These subs are effective beyond my wildest imaginations! WTF!

Okay forgive my excitement but theoritically when I heard of subs, it made a lot of sense to me. It reminded me of how people in the matrix would instantly upload a helicopter pilot program or a jiu jitsu program into the subconscious. Now I wasn’t expecting something as crazy as that but I could see why they showed that.

As a child I grew up with major self esteem issues which really sent me into psychological dark places which one usually wouldn’t like and because of what I was, I met a toxic woman when I was 20 and married her when I was 24, married life was a complete mess and I got divorced in 2016. I started working on myself spiritually and came a long way from there, moved to another country, married to a beautiful and wonderful woman, own a house and have a good career.

A big thanks to the change mentioned above goes to meditation and mindfulness from 2016-2019 and then addition of psychedelics and edibles from 2019 till today. When I found out about subclub, I was in the mindset that my spiritual life is really good and now I should add something so I can engage and be more productive in the material world too, so I went for Emperor and started doing multiple loops per day (Big Mistake!).

Soon I started noticing a change in me, I felt more confident, even a bit arrogant. I was able to push back at work and give them better ways of doing things in Partner and DIrector calls and they loved it. By this time I had added Sex Mastery V2 into the mix as well. We are expecting a kid so our sex life isn’t the same as what it used to be but the other day we had sex and f*ckin hell, it felt like I am in one of those spartan movies, having crazy passionate sex with my wife. Even she was taken by surprise.

A week more into the mix, I started feeling different, like I am not myself anymore. I felt my very strong intuition becoming weaker, I started developing interests in things more than people or philosophy (which was the original me). So I decided to plan a LSD trip to analyze what’s going on ( I do delics every few months when I feel I am hitting a roadblock in my journey and it helps me put a lot of things into perspective).

The trip made me realize that my subconscious had indeed been influenced very heavily and lsd gave me a sense of what’s taking over. I realized my soul does not resonate with the energy of Emperor, I could benefit from some of the qualities of the sub but that is not me. So now I have moved to Sage Immortal and Ultimate artist and will make them my primary subs and probably will listen to Emperor and SMV2 once a week. Any advice or questions are more than welcome.

The whole idea of writing this long post is to let people know that these subs not only work, but they are really powerful, so always be mindful of the changes when you start a program and keep analyzing if this is really the path for you. Now that I have a conscious understanding of the subs’ power and influence, I feel I am in a better position to tweak things around (loops + subs) to get the desired outcome and to steer my life the way I want it to go. Any kind of personality comes with its strengths and weaknesses, and I feel now I can weigh both and make a better informed decision.

Question to the mods, founders, Have you ever considered making subs with factual information about a field of study? For example, math formulas, or programming or something. I wonder if that could act as a subconscious knowledge base for people who want to learn and excel in those fields instead of changing who they are subconsciously? Also, a big thank you for all the subs that you have out there.


I think most of us have listened to a program, got good results, then realised we didn’t fully gel with the archetype, so moved on to another program that was a better fit. Completely normal round these parts.

Learning programs come with the ethos of ‘you learn the material, we’ll boost your brain’, so there aren’t any direct knowledge subs related to mathematics. Limitless/Quantum Limitless and or even a custom with modules that let you see how to piece together information would be your best bet.

Congratulations on your success so far.


I see. This was my first time fiddling around with subs so I was taken by surprise by how powerful they are, but honestly now they feel like a blessing because now I can choose the one I need for the phase I am going through in my life.

I’ll checkout limitless next year or maybe even consider getting a custom sub once I get an even better hang of how some of these subs are affecting me. Thanks Michel. :slightly_smiling_face:


I recommend Alchemist. It’s like the spiritual Emperor. A sense of solidity and integrity grounded in internal engagement and rootedness.

And also Welcome Aboard. It was great to read of the improvements and transformations in your life.


Thanks Man. Yeah now I have my eye on Alchemist, but I will give it some time before I spend on probably the most expensive program on subclub. I also noticed something very interesting yesterday after my trip, by yesterday I was approx 10 days into the Ultimate Artist sub and my wife and I were watching the Matrix in the evening. I have a very deep connection to that movie as I was totally shaken up by it when I watched it the first time, I was 13 back then. Everytime I have watched it, I have found it quite awakening. Last night I was not only able to see even deeper (Hero’s journey and other archetypal and symbolic info) but also, it may sound crazy, able to notice the cinematographic depths too. Like what kind of camera angles were needed for a scene like that, what kind of feelings the actors had to manifest to deliver a dialogue like that and I was like WTF, I love this new part of me lol.


