Stomach issues - Has anyone experienced this with any sub?

Initially I thought it’s something I must have ate, or just something else, but after a lot of trial and error I have realized that whenever I listen to Sex Mastery X2 (Qv2), my stomach starts acting funny. I start having growling sounds and if I do multiple loops of this then the stomach issue persists for much longer.

Now I am not saying the sub is causing indigestion, but whatever is being fed to my subcon doesn’t seem to be agreeing with my physical body OR maybe it is temporary and my body is taking time to get used to it because it is a powerful sub. Btw, Sex & Seduction has the same effect on me.

I do not want to discontinue this sub as I have seen amazing results in my sex life but honestly can’t take the constant indigestion and a feeling of fireworks in my belly. Can anyone please enlighten me on wtf could be going on here?


See my posts here : Search results for 'gastric' - Subliminal Results - Real SubliminalClub Reviews and Testimonials


Very interesting. So I am not the only one. I guess we will never know what causes it but one thing is for sure, subcon beliefs do affect our physical health way more than what he have been made to believe. There is a very good series on this by Dr. Bruce Lipton, called “Inner Evolution”. Check it out when you can.