Three points about taking action

OMG, that guy is hilarious. I thought people talking like that only existed in action movies. Thank you for that!

Obviously I get that the message is serious, just adding that.


Back in college when I decided to improve myself I would ask someone in my class a question at least once or twice a day. This sounds like nothing but this was huge for me. I used to be so socially anxious in class and not able to talk to random people and make friends. Some days I would out but the next day I’d get back on it, even if it was the same person. Well, fast forward to today and I feel like I can chat anyone up in any social situation. And it all started with me asking those questions in class. That was such a crucial first step.


Natalie Goldberg - Rules for Writing

This applies generally to all action; not just writing.


Found this in my Ev4 journal today:

"Taking Action" is You take the ACTION that AFFIRMS your ASSUMPTION of your desired state of being.

– From @King



I like the Action lesson from Frozen II. To do the next right thing :slight_smile:

There is a part about it in this song, after about 2 minutes:

And this is also very good:



Your entry reminded me of this qoute, quite similar:

The actions that you take, behaviors that you exhibit are simply physicalized reflections, physical ‘eyes’ expressions of the vibrational state you happen to be in. The actions that you take aren’t getting you the thing physically mechanically, they are expressions of the state of being you are in so the universe can, in a sense, recognize this state in a physical sense and give you a physical reflection. The actions are not the idea of forcing something into being - that’s the language of expectation, that’s the language of goal orientation, that’s the language of means to an end. When you understand everything, everything and every single moment is its own end, is its own experience with no connection to anything else, then you can stay in the moment with it. You can really appreciate the experience for what it is and erase from your consciousness the idea that it’s supposed to take you somewhere else, because the most important thing is to stay completely present.
Isn’t taking an action actually, in a sense, creating an expectation? No. Because the idea of being in the moment is that there is no separation between action, between behavior and the thing itself. You’re simply reflecting the vibration that you are for its own sake, because that’s who you are. Not because the action will get you something somewhere down the road in the future which doesn’t exist, which is an illusion. The more you allow yourself to apply all these principles in the present and see everything and DEFINE everything as distinctly its own experience in the present for its own sake for what it is you get out of it and have no concern for anything else, don’t connect it to anything else, then your life becomes an ecstatic explosion of synchronicity where everything starts to fall into place. It doesn’t mean again you take no action, but the actions are not getting you those things. The actions are simply, in a sense, a verification, a physical verification, a physical expression of the frequency that you prefer to be in.


Who is that from? Abraham Hicks?


It’s from Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka.


Now that is a curious dude. Still don’t know what to think about him. Also wonder if he’ll pick somebody else if Darryl “moves on”.


I heard Bashar say that after Darryl that’s gonna be it. They had a “soul contract” to do this initially for 9 years and now it’s purely Darryl’s willingness to continue to work with him in this way.

Bashar came through only another person in the past. It was a Japanese woman:


Even if Bashar themselves moves on, there will be more. :smile:

The Essassani are really into our Earth.
At least 3 more of them being channeled here - Ektar, Elan, Riok.

For those who’d like a quick read of actionable ideas from them,
read the summaries by Iasos.

You’ll find them to be in harmony with Nevillizing / Lesterizing.



The Action Index

I’m feeling almost that one could more accurately evaluate one’s true readiness to transition out of a subliminal program (or stage), by taking a look at what I’m thinking of as one’s Action Index.

Simply, ‘in how much action are you engaging relevant to the goals and emphasis associated with that program?’

As that arrow starts to go up, you know that you’re really getting into the substance of that program.

Then you add in the question:

In how much effective action are you engaging?’ As that arrow goes up, you are peaking with the program.

Finally the question:

‘How easy is it?’

Once that arrow is up to the top of the scale, you’re ready to move on.




this is sooooooooo trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i just noticed some emperor results or results in general, just when i did some action! boom i can feel it now!

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Does ‘effective’ here means , whatever action you do - that moves you closer to your desired goal ?

( I know am late to this :grinning: )

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I was just reflecting that the underlying principle is this,

Live from an attitude and a spirit of empowerment.

Be empowered before you run the subliminal. Before you apply the technique. Before anything.

Allow empowerment to be a feature of your identity.

Now, all of the resources, the methods, the perspectives you apply are helpful tools that simply make you even more effective.


For a person who is living in this way, taking action will be as natural as breathing.

You wouldn’t say, “I hope this meal tastes good!” and then… not eat the meal. That would be very strange.

Live in the same way.


Your original post is from 4-5 years ago. A lot evolution since then.
Now with ZP with NSE, do you think anything changed in the light of us being the Zeropoint ?

I would enjoy reading your updated thoughts, if you find the time of course.

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I guess I think that we always were the Zero Point and that’s why action taking has always been so important.

But what has changed is that the subs have been evolving to express this reality more and more clearly, with greater and greater effectiveness.

The ability of the subliminals to ‘handshake’ with our minds and our natures has just continued to increase and skyrocket. And I believe it will continue to do so. The process of creating a change remains the same, because that is based on our architecture, not on the subliminal. But the efficiency of that process becomes more and more advanced.

The basic ‘architecture’ of results is: 1) Conceive (or envision), 2) Intend (or desire), and 3) Act.

This is the way our nervous systems generate outcomes. So I think that’s unlikely to really change. But, as when you compare the swimming of Michael Phelps or the running of Usain Bolt to my swimming or running, that same basic architecture and structure, depending on how it is approached and refined, can be taken to impressively great heights.

Anyhow. That’s what I think.


Also greater efficiency as much less exposure, less action taken, and less experiences are required to grow, although the more of the two latter the better, naturally.

Another thing is our subconscious identity (who we are on the deepest levels) is not being forced into predefined archetypes (as it was before) but it’s being encouraged to thrive and shine due to the sheer power of the subconscious focus the new tech promotes.

We’re more the agent of our own growth than ever before and this is going to be pushed even further on ZP Union.

One more thing is instant overcoming mental (“psychological”) obstacles through powerful self-perception shifts.