This Astronaut's Dream Journal

Day 16 - Log-Entry 2 - Total Times Listened: 22

Hope the subclub-boys get the battleship back on track soon.


I’ve noticed you mention something like this before. Do you have any issues that need resolving?


Day 17 - Log-Entry 1 - Total Times Listened: 22

2 Dreams.
Dream 1 was sex-related, but I dont remember anything (honestly).
Dream 2 had to do with me explaining a girl from highschool my business idea and she attacked a specific point of it and I… Well… I didnt just get into a fight with her, I annihilated her. Rhetorically. Was crazy.

@DarkPhilosopher Yeah it’s been a while and I havent gotten the refund yet (Fire was so kind to give me the track for free because of the delay, but I ordered it before so the money hasnt returned yet).
The other thing is, I’d actually really want to try some of the other things out (although I know I shouldnt rn) but the order process takes so long since I pay with paypal and I havent gotten an answer regarding this yet


Whoooops, this was the result of a communication fail on my part. I misread @Fire’s message and mistakenly thought he resolved your issue. PMing you now, will take care of this ASAP.


Day 18 - Log-Entry 1 - Total Times Listened: 22

Received your PM, SaintSovereign dont know what to say, but you’re awesome guys. Thank you

Funny enough, I had a dream about someone here talking about Libertine or another track. I saw someone yesterday asking about choosing Libertine or not, but I know, I dreamed about something similar. I think I can get back to listening to the DREAM-track.


Day 19 - Log-Entry 1 - Total Times Listened: 24

Today was messed up. So, I listened 2 times before falling asleep and asked my subconscious to let me dream about something beautiful and wake me up afterwards. It did exactly that.
I dont remember what I dreamt but at around 5 AM Ive awoken. Then I went out for a walk and came back to fall asleep again. Thats when the real fun stuff happened.
Wow I had so many dreams, so many scenes I saw and which changed rapidly… Things about the past, the present and the future, historic events and people… I even dreamt in black and white!
In one dream I was at a very strange wine-party. Seconds later I was chasing my landlord over a rural area like in assassins creed (Was stuck in the first part where you had to pass the gate on a horse)
Then I saw an ASMR Youtuber doing very… extreme stuff. I saw things from the perspective of a woman. Yeah… it was alot.

The second time I woke up numeral times before falling back to sleep again, so I had many little interruptions.


Well, after all those school dreams, looks like your summer holiday officially started! :slight_smile:

A whine-party?


Im not sure but I think there was something school-related too. But I dont remember now, there were just too many scenes.

Well, it was a little gathering of noble people and they were wine-producers, so they all gathered there to pay homage to a guy who sold the most wine and everyone in the business had to show up, knowing it would be humilating because that wine-king was ridiculously obnoxious (Showing up in a bockboard with 2 girls on his sides) but they knew if they didnt show up it would hurt their image.
Yeah, it was really ridiculous.


Day 20 - Log-Entry 1 - Total Times Listened: 25


Isnt it funny you would procrastinate listening to something, that’s just 10 minutes long? I think it’s better to listen to it during the day, then not at all.


Day 21 - Log-Entry 1 - Total Times Listened: 25

Had a dream about me being in space and commanding multiple units. In turn, I was being commanded by someone else.
Reading Enders Game rn btw.


Day 23 - Log-Entry 1 - Total Times Listened: 25

Didnt post anything yesterday, sorry.
Tonight I had 3 dreams.
The first dream involved 3 girls I know from previous schools (elementary school and highschool).
Now they were grown up girls and pretty hot. They would come around me and get close and laughed and giggled playfully. It was a beautiful dream.

The second was me and a friend planning something pretty stupid involving the topic of revenge and… some gas tanks. But then, short before we would have done it, we both got a guilty consciouss because we would throw our life away and we would miss all the chances we have in life and we would regret it deeply and so on. We choose not to do it. Im glad we did.

The last dream was inspired be a book called Enders Game.
There was a room with zero gravity and you would wear special suits that allowed you to move in this room. I walked around the walls and the ceiling and it was fun.


If your dreams are influenced by Ender’s Game, I would suggest you don’t read the rest. They get pretty dark. When the topic of a movie for the second book came up, they concluded that there were such graphic scenes in there that it would be impossible to make a movie suitable for the general public.

Might I suggest Dune next? The dreams must flow. :slight_smile:


Funny enough, I read about Dune and tried it multiple times, I even wanted to watch the movie… we just dont get together I guess :smiley:
I think Ender is pretty cool because it’s far from mainstream sci-fi.

Ah btw. this afternoon I had a dream while listening to Ascended Mogul.
In the dream I pretty much knew exactly how to build my business, with whom to talk to and where to find them. It was pretty intuitive.

About Ender… the problem is, you have no idea in which order to read the novels. I just tried a order suggested somewhere, I guess the next Ill read is Enders Shadow.
I think the first part is already pretty dark and graphic, I had to stop every few pages and remember that they were like 8yrs old.


For the sake of all that is good and holy, don’t watch the Dune movie. It’s horrible. Watch the miniseries. Both of them. If you love sci-fi, you won’t regret it.

Some books were just meant to be miniseries. One of my favorite stories, The Count of Monte Cristo, for example. The movie is so-so, but the miniseries with Gerard Depardieu is amazing.

Ender’s has two parallel series. Ender’s game is the first book in the Ender Sequence. The next one in that series is Speaker for the Dead, which is the first of a trilogy.

Ender’s Shadow is the first book in the Bean Sequence and takes place at the same time as Game but from another character’s viewpoint.

I believe the two series converge all the way at the end for the grand finale. I never did make it through those books any more than you made it through Dune.

Confusing, right? :slight_smile:

Anyway, sorry for hogging the thread. I’ll shut up now.


Haha no I appreciate it. Takes the whole pressure-thing away


Day 24 - Log-Entry 1 - Total Times Listened: 25

Listened to Ascended Mogul while sleeping for about 4 hours.
Had a dream about King Leonidas and Maximus from Gladiator.


Just a quick note – I love your journal, keep up the good work. It’s the best data we’ve received on DREAMS since we launched it.


Thank you very much, very encouraging!


Day 25 - Log-Entry 1 - Total Times Listened: 26

Listened again yesterday night.
I had a dream about something before waking up, but I dont remember what it was.
But I know it was something beautiful, because I woke up smiling.
You know these dreams you wake up and forget, because you dont question them so it doesnt come to your mind something unusual happened?
Thats exactly what it was


Day 26 - Log-Entry 1 - Total Times Listened: 28

Listened 2 times yesterday night when I was in bed, fell asleep afterwards.
I remember many dreams, though from some I only remember parts or images, and these were very complex dreams with a storyline.
For example, I remember I played in a japanese movie, where I was jumping around near the river with a stick. In the setting itself it made sense but they are parts that are missing.
In another dream I was sitting in a lecture hall, when a very specific authority figure came in and talked about my discord log with one of my friends. That was actually hilarious.