It sounds like you’re in a good place to benefit from any of the programs. That’s great.

Also, one program that I often think people should get earlier is RICH Ultima. It attracts money and money-making opportunities. That means if you buy it first, you can use it to pay for the rest of your programs.


We have considered it and are thinking about testing it with our new Zero Point technology in the future.


It is a great idea. I know this will be useless for many of you since many are from English speaking countries, but for us others, something like learning a language in ZP would be great :slight_smile:


Learning Spanish via ZP would be so useful.


That’s a good idea, I guess RICH Ultima would be the next one I buy, or maybe QLimitless. I am not really focusing on money lately, I want to focus more on creating something of value and let money be the byproduct. Any suggestion on how I can make the most of the Emperor sub? Or should I completely drop it?

English is my second language but I would absolutely love to improve it even further if they come up with an English language sub :slight_smile:

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That’s interesting, look forward to it. Another question, any plans for accepting crypto payments anytime in the near future?

We’ve thought about it. If we do, we’re only accepting USDC. Or, we’ll have to find a merchant account that auto converts to USDC. We’ve spoken with Coinbase regarding their merchant account, but nothing has progressed because we’ve been all in on Zero Point.


Out of interest why USDC?

Our accountant. We’re an actual corporation, so our books have to be on point to avoid scrutiny. Allowing people to pay via crypto is a benefit to them, not us. Our accountant would be the one that has to deal with paying capital gains taxes (or losses, due to how volatile crypto is) and all that stuff. With USDC, it’s an easier conversion from whatever crypto the individual paid with to USDC, and finally back to fiat money.


I felt that potential you mentioned in these subs and so as I’ve been putting together a custom to order soon I decided to use simple divination: I’ll meditate into stillness, connect with my Higher Self and use a pendulum as I go through each item in the list I put together (my go-to is back-and-forth {towards and away} for YES, and side-to-side for NO). I get definitive ‘yesses’ and ‘no’s’. There’s also muscle testing folks could do. I even threw some tarot cards to read into the Subliminal Club founders after I did some MAP work (look it up, it’s great) and I got the King of Pentacles and the King of Wands. Two highly positive cards connoting practical skills, financial wherewithal & integrity combined with divine inspiration (respectively).


This was a good question.

I just remembered that I had a piano teacher when I was 16 who played subliminals during the lessons. He explained nothing about what it was; and I didn’t even know enough to call what he was playing “subliminals”. Kind of skanky of him. A 16-year-old was old enough to understand and to give or not give consent. I remember that there were seagull sounds and waves.

Anyway, I’m assuming it had something to do with either general learning or piano-specific suggestions.


I have an update for whoever is following this thread. So after giving Emperor a break and catching up with the scripting that changed me, I gained my confidence back and decided to include Emperor again but this time combined with Sage Immortal and Ultimate Artist.

The above stack seems to be helping me a lot. My spiritual and philosophical mind is back but now I have a new sense of enthusiasm towards life, towards success, towards family and a strong belief of “I am the master of my life and I can manifest what I want”.

I feel that Emperor gave me the self belief, self confidence, sense of power, alpha mentality, even my workouts are better than ever, passion that I spent months and years looking for (like Iam a teenager again).

The huge ego that Emperor had given, which was making me rude and grumpy, seems to have been nullified by Sage Immortal. I feel much wiser, i have the patience to understand the situation and choose between a wise response and a raw alpha response. I drift away sometimes thinking about philosophical topics and seem to find a very good balance between the alpha masculine approach and the wise sage approach.

The above two have given me a very stable base and Ultimate Artist has added a nice sense of feminine channels that is helping me become flexible with my expressions. I have seen the biggest benefit at work where my articulation has become so strategic, yet so “humanly” that I am able to play with words to pull the strings that are needed to be pulled, to be eloquent yet assertive, where needed.

The only thing that has been bothering me is this:

@SaintSovereign , I’ll be very grateful if you can read the thread linked above and help me understand what could be causing this, otherwise I’ll have to drop that sub for good. Also, can’t thank you and your team enough for this amazing initiative that you have started.