The Waves with ZP

I should have listened to this realization. When I was on Heartsong, the sub showed me that I was deeply attracted to him. Then I noticed that he was a bit unstable and a few days later I knew that Heartsong had removed that attraction from me. He even seemed plain looking to me.

I won’t write a book about what happened, but a friend of that guy I had the crush on over the summer noticed that I liked Jacob, when he did something hilarious and I smiled a little. I was warned by that guy plus another friend of theirs to stay away from Jacob. I don’t know why people can’t just mind their own business, but then something else happened that was out of my control. That door ended up closing and I won’t see him again for another month. It’s probably for the better anyway. It’s really unusual how this all happened.


I went out to get lunch and this guy and his mom who were there eating were so warm to me. We hit it off and just started talking almost like family. Toward the end of the conversation, he kept touching my hand lightly and he even rubbed my back as if he wanted to hug me before I left. He told me that his sister was the director of a local establishment and he and his mom really wanted me to get a job there. If I had been interested, I could have steered the conversation and gotten the contacts and referrals from them, and most likely would have landed the job.

There were a few people nearby, including a girl who works there listening to this as if they are not used to seeing strangers hitting of so well over there. If I had known this was going to happen before I ran ZP, I would have thought that it was so over the top. This felt so natural for me, as if I have been doing this my whole life.


I ran Chosen and Rich tonight.

I ran Chosen first then ran Rich about 25 minutes later.

I felt the aura (if that’s what that is) while running Chosen. Then my partner came home and he’s stunned at how glamorous he says I look. I was wearing zero makeup, hair up in a ponytail. He tells me that he feels special just by being around me. I tell him I had just ran Chosen ten minutes earlier and he says that he feels “Chosen”. He also said that I looked glamorous when I first woke up this morning. I am so glad that he tells me these things since I don’t even see the glamour just yet.

It looks like I’m going to be running two loops every other day. Always Chosen and alternating between Spartan and Rich.


Someone seems to be falling in love with Chosen more than any other sub huh :smirk:?

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The sub feels so natural to me. It feels like it’s me. Like the person who I’ve always been but there was a part of me that would always put a stop to it. I’m glad I’m journaling because there is so much growth happening. I’ve been told that I am not the same person that I was 9 months ago, that I’ve gone through a lot of growth. What I’m seeing with Chosen is really over the top compared to that. I can’t even imagine who I will be a year from now if I keep changing like this.


I had a great time making connections at first glance with strangers and they either said something to me or I made some small comments. There was so much positivity and happiness. I could see the joy in their eyes as they felt good and perhaps even special. It was stranger after stranger, I talked to so many people today.

There is an approachability factor and a lot of guys liked me and wanted to approach me but didn’t have the confidence to do it. That was fine with me since I just wanted to sprinkle people with love to make their lives a little better, and I had such a great time doing it. Some guys felt special by saying hi to me and flirted a little, I was really glad that I could contribute to making them feel more confident. I went out without any makeup, and didn’t even style my hair, yet my hair had more volume to it as if I had styled it.

Last night, I imagined seeing and meeting a really cute guy. It was all pure imagination or so I thought. Then today, the guy got manifested. Not only that, but he really liked me and wanted to come over and talk to me, but I was not alone at that point in time. Later on, I thought, why would I waste that opportunity by not talking to him. Did my subconscious mind reveal this guy to me while I thought I was just having a little fantasy? This is really cool.


Seems like you have unlocked the intentions manifestation from the ZP script :sunglasses:

If you read parts of my journal or posts where I wrote about how I randomly found the things I wanted on sale (like MagSafe Moft wallet and Apple silicone case), not only that, but the ones I found on sale were in the colors that I personally wanted.

Now I know some people might not think it’s a big deal, but how many times did you think about buying something with certain specifications and only those were the ones you found on sale :wink:?

Even the perfumes I manifested (Dior Sauvage, Versace Eros flame) were the ones I randomly intended on getting, like I remember reading the posts on the Wanted thread about perfumes and was like “I’d like to try Sauvage tbh” and boom, got it the next day.

So be careful with what you wish for from now on :rofl:


Thank you @Invictus for explaining all that Genie in a bottle endless wishes program. I have something that I am wishing for so I will focus on that.


I mean, ZP pushes the reality THROUGH you, so doesn’t it make sense that your intentions will manifest too :wink:?


Anyone else excited for Mind’s Eye QZP on top of that? :smiley: Just imagine…


That’s a great point!


I am becoming very outgoing. I feel like I can talk to anybody. A homeless person, a wealthy person and everybody in between. We’re all humans and I don’t judge why someone is the way they are. I can tell when someone is open to talking to me and when they aren’t, so I feel like I won’t make mistakes, have awkward moments or make anybody feel uncomfortable.

I feel so much love realizing these changes in me.

I had a dream last night about my appearance and how my mind is seeing it. My mind is not seeing it as glamour like my guy sees it. My mind is seeing it as a more rare kind of beauty. I’m not seeing it through my own eyes yet, but hopefully soon.


I forgot to mention that I went to the gym late last night, knowing that there wouldn’t be that many people there. There is a man there who always uses the same machine, in the same spot. I wanted to get a feel and a perspective of what it’s like for him to use that machine. I used the machine for about 15 minutes, but then when I came home, I recalled doing that as something that was different for me. I had done that before to other people, but I knew that this time it was different. All of a sudden I had this image in my mind that I know I didn’t actively think, I would never think such a thing about him anyway. :smiley: I saw the way that he sees himself and the way that he sees me. This ability or whatever this is, it’s really over the top. It’s so helpful.


so you put yourself in his shoes to understand his point of view?


There’s this idea that we’re all broadcasters and receivers.So we’re sending and receiving all the time but most people aren’t aware of it consciously. Thought forms or something. Some of us already pick up on those unknowingly and we’re aware just enough that it can give us a hard time in the people world. Like empath type stuff but not knowing how to control it or navigate through it. Like random thoughts and we disapprove of those thoughts and they might not even be ours. Probably more of a black forum topic.


More like I wanted to see what he can and can’t see while he’s there. I learned that he has the best view of the whole gym. He sees almost everything that goes on there. He’s always people watching and observes how I responds to people. Pays too much attention to me, nosy.

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This is so interesting. How do you get access to that forum? I have As above and so below plus Remote viewing and Astral projection.

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I mean, didn’t you use Seductress for quite some time :wink: probably checks you out :joy:

send a support ticket with the order number of AA/SB, they should let you in.

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I’m interested to see how your experience with this person progresses. I’ve been dealing with this for quite some time. It’s not just one person though, it’s usually more than one who pay too much attention to me and are way too nosy about me.That coupled with me being hyper aware of things going on around me and what people are saying etc. Definitely has disrupted my work life to the point that I’m unemployed.They don’t even try to talk to me either they just think I’m some freak show for them to distract from their projections or something.


maybe you can change the way YOU see it…

instead of thinking that they’re paying too much attention to you because they think you’re a “freak”, understand that they might just be intrigued :wink: (which is probably the case)

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