The Rebirth Of Ouroboros

Asking support about Inner Blaze

Module #12 is the Power Can Corrupt core

HOM - Wealth, Sales, Networking, Drive
PCC - Wealth, Sales, Networking, Drive*
Victory’s Call - Drive
Cosmic Wealth - Wealth
Plateau Transcendant - Drive
Safety Net - Wealth
Power Talk - Networking, Sales
The Aligner - xxx
Light Of Humility - Networking, Drive
Machine Rest - Drive
Joie De Vivre - Drive
Gentleman’s Speech - Sales, Networking
Eye Of The Storm - Drive
Financial Success Reality Shifter - Wealth
Dominion - Results Enhancer, Sales, Networking

But honestly I wasn’t planning on adding PCC as a core, so, it’s making me feel like I might even be able to remove lifeblood fable, since PCC does that. Everything else I’ll stick to religously as promised.

*and yes, PCC does work on drive, both by motivating you to get others to do the work for you and by encouraging you to narrow your focus onto only the highest ROI use of your energy… or at least, that’s what the book has as one of the laws.


Officially ordered the custom!


@azriel check it out

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beautiful, really well done.

Are you stacking it ? edit: You answer EOG

Aligner I suppose is for physical well being

Why no True Sell still? Edit: I think you mentioned it made you too social or influencing of everything. I do want to say that element of it has subsided down enormously in my second month on it.

I really want to hear how PCC effects sales.

I think I steered away from that one because it was more defensive, I was worried I would over prospect and filter rather than ‘enroll’ lower probability leads. In my sales work- lead quality is important- but you can turn worse quality lead into huge sales.

I’ve been running EOG1 for so long that even if I run EOG1 alongside this, I consider it a “solo” run almost….

But I’ll be stacking it alongside sanguine elixir for the foreseeable future, and loops of EOG1

Sanguine elixir has remarkably increased my overall ability to listen to subs without recon, and it’s really helped in getting results on a specific sub faster, almost the same way that Rebirth was advertised as helping improve results of whatever sub you’re running, as elixir heals beliefs stopping you from executing the sub perfectly

Then I’ll eventually add in the later stages of EOG

I also really miss the limitless executive! But not looking to stack too much too quickly.

If I want, after a while, I’ll replace EOG1 for my custom that has EOG1 + RICH + a bunch of productivity modules

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This was exactly the reason, initially

But also… HOM and EOG have just been working INSANELY well

So i haven’t needed to look around for other subs and test out alternatives

I added PCC just out of curiosity at first, and when I did, I felt like I instantly boosted my quality of interactions with my internal team, I manifested a 1hr phone call with an extremely famous sales coach and ended up on his podcast, and me and my CEO were tight all of a sudden.

PCC is good for sales probably but it’s god mode for the way it makes me interact with the people in my life

I believe my exact reason was “I’m doing incredible things, now I need PCC to turn those things into a reputation instead of doing what I’m doing but going unnoticed.”


Can you elaborate on this?

Have you tested ROM + EOG1? Any opinion on the added value of ROM in this combo? I think it would be better than a Limit Destroyer + EOG1 combo.

well… yes i sort of have.

I had run 9 months of EOG, then I ran a few loops of ROM and a few loops of DR ST1, literally no more than 3 loops of each, and then next thing you know, my whole life was upside down, i realized i didn’t want my business anymore, that I wanted to go a different direction, and then the opportunity to go into that direction totally manifested.

I wanted to work for a very specific person, and he told me no, so i went to his sales manager, and then he told me no too, and then i went to someone else, and he said no too, but finally there was a new sales manager and I sent him some stuff of mine as proof I can sell, and he loved it so much, vouched for me, changed the CEO’s mind said they had to hire me.

If I didn’t have my purpose (a very ROM feature) and my unlimited wealth mindset (a very EOG mindset) i doubt that would’ve happened.

But I haven’t actually done any extended work with ROM


My last job I applied 5 fives times and they rejected me 4 times. You are right you need to be in a specific mindset to be that persistent. Thanks for the review.

Do you think this is the reason you make around 15 k per month with and average of 5 hours work per day. Or it was before EOG ST1?

it’s 100% the reason, literally it’s 100% the reason, before EOG1 i was doing almost nothing. I had a sense of what my business could be, but i couldn’t get it to succeed, then with EOG1, because EOG1 improved my sales skills so much, it skyrocketed


On EOG ST1 I was suddenly attracted to psychology and was attending those classes. And also was thinking of opportunities to build a business out of that.

I see @hoppa liking that, that adds TREMENDOUS amount of confirmation on that haha.

Do you think the whole Khan being social will hinder the wealth progress of EOG or any other wealth titles?

I want to be like Donald Trump, having no talents but just influencing people to make money for me haha.


In my opinion EOG ST1 is the single most important sub.

Most of us have hangups about wealth. Money might not make you happy, but it sure does make your life easier.


While I do think that running EOG and Khan at the same time would be a bit intense…. I don’t think there’s any actual interference between the results of the two subs.

I’ve posted previously that EOG1 was SO helpful for my sex and romantic life.

ALL limiting beliefs around my sexual value being related to my monetary value were completely shattered. I used to have a lingering fear my partner would leave me or would wish I were richer. Now I have unshakeable confidence in my worth. I’m very open to people about the fact that I never worry about my gf cheating on my because if she does that’s her loss. That’s a very Khan-Like effect.

But that was related only to money beliefs - yet money beliefs are the crux of all our beliefs, as money is at the forefront of our entire society.

So it’s not surprising that I got sexual results from a non-sexual sub, no more than it would be surprising to get sexual results from DR.

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@James please note that in this thread we’re talking about EOG1 got me to 13k usd / mo working about 5 hours a day, and @Hoppa used EOG1 to scale his business to incredible heights, I forget the exact number, but I believe it’s over a 7 figure annual, and he has a stark difference in his revenue before/after EOG1.


Love the conversation we’re having here so I won’t close this thread but please note that my new journal is on my HOM/PCC custom thread

Thank you for tagging me. I wasn’t aware of what you have accomplished with EOG St 1. I have that in my stack currently with Index Gate.