The Rise of the Sexy Alchemist

@AMASH my reasoning goes a little like this.

ST1 has a lot of energy and spiritual cleansing/healing, plus manifestation of the best spiritual path. So for me Sex Masteryx2 is the perfect complement due to its sexual healing, being sexual energy so important in the development of higher consciousness.

ST2 works for the development of spiritual/energetic skills you already have, and the learning of new ones. So Limitless fits this by enhancing learning processes.

About ST3

The third stage, the stage of Awakening, focuses on awakening your spiritual reality and potential. With Awakening, you will no longer be skeptical of spirituality – you will know it and live it.

With that comes great power, with great power sometimes its easy to become abusive or to be manipulated to use it for negative purposes.
I feel PCC will strenghten my ability to recognize the way power its being used and to be further shielded from negativity and manipulation, and of course to not doit yourself.


That is a very sound reasoning @anon2351792

I look forward to reading your next journal: The Alchemy of Power



Being truly happy is what its all about :sunglasses:


Either you are older than I envisioned you or you are an Olympic athlete. The ways to get that low a heart rate are very limited. Unfortunately for you, the horizontal mambo is not an official Olympic discipline.

Yes, I’m not being insightful for a change, I’m aware. It’s the weekend, mmkay? :wink:


It’s the Wim Hof method. It stretches the boundaries of normal parasympathetic and sympathetic activity. Nice job @anon2351792.


That sounds very interesting @Malkuth. I wonder what does that means in english :joy:
Im gonna read about it.

So, you may recall that the somatic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that voluntarily responds to external stimuli and that the autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that involuntarily regulates internal body functions. Additionally, the autonomic nervous system can be further subdivided into two divisions: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system .
Both of these systems control the same group of body functions, but they have opposite effects on the functions that they regulate. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for intense physical activity and is often referred to as the fight-or-flight response . The parasympathetic nervous system has almost the exact opposite effect and relaxes the body and inhibits or slows many high energy functions. The effects of the parasympathetic nervous system can be summarized by the phrase ’ rest and digest '.


Yes. The overall nervous system is all about information exchange and coordination of activity and responses. Works to preserve balance, integrity, and coordination both 1) within the organism and 2) between the organism and its external environment.

Autonomic means ‘automatic’. The autonomic branch of the nervous system coordinates the automatic processes in our bodies. Internal organs and so on. Two very important automatic processes are breathing and heart beat. (Hence your results.)

Breathing is special because it can be both automatic and under conscious control. Wim Hof’s method takes advantage of this special quality of breathing to create a doorway through which we can consciously influence
some of our unconscious functioning. Many meditation approaches try to use the same strategy.

Turns out there’s fairly hard science behind some (not all) of the ‘woo-woo’ stuff.


Day 27 - 291 hours of ST1 and 98 hours of SMx2

Nothing to report for now, just keeping a log of the loops.
A general sense of calmness and lots of sexual energy moving through.


Is it possible to create a custom column for the foobar playcount, or do I always need to export? I’d love having a quick overview in my player.

That Wim Hof sounds interesting, I should really look into it with the amount of times it’s been mentioned lately. I know there are many benefits to resisting the cold, but what are the benefits of holding your breath? At least in the context of your journey?


Is it possible to create a custom column for the foobar playcount, or do I always need to export? I’d love having a quick overview in my player.

Yes it is possible, I think you need Custom UI, foobar is highly customizable but not too user friendly, let me search for a tutorial.

I know there are many benefits to resisting the cold, but what are the benefits of holding your breath? At least in the context of your journey?

In that link you can see the benefits of the breathing.

Now in the context of my journey I find the breathing extremely useful because I can reach deep levels of quietness inside my mind while Im holding my breath, with no air in the lungs.
During some meditations I discovered that I stopped breathing and my mind just stopped… no thoughts… no activity.
That led me to try WHM to be able to stretch the amount of time I can explore the “no mind” spacetime. If that makes sense to you.


@DarkPhilosopher check this out,111096.0.html

You need to have foobar installed plus two components. Columns UI (CUI) and Playback Statistics. You can find both in foobars web page. After install you open foobar and select CUI as main interface in the pop up window, you go to the tabs in the playlist and follow the link instructions.


@anon2351792 - Even though am a Christian, I have a fondness for the image and philosophy of Shiva and Shakti.

They do represent many things just like Yang and Yin. Masculine and Feminine. Heaven and Earth. Light and Dark. Conscious mind and Subconscious mind. Etc.

And in the tradition of the Kundalini experience (where your third eye opens and you reach enlightenment), Shiva and Shakti represent the rise of Shakti/Energy(from the lower most Chakra in the body) up the spine towards Shiva/Conciousness (the uppermost Chakra).

This is another meaning of the “staff of hermes” which shows two serpents crawling up a pole (a symbol which is also used as a logo by the pharmaceutical industry). And is also the symbol in the Bible where Moses raises the serpent on a pole so that all who are bitten by snakes can look at it and live. Serpent is a metaphor for enlightenment because the energy/Shakti (which is coiled up like a snake in the lower Chakra) uncoils and climbs up the spine to meet consciousness/Shiva.

Another reason why the story of “the fall” in the garden of Eden is more a story of a “Rising” because the “serpent” “tempts” Eve (Shakti) to eat the apple and give it to Adam (Shiva) thus “opening their eyes to KNOW” which is more a tale of enlightenment rather than “sin”.

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You have it absolutely right, @anon2351792. The story manifests in many forms. At this moment, it also manifests inside you (Shakti racing towards Shiva) just as it shows itself outwardly in your attraction to your girl (the attraction between Shakti and Shiva).

Also, I have taken Shiva and Shakti to be a lesson in Balance. Not perfect balance for me, mind you, else it will all be boring, but in the balance of accepting and embracing duality in our Oneness.

Will leave you with my favorite Shiva&Shakti for your already gorgeous collection:


Perfectly said on the topic of Balance, @anon2351792


Haha that cracked me up :sweat_smile:


Well, are you any of those thoughts or feelings? Who or what is aware of those thoughts or feelings?


Thanks for sharing your results with us. It was realy interesting to follow your journal.
I decided to switch from Khan ST3 to Alchemist and Sex Mastery two days ago.
Will post a journal with more infos but the idea to combine both subs triggered something in me.


Why is that so? Could you please elaborate a bit more


woow, that sounds very impressive. :hugs: and you are not the only one reporting good things either.

Thinking about adding it to my Khan st4 stack - but I heard Sex Mastery is full included in Khan


That’s an awesome report on SM, @anon2351792. I plan to do it myself after I am done with achieving a minimum of my health and wealth goals.