The Wanted Executive - The High Powers Of Attractiveness

Thing is EF ST4 will make you hungry like a pig because it has EF ST3 in it. I want something that will not make me very hungry if at all and has the fat loss aspects in it hence EF ST2

Exactly what was happening to me! :boom:


LBFH is not for me time to switch for either Empfit ST3 or Limitless Executive.

However on a good note the custom has been so far the best custom I’ve made which I’m happy about.

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What can I say I’m a psychic :star_struck:

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Why not for you?

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One of the reason is this, I do IF every day and since LBFH is a aura focused sub it causes some fatigue and brain fog when I don’t eat and it’s really energy intensive more then Wanted for me.

Also I realized I’m at a stage of life (20) where my most important goals are wealth and fitness and love is just a bonus of it so instead I’m swapping it for Emperor Fitness: Stage 3 to further focus on my fitness goals.

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I IF everyday as well, but noticing I’m hungry early in the morning since LBFH.

Didn’t realize that was probably the cause of that.

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Yeah it was probably the cause of that because of the energetic scripting (Thought I think the physical healing might of been a cause of it as well). Strangely physical shifting doesn’t make me very hungry (Subs like Wanted) but energetic scripting does not sure why. I wouldn’t mind the hunger to be honest much if it wasn’t when I’m starting my cut to get down to 10%.

I usually have to cut my fast down to 4 hours after waking up instead of 5 - 6 because if not neccesarily that I feel hungry (Most of the time I won’t) but I will feel really drained and tired until I do eat (Usually this happens 3 hours after waking up). I know this isn’t IF because I’ve been doing it for 2 years even before subs so it’s definitely something to do with the auras I think because with physical shifting if anything my results are good when I do IF (Will confirm this with Emperor Fitness: Stage 3)

Quick question @SaintSovereign when you have to answer it that would be great. Regarding Emperor Fitness: Stage 3:

Finally, another major part of the Unleasher is the unbelievable reframing of the hormonal system and subsequent release of powerful hormones, all designed to make you truly the best in whatever physical discipline you decide.

I’m assuming that the hormones that would be released would include T3, testosterone, HGH, etc. Would that be correct?

Initial Empfit ST3 results:

  • Reduced appetite when finished a meal and feeling full (This is good because I’m cutting)

  • Feels similar to how my friends described TRT feeling of invincibility, increased motivation, increased energy, faster recovery (Might be Serum X)

  • Sharper mind, increased confidence

  • 2.6 lbs lighter then yesterday

Curious to see how my leg workout will be today;)


Imagine if I ran my custom for a year what could I achieve?

Alright I don’t want to get too happy but my custom + Empfit ST3 seems to be really good right now. What do I mean?

With it I have the motivation and focus that I haven’t felt in a long time like I was reading a book and genuinely wanted to read more and more and was motivated and focused to at least finish 50 pages (Something that a few months ago was hard to do unless I had Limitless to QL in my stack). This is really good since Empfit ST3 could be the key to unlock the productivity I desired with my stack.


Okay Empfit ST3 is going to my favorite list of subs after Stark. Why?

Because it’s literarily steroids in a sub. You get the mentally and physical feeling of TRT, HRT and T3. It’s an amazing feeling and you feel optimal. Only thing is that I have to stop my cut and start more of a muscle growth phase because Empfit ST3 keeps pushing me to do and basically guiding me in that it’s what I need.


Hate it when you guys do that… Everytime someone review a new sub, I want to use it. EF4 is not as good?


It really depends on your goal. Keep in mind since Empfit ST4 has all four stages it will be denser and results would be slower then running just ST3.

Also I don’t wanna run st4 because my custom has basically mini versions of st2 (SPS: Fat Burn) and st1 (Deep Sleep and Serum X).

What attracted me to ST3 is the hormonal benefits it gives (How I see it anyway) similar to TRT, HRT and T3 (The top hormones in my book lol).

So empfit st3 + my custom was a no brain since it’s the ultimate physical shifting sub for me:)

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Some things to mention after my leg workout:

  • New PR strength has been threw the roof. I did 180lbs for 12 reps when last week was 170lbs for 8 reps (Squats).

  • More veiny, more definition everywhere even tho I trained legs.

  • Much better pumps making me look better :wink:

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The goal with this stack is to get a face like Henry Cavill and a body like Jeff Seid (As naturally possible anyway since he’s enchanced) like the games begin :slight_smile:


Thanks for tagging me to keep me updated with peoples experiences on LBH.

@SaintSovereign @RVconsultant can you please confirm does LBFH have a hormone optimization script ?

P.S Libido and hormones are unrelated from what I found out lol but Empfit ST3 in my experience is similar to TRT.

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Mannn I’m loving Empfit ST3, how come I only found out about it right now? It’s literally TRT in a sub. The energy, the focus and the amazing motivation you get (Similar to Emperor) is something I haven’t felt in so long. Only thing is you’d get a bit aggressive but in a controlled way used to be more motivated and have even better workouts.

Also my legs look huge today, can’t wait for today’s Push day.