The Wandering Prince [CFW, StarkQ, Sanguine // Wanted, Mind's Eye, Chosen]

One hero’s journey ends, and another begins… A bit of a WOT, but I am sooo stoked about this next step I’ll be taking in my life, so please excuse me for the massive 'sperging :grin:

We live in turbulent and chaotic times right now. Emotions run high, and everyone is on edge. People are scared and freaked out - maybe even black pilled. Especially so after the trauma incurred in the hearts and minds of people for the past two years - no matter which sides of the many narratives they find themselves on…

Whatever may come and whatever may be, people will still need healing, support, guidance, hope, and most of all - inspiration on how to best empower themselves and ready themselves for whatever the future might bring. All across the board. And I want to be someone that can help people regain their personal agency and power, to sustain themselves, and to inspire others to also take steps to create positive ripples throughout the world. To do that I must first be the kind of person. Someone that people will find worthy, and genuinely so, while still being real to myself. This is for that reason.

For me 2021 was all about me putting my shit together and with DR I was able to. Now I want to make 2022 about me plunging into my potential and to shoulder responsibility and get into the Arena for real. Not just for myself but for also my family, my surroundings, my community, and the world at large. I also want to be less autistic cringe and become more mature, both in my thought processes, my posture and my communication as well.


My current aim is to get my personal health and physique in order first; Subs ofc, destressify, frequent the Temple of Iron, meditate, do Wim Hof, bineural beats, hydration, proper sleep, and proper food. To practice Lucid dreaming and awakening kundalini/uraeus is also part of this in a grander scale but… My very first priority is to take control of my health and personal well being, while also leaning into Arena…

Second priority is to actually get into the Arena. To me that would be to start writing. Both fiction and non-fiction. Both online and offline. I have yet to figure it out, but I want to write to inspire, to challenge, and to share my insights and and life experience, as well as provide a broader perspective on things, both small and large.

So… why “Wandering Prince” ?

Well, the ‘Wandering’ part is both a reference to my more woo-woo oriented goals (which I will write more about separetley in the Black Forum), but also that I don’t have a fixed place in today’s various narratives, politics, and ideas. I’m both liberal and illiberal, both conservative and progressive, and I draw insight from both the femenist sphere as well as the ‘manosphere’, and have been through both a transition AND a de-transition. I wish to trying to bridge the many chasms and to understand what the hell is going on, and I want to share my at times unique(ish) perspective on things. I try to discern the veritable collective Shadow-Self of society itself, and to understand how we can deal with it as a whole. How to individuate it on a meta-scale.

The second part is a reference to being a ‘Philosopher Prince’ which is actually a reference to being a ‘Philosopher King’ - but calling myself that feels ah… uhm… both cringe and pretentious. But the idea is the same: “The philosopher king is a hypothetical ruler in whom political skill is combined with philosophical knowledge.”

Think Alexander the Great and Marcus Aurelius. And add to that the physique of a Greek Demi-God, with developed and genuine spirituality - and that’s where I aspire to be. All for the Greatest Glory.

What that means for me specifically is something that I will keep for myself for now… but I can say that it is The Thing that I want to accomplish in my life - that which would bring me “the greatest glory” if accomplished. And yes, as cringey as it might sound… at least there is no lack of ambition here. And yes, I too draw inspiration from another Philosopher Prince out there. A first among equals. If you know him, you know of whom I speak.

So, now to the stacks!

I’ve been feeling out a few different ZP’s, and I’ve finally decided on the stacks that I will run with initially:

Stack #1 will be CFW, StarkQ, Sanguine
Stack #2 will be Wanted, Mind’s Eye, Chosen

I’ll run this in the 21/5/21 recommended listening pattern, and I will do that twice for a total of 90-some days for starters. Now of course I will have to abandon the Gregorian Calendar in favor of the Subclubian “recommended listening pattern” calendar system. I tried to squeeze it all in to be aligned with weeks and months, but my autism didn’t agree with that - at all… :sweat_smile:

On the roadmap are titles like Emperor, UA, Sage, DR-ZP, PCC, Inner Circle, Commander, GMX, Ascended Mogul, Love Bomb… there will probably others but that’s the general direction for the year ahead.

And as a last note, with all that being said, I will vehemently refrain from discussing anything political here on this forum. I don’t want to risk casting any negative shadows on SC, in any way. Thus I will only share my personal progress and my personal story - but only that. Political discussions can be held elsewhere, though I am however open to DM’s if anyone wish to do a battle of wits sometime! :relaxed:

So. Now I’m off to the next cycle of this hero’s journey. Wish me luck haha, I’ll need it :grin:

I actually figured this out.

If you listen on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and then take a break every third Friday, you automatically have an 17-day on, 4 day off listening schedule. 2 day break every week, and it’s matched to the gregorian calendar.

Wrote about it here


Amazing - precisely what I needed! Thank you for sharing :grin:


Have been doing CFW, StakQ and Sang for approx 1 1/2 week, and so far the effects are subtle.

I really felt CFW initially as I felt calmer, and Sang does improve my mood. I’ve yet to measure the effects on StakQ since I need to engage “with it” a lot more. Reaching out to people, study, etc… But I am confident that it will not only help me but that it will be a crucial part in my endeavor. I will be interacting with a lot more people and do a lot more reading and learning this year.

And with the release of DRZP I will most likely add it (stage 4) to my stacks after I’m done with this. I can’t wait for PCC, Commander, and Inner Circle to be released in ZP. Minds will be blown. Or, well, mine, at least :sweat_smile:

Fortunately I’ve learned patience and temperance when it comes to my stacks, so I’ll stick to the plan.
So, steady as she goes!

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I’ve noticed that I get a lot more attention than before. Like people looking at me with a sort of curiosity, like they don’t really know why? I get glances from all kinds of people… though not in a romantic way. I guess thats the StarkQ scripting :grin:

Though I’ve felt tired lately, exhausted, really. Maybe It’s time to do a washout and rest for a bit?

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