant against others, even if they challenge me slightly.

  • With this combo I don’t need to come across someone’s line of sight to catch em off guard. I was in Walmart and kept having ppl beam their eyes straight at me, even if I’m over 30 ft away. The sense of fear and/or curiosity I see from ppl is also heightened. It’s like they can sense something from me they’ve never felt before. I even watched at the club where 2 women were talking at stares at me at the same time. Not sure what was said though.

  • Feels like every aspect about me and the way I express myself are becoming edgier by default. I can tell some ppl are out off by it but of course I don’t give a damn.

  • I was starting to build up an inner fire that admittedly was beginning to get a little out of hand. To bring balance back to my inner self I played a loop of Magician for the LBFH aspect. It ultimately worked but the strength of my custom now is crazy. After the 1 loop I listened mellow music a bit and went from being calm to sad within 15 minutes. I had no idea why at first, but during my drive to work I started having flashbacks of things that negatively effected me over the past decade. It was like I subconsciously played the last decade backwards in my head and although I was able to remain detached, I relived a good deal of trauma pretty fast. I began to recognize this as a powerful bout of healing and by the tome I got to work, I had released all the feelings and let them flow out. This put me into a calm but very introverted mood for the rest of the night. LBFH normally made me feel so good lately I’d damn near forgotten it’s a healing sub. Either I was caught off guard or my custom has gotten so powerful that now I may experience the same deep healing when I play it for the foreseeable future.

  • Despite my inner fire being reignited I can feel that I’m beyond burned out. I do have a semi vacation coming up. I’m feeling the need to use part of it to seriously evaluate how my time and energy are being used. My life although not bad feels like a treadmill. I’m constantly on the move but don’t feel I’m getting where I want to be fast enough. I need to start focusing more on working smart as opposed to hard. Basically become more strategic with how I move in life period.


What stage of Khan are you running atm ?

Khan isn’t part of my official stack. I’m running EB solo but I wanted to see the effects of it with khan. I only use stage 4 of khan at this point.