The WANTED Khan Stack

I was an action machine last week and I think a lot of that caught up with me cause I was a bit tired earlier this week. Feeling great now though. Just lowered loops and got extra sleep now I’m back on my grind.

This week it was harder getting into tasks but once I got started everything flowed effortlessly.

Also been craving a lot of carbs (snacky food like popcorn and cheeze its). Seemingly Wanted’s energy requirements. Had a shitty workout yesterday, but today it’s much better (prioritizing sleep helps).

Also, one of my girls who’s been in town was trying to play games I’m just not standing for it knowing I’m the prize and she’s replaceable. Already thinking about upgrading :joy:


Also been called handsome by a number of different people this week. Thanks WANTED!


Awesome results @Ice !

out of curiosity to use headphones or speakers


Thanks brother!

I always use headphones (AirPods pro) for my subs. I tend to keep the volume VERY low which tends to enhance my results.


First time really getting recon on this stack. Feeling fatigued, a bit down, and just like my head is not clear. Taking today off at least to see if things clear up.

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Uff. Explains why am breaking my OMAD these days. WANTED wants junk food :smiley:

Big-ups!!! :+1::+1:

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Yeah it’s weird I’m not craving sweets really. Mostly like salty savory kinds of junk food. I’m assuming it’s due to the energy requirements of WANTED.

Trying to consciously direct these cravings into healthier choices.


Also I feel like recon is not as intense and fades quicker on Qv2.

Original Q I would be out of it for a couple days and completely thrown off my game. Already a few hours after writing that post I feel like I’m recovering much quicker (def not 100% yet but getting back to feeling “myself”)

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One thing that helps tremendously with recon is SLEEP (the legendary @RVconsultant can attest to this) . I’ve been prioritizing sleep the last few days which has dampened the recon quite a bit to the point where it is manageable and I am able to function. I am talking 9, 10, 11 hours of sleep in a night.

The mind and body experiences the most processing and change during rest so I theorize that sleep is the most effective way for integrating these subs (a major reason why I don’t listen to them during sleep).

Think about it like this, your muscles don’t grow DURING a workout. Sure you get a temporary pump, but that is short lived. The real lasting change in strength and physique happens when the body repairs itself during sleep. And I suspect the same is true with subconscious reprogramming through subs.


Taking a week long washout. Think I overdid it a bit with the loops cause ive been feeling so great.

Went out last night and definitely wasn’t on my A game, but happy I put myself out there socially. Met up with one of the girls I hooked up with. She was out with her friends and I came there alone. She was grinding up on me and getting touchy with me. After a while I left to go home cause I could tell she wasn’t going to leave her friends behind, though we made plans to hang out in a few days.

Going out today for my friends birthday. I’m happy to be putting myself out there socially while going through recon as this is a prime opportunity for growth. Formerly when going through recon I would sit at home and kind of “wait it out”, but this is better for me long term since you won’t always be feeling 100% when social opportunities arise.


Had fun with my friends yesterday. Again not feeling 100% but felt good to get out there and be social.

Realizing I need to get out and start cold approaching. It’s something I’ve been putting off for too long and I suspect is the main hindrance to success with the quality of women I truly desire, as my standards keep going up and up.

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It seems my urge to go out and socialize is probably attributed to KhanST3 push for action.


The lotus in your mind has opened.

And a lotus somewhere else has opened.



Day 6 of washout. Still yet to experience any kind of bloom. Have had some good moments but mostly feeling tired and in recon. Very frustrated with my life despite all of the positives since starting this stack.

Hoping to achieve a consistent level of happiness and contentment in my life as I feel like things aren’t going my way at the moment. For example, a bunch of my stuff was stolen today. It’s not really worth getting into, but the important thing I keep reminding myself is that when bad shit happens something incredible is right around the corner.

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Wow I just slept for 13 hours last night. Haven’t done that in a very long time but clearly needed it. My guess is energy requirements of WANTED. Woke up with headaches so trying to drink lots of water to counteract.

But damn when is this going to stabilize? It’s been a week without subs and still feeling shitty.

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I should not be so negative. What I’m experiencing is simply a result of the ups and downs of our times right now. I’ve had some major ups moments and major down moments as well. It seems like a huge fluctuation and I am confident everything will stabilize soon and I will be in a much higher place than ever before.

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Has anyone else been feeling not right this week? I’ve experienced such fatigue to the point where I’m sleeping >12 hours the last few nights and still feeling exhausted. It’s crazy cause I haven’t run subs since last Wednesday and still feel horrible. I was expecting some kind of bloom at this point but each day this week has been progressively worse. It’s like I lost my mojo I had at the beginning of this stack.

I guess I’ll keep resting but damn I’m in a dark place right now


Please every one who is running Qv2 and wanting Q+ to come out soon re-read this above quote.

I’ve taken about 9 days off WANTED. It’s still working. How about a story?

Ever get nervous around women? How about a group of women?

I was eating at one of my local favorites. There was a group of women there having a bit of a party. Five of them. The owner sat with them and invited me over. I sat. I just observed. I wasn’t thinking about getting their attention or how to join in the conversation. I actually was quite surprised what I noticed. The woman whose promotion they were celebrating was being ignored while one woman talked about her ex-boyfriend, as in almost the whole time.

I watched that wondering how a group of friends could meet to celebrate their friend’s promotion and then ignore her?! What kind of friends do such a thing?! Lucky for me, that gave me a way to talk with her without interruption.

Oh, so what’s my point? Zero anxiety in a group of women I didn’t know. That freed up my mind to pay attention to actually notice what was happening, instead of trying to figure out how to get the women’s attention. How about focusing on what’s actually going on, and being able to take effective action based on the situation with the woman or women who might most appealing to me?


Interesting story @RVconsultant, thank you for sharing. What else are you running that may contribute to this, Khan if I recall correctly?

Khan usually obliterates social anxiety, Wanted does as well but in a different way. How are you attributing the effects to Wanted and not Khan? Just curious. Or what else are you running?

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Hope you feel better soon!

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