The Six Skills of Business Mastery

I wonder what would be the best custom subliminal based on The Six Skills of Business Mastery that was mentioned by Rafael Badziag in his book, “The Billion Dollar Secret”, where he wrote about his interviews with 21 self-made BILLIONAIRES

Perhaps Sub Club could do an upgraded version of Ecstasy of Gold…

Anyway, I’ll most likely be giving this a try.

The Six Skills of Business Mastery.

1:: Logical Thinking

It’s quite obvious that in order to do business you need common sense, but you also need to think logically. Realize that your brain is your most valuable asset. And the better you can use it, the further you will get.

Modules: Virtuoso Mathematica, Instant Business Tactician, Market Weaver

2:: Understanding People

Other people can be your greatest obstacle or your vehicle to success. Learn to cope with them. - Rafael Badziag.

Understanding what they want, and enable them to achieve their goals while helping you to achieve yours, determines your success.

Modules: Power Can Corrupt, Informaticon, All-Seeing, Eagle Eye,

3:: Relationships

Doing business means building a relationship with people. The people you have around you determine your future. You need to choose them carefully. The depth of your relationship matters the most, not the size of your network.

Modules: Inner Circle, Transcendental Connections, Negative People Remover

4:: Communication

Communication and storytelling are indispensable in public relations, marketing, and also sales. Remember this: Storytelling is everything.

Modules: Sacred Word, Dragon Tongue, Ultimate Writer, Direct Influencing Aura

5:: Selling

Without sales, there is no business! if you want to be successful in business, become a good salesperson. All the billionaires, the author interviewed for this book are excellent salespeople.

Modules: Dragon Tongue,Transcendental Connection, Informaticon

6:: Leadership

“Business is a team effort. It’s not just money; it’s the involvement of other people in the process. Some people are very successful because they are strong individual performers. A 100-meter-run guy can run very fast. Team sports are different than that. If the coach says ‘You run that way’ and you run the other way, you are getting yanked off the team. You are not going to be on the field too long.” - Jack Cowin

Modules: Leader of Men, Alpha of Alphas, Mastermind

Other required modules

Lifeblood Fable to shape your reputation
Furious Ascent to enable you be a risk-taker (no pain no gain)
Machine/Productivity Unleashed Extreme Focus on Goals


Sounds like HoM – awesome post!

Very interesting! Thanks for opening this!

  1. List item

  2. Logical Thinking - you could also add QL ST2 . HOM too

  3. HOM would also cover- 2, 3, 5 and 6 for sure

Yup. That one covers all six skills. :ok_hand:t2:

Along with Medici & RICH, that’s pretty much the Official Billionaire Stack. :slight_smile:


StarkQ!! :wink:

Great post! Didn’t know this book. I’m buying it now!

It brings to my mind a recent stack I’m running, which includes: Emperor + HoM + R.I.C.H + The Executive.

For me, Emperor is indispensable for anyone who desires to become such a top-notch, high-valuable and outlier individual that a billionaire is.

And Emperor combined with HoM + R.I.C.H. and The Executive (as a booster), hardly another combo can beat this one for the purpose of becoming a “supreme being” of Mammon’s Reign!

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lol, you literally just listed all the modules I’m going to use in my upcoming Atlas Custom. @King, you’ve outdone yourself with this one, outstanding post, and thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

Check it out:


I would like to add that do not skip on the healing. Run EoG1 and Dragon Reborn.

EoG took me to the next level. And the most important part was the clearing of negative beliefs regarding wealth.

Do NOT skip it.


Agreed. I got a healing custom with EoG stage 1.

I feel like all seeing module can be added to this, since it help with reading people just my two cent

Ok just added.

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What’s in this stuff?

Essentially Khan, Power Can Corrupt, and Inner Circle with almost every module you described in this thread besides the Alpha ones.

I think I need to purchase his book called Not Nice.
I always quoted Churchill saying We make a living by what we get, We make a life by what we give!..

That motto has turned sour for me

Look up Adam Grant’s book Give and Take.


Thank you, I will do!


Added Eagle Eye as well as some other modules from the Module Pack 4.