Three Truths and a Lie

Back in school we used to play this game just before winter break, and I always liked it… since pretty much everyone here is anonymous anyway, I thought it might be fun.

Here’s how the game works, if you’re not familiar. Below are 4 statements about me… 3 are true, one is a lie/made up. Guess which one is a lie, followed by your own statements!

  1. One time I had a government security clearance because I worked with classified nuclear secrets.
  2. One time I went to a baseball game and spilled Coke in my lap and everyone thought I wet myself.
  3. One time I met Rick Rubin and he told me he’s a fan of my work.
  4. One time I went to a movie with an international assassin.



No idea who Rick Rubin is. So that’s my guess as to the lie.

For me:

  1. I got mugged in Darwin, Australia 1996 and all I had was an Australian nickel. So that’s all they got.

  2. In 2015, I made a 19yo girl cum on command with my hypnosis skillz.

  3. I was at the North Pole in 1998 while some scientists took lots of measurements regarding stuff like ocean salinity and temperatures.

  4. I’ve never cried during movies.


#2 is truth. Those other ones not so sure. :joy:


ahh but which one is the lie? :rofl:

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This is the lie.

  1. I was an oration champion at the age of 5 besting kids twice my age.
  2. I have over 2 million hands played in online poker.
  3. I was ranked 3rd nationwide in an online game’s leaderboard.
  4. I trained as a martial artist in a cult during my teens and fought adults.

#4 :wink:

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Okay for mine:

  1. I was invited on stage to sing with a famous metal band when I was 20.
  2. I tried psilocybin at the age of 13.
  3. I was attacked and almost abducted at 13.
  4. I love to cold plunge in the Great Lakes.
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