Emperor qv2 journey!

Is this a thing that happens? I haven’t seen a mention of it.

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I like your journal so far, but I just wanted to stop here and say that this is something I forgot about experiencing on Emperor.

Anyone who is considering running Emperor that has issues with PMO, I can personally attest that it will not only murder any urges you might have been having were you not running it, you don’t even think about it.

And when you do, you’re as disinterested in it as you might be in stepping off of the sidewalk to step firmly into some dog shit.

I think I even looked up porn when I was running Emperor tough and I got bored and wanted to do something else in like 1 minutes of scrolling.

Qv2 must be a doozy.


I and some others have had the experience the sub is still working inside even though I’m not listening to it.

It’s a very strange experience.

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Exactly the same for me, porn just doesn’t do it for me anymore. I can’t even rub one out lol.

The horniness is there (increasingly so due to the Sex Mastery component in Emperor I’m guessing) but the discipline and willpower just keeps it tamed and in its place. I just keep getting better constantly. With Qv2, I literally feel like the more I listen to Emperor, the more I’m becoming like one. These subliminals really work and transform you from the inside out.


How long did it take you to notice the Sex Mastery element kick in? I think for me, it was either the next day, or the day after I noticed a difference in erection quality and libido increase.

I’m sorry if you already put it in your journal, I just don’t wanna scroll lol


In the beginning, after a few loops, I noticed an increase in my libido and sexual energy.
Then I noticed more frequent erections and horniness.
Then I noticed my perceptions of women and sex changing. A liberating primalness
Then I noticed an increase in sexual confidence without even having sex.
Then I noticed that ramp up to where I feel like I’m some type of Emperor Sex God lol.
Then I noticed myself daydreaming about pleasuring women and doing all types of techniques on them.
Then I noticed that develop into a real confidence in real life. I interact with women with that subconscious thought in mind as if it’s a very potential reality that can happen at any moment.

I’m guessing that all of this is from Sex Mastery. I think that eventually there will be some sex manifestations. I’m being pressured to take action in all aspects of life and to stop sitting around waiting for things to happen. I feel like a brand new person.

On the wealth side of things, I’m becoming super action oriented, out and about, developing the Emperor mindset. Feels like I’m being guided, pushed and propelled. My comfort zone is being challenged in an inspiring way. It feels nice to transform into a brand new person. My fear of failure has diminished and I have a sense that everything is just going to work out as if nothing can go wrong. I’ve been thinking a lot more about how I’m going to go about building my empire. The more I listen to Emperor, the more I think about it and the more manifestations occur. I have had many small manifestations from this subliminal and they are strange subtle things that just don’t usually happen.
I believe that I am not even ready at my current state for the big manifestations that I desire and Emperor is priming me, challenging and testing me so that I can develop to the version of myself that is ready to handle them.


This post was awesome, thanks! This part though, was what caught my eye.

What makes you think you’re not ready, if you don’t mind me asking?

A follow up… Do you think Emperor would actually give you anything you couldn’t truly handle at the time?


If you were to visualize the end goal of Emperor, it’s quite a drastic change for the average person. Imagine if an average citizen was crowned Emperor overnight. The outer manifestations reflect that they are an Emperor but their inner world does not. They don’t have the mindset, attitudes or thought processes to handle those type of responsibilities. They don’t have leadership qualities that are built within them from the ground up. They lack wisdom and purpose. I am not ready for big manifestations like being the head of an Emperor yet, however these small manifestations I am experiencing are like stepping stones that lead me in that direction. The manifestations will get bigger the more I progress.

I think that Emperor is a subliminal about self growth, it really molds you into an Emperor from the inside and then the outer world reflects it.

Probably not. I’ve manifested some small situations where I’ve been put on the spot or confronted about things and its like Emperor paves the way for me. It’s mostly new situations that I’m not used to, it can be challenging at times but the wildness that Emperor gives you makes you a maniac that doesn’t care (in a good way). It’s all necessary and afterwards I feel accomplished with a sense of growing towards a direction.


Emperor is the shit and you’re tempting me to return to it :slight_smile:


If you don’t mind me asking, why are you using Ascension instead of Emperor?


I think he’s asking if there’s something he’s aiming for now and if he’s trying to achieve it through the emperor. For example, I want to succeed in the business of A through the emperor.

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I’ll try to remember to get back to this after my doctor’s appt

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Of course, ask away.

I went a little into it in this post, but another reason I hadn’t mentioned there was that, whilst reading on here, it began to dawn on me that, though Emperor was absolutely the fucking shit to me, I would probably benefit from building up a better foundation to help emperor have ‘legs’ to work with.

Does that make sense?


Yes, I suppose it makes sense to work your way up to Emperor by building a foundation with the lighter titles first instead of jumping straight in. It would surely make the reconciliation symptoms more manageable.

Well, I didn’t experience much recon from Emperor as it actually suited my personality. I was truck driving so the social indifference part of it didn’t bother me at first, but noticing my lack of empathy with my lady did.

I was honestly a bit worried though that I would experience recon continuing Emperor at home while healing and not doing anything productive other than bonding with my little family.


@drak Changes have to take place in the inner world before they are reflected in the outer world. The problem is that a lot of the real inner world changes take a very very long time and not in a matter of weeks.

Also, I find this scene in Limitless very meaningful. A lot of things are achieved through experience, and not an overnight rewiring of the brain.

Perhaps New Beginnings could help with Imposter Syndrome, so could I Am, but there’s only this much they could do to compensate for the lack of mindset, attitude, thought processes, leadership, wisdom and most importantly, real-life experience.


I found that module helpful.

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Which is why…

Action is so very, very encouraged here, on the same level as journaling :slight_smile: you’re absolutely right about experience, though.

Anything to report maybe?


I actually felt the same. So I had to dial down Emperor QV2 (after a week’s break) to 1-2 loops a day and added Sage Immortal and Ultimate Creativity to have a wise side to tame the ego of the emperor and the feminine (creativity) to use that confidence and masculine energy to express in all possible ways. That has worked out very well for me. You can read more about it in my post here: