Thoughts on an anti-aging sub

Just stumbled again over Richard Morgan, so might as well write down a couple of thoughts regarding (anti-)aging and what aspects might work well in a sub.

RM relates to the whole aging complex as an extreme example: He was never all that sporty and started (indoor) rowing at ~70. He is now 93 years old and has the cardio power of an average 30-40 years old. ( )

His health regiment is 40 minutes rowing every day and a relatively healthy diet and that’s about it.

Some aspects normally called aging are just atrophied parts of the mind or body and can be retrained. It’s easier when you are young, but many processes are very much reversible.

Aging is complex, but a couple of aspects that should be included in a fountain of youth sub are kinda obvious: A Health Codex for diet and workout, shedding social conditioning regarding age (“You are X years old, so you have to be Y/look like/have Z years to live…” This is IMO a very important pre-condition for the other anti-aging aspects to work, but also tough as most social circles and every media reinforces these age preconceptions), SPS: Fat Burn, stress reduction, deep sleep, Joie de Vivre, a good work/life balance, aspects of Khan Black for lifeforce and virility, parts of LotS & Symmetry, social scripting (social “workouts” can help prevent dementia, depression etc.), Ikigai scripting for a way worth going and something like this [] to keep learning, exploring and playing.

But IMO the absolutely most important aspect would be building up the willpower and the ironclad habit for the 40 minutes a day of rowing or whatever your exercise is and reinforcing it over and over.

I had four grandparents when I grew up and there always came a point in time when they gave up, or better: They didn’t find the energy to keep going. It was the beginning of the end. Every time.

(I took the older examples because aging is a bit more tangible, but mechanics apply IMO to most people in a similar way.

Please move this entry, if it is the wrong board.)


I believe that Fire is was working on an anti ageing product check the road map.

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Yes, I know it’s in the works.

Just sharing some thoughts.

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I have been testing an “Anti Aging stack” so far it works very well if you stack Spartan Apex with Khan stage 1 and Khan black stage 1 listen overnight and you will feel rejuvenated.


Khan Black is IMO absolutely key! It brings force of life.

Maybe a Fountain of Youth sub could be an derivate or add-on to KB.

KB+Paragon or LotS/Symmetry is the right direction.


Lets create a discussion thread on anti aging which can also assist @Fire.

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Well, why not use this one?


100% agreement there. People throw around a lot of shame when you want to reduce the effects of aging. Or they go the other way and start being proud of it knowing full well if there was an option they’d take it. And it’s so pervasive, I’m only in my early 30s and I just hear the sentiment all the time from people around me that “we’re all getting old” it’s such a bad thing to latch into.

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That’s an excellent point.

I wasn’t thinking about shame, more about the self-limiting and self-destructive expectations linked to certain ages, but the shame angle is very important, as it can be an incredibly paralyzing emotion.

The whole “getting older” and “aging” thing probably needs a positive reframing. (And I mean an actual reframing, not just a gentle coding like “experienced” or something like that.)


I have a belief that I look and feel better with age.

I find myself naturally doing things to reinforce that.

Everyone’s experience will be different on what actions they take, but it’s super important to have a mind body spirit connection, and a clean aura might I add. :sweat_smile:

I know this isn’t “sub” related. :point_up_2:

Paragon and regeneration are probably useful for anti aging maintenance.


How do you do it?

It sounds like a healthy, good direction to strive for but goes against the grain of society and media.

I persist until it feels natural. If doubt creeps in, I revise/reframe.

I’m a believer in the law of assumption though. Been exploring this for 3 years diligently.

I take action though. I have my own methods that work for me and I share from my own experience or the success of others I’ve worked with or connect with.

I don’t just wait in my room for things to happen on the outside :wink:


Also doctors. Some of them treat human bodies like a steady decline and a march towards death vs a highly dynamic self healing system. The social influence is all around us, it’s wild.


The power that created the body has the power to heal it too.

It feels good knowing this. Comforts me.


Let’s us not forget emotional and spiritual wellbeing, they’re linked to many disease, illnesses and would even age the body indirectly.

Titles related to emotion and spirituality are also something to consider. Love Bomb, Sanguine, CWON, and such.


Yes your correct. Ironically the beauty and skincare industry is enormously successful and widespread it rakes in millions ! everyone wants to look youthful and stay healthy.

My words above :wink:

&& beauty comes from within.

We could do all the anti aging beauty skincare things we want, but if we feel ugly inside, well then…


Agreeing that beauty can be superficial unless you also address underlying issues and build confidence here where subs like LB, Khan stage 1, Khan black stage 1, Dragon Breath etc can be used.

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Seductress :fire::fire::fire::fire